HomeBlogOthers$1,000 PROFIT - Asetpay Network Airdrop Full Guide | Completely Free Testnet Airdrop #testnetairdrop

$1,000 PROFIT - Asetpay Network Airdrop Full Guide | Completely Free Testnet Airdrop #testnetairdrop

  1. Introduction to Nitron Crypto Airdrop
  2. Details of the Test Net Airdrop Process
  3. Tokenomics and Distribution of Asset Pay Tokens
  4. Claiming the Asset Pay Tokens through Test Network
  5. Process of Claiming Asset Pay Airdrop Tokens
  6. Interacting with Asset Token and Claiming Airdrop
  7. Steps to Claim Asset Pay Tokens through Discord and Metamask
  8. Verification and Minting of Asset Pay Tokens

Introduction to Nitron Crypto Airdrop

Thank you [Music]. So hey guys, welcome back to my channel nitron crypto. So today, as you have seen, the terminal is going to be a very interesting airdrop and here it will be the easiest test net airdrop ever in the cryptocurrency market. And here, the airdrop is confirmed, and they have confirmed their tokenomics also. That will be almost 15 percent of the tokenomics or the total supply, 15 will be given for the airdrop.

Details of the Test Net Airdrop Process

Those who will do the test net process, and the process, as I said, will be the easiest ever in the test net category. So this is going to be a very interesting video and we could say a weekend special video also. Let me talk about the tokenomics uh first, and then I'll be sharing with the proofs, and our steps will be completed within one minute, our testing steps will be completed, and we will be qualified for this airdrop, and we will be getting almost from the 15 million token airdrop we'll be getting this token. So total supply of this is 100 million.

Tokenomics and Distribution of Asset Pay Tokens

I'll be explaining you directly in their tokenomics itself, and then I'll be sharing you this step. So as you can see, total supply will be 100 million of this token and 15 will be the test net token. That means it will be given to those who do their testnet process or the test net stuff. So today, we'll be completing that, and we'll be qualified for the 15 million token airdrops, and we'll be getting their tokens completely free.

Claiming the Asset Pay Tokens through Test Network

And what is their token name? The token name is known as asset pay and it's almost very new here. So 5 percent you can say the tokenomics, everything is given here for the founders, 5 percent team and advisor exchange. Supply the highest is so as you can see the test net airdrop and you can just see the proofs everything I have shown here, so we'll be moving on directly to the airdrop, and we'll be completing the step and finishing the video quite very very soon. So we'll be moving directly to that.

Process of Claiming Asset Pay Airdrop Tokens

So before that, if you haven't subscribed to our channel, do subscribe and hit the Bell icon right away and don't forget to give us a like for this video. This I have done my research and brought you such airdrops for completely free and also if you haven't watched our previous video regarding the automatic profits daily, where you can automatically earn 400 automatic way and it is in the don't forget to watch that you can 100 earn and make your earnings without risk free and a guaranteed profit is also there in this binance exchange automatic profit video.

Interacting with Asset Token and Claiming Airdrop

So we'll be moving on now to the main topic of today, and this is the asset token. Their Twitter handle you can say asset pay very quite low followers right now; this is not having so much high but definitely this token will be coming up and it will be listing, and you can see it is working around along with Aptos Network.

Steps to Claim Asset Pay Tokens through Discord and Metamask

So I'll be opening my metamask now, and guys, as you can see, you have added the token a network here and you have got the token also first you won't be getting these three azeta tokens so how exactly you're going to get this I'll be telling you and these three tokens are necessary to do the test net process. We need to have some faucet or the tokens to do the test net process so what exactly you're going to do I'll be giving you one more link that will be directed to the Discord Channel and once you come to the Discord Channel, you have to verify here accept the invite, and they'll be having the verification here you should be verifying it they'll be giving you a captcha and you should be putting it correctly, you should be answering that correctly and then only you will be approved here, the captcha will be case sensitive that means if they have shown you the capital c you should be writing it as a Capital C itself and if they have shown you any small letters you have to give that in small letters only so what exactly you have to write here I'll be giving that in the telegram Channel you have to write and give your address or send address here so first of all, as you can see many addresses are provided here so Zeta chain faucet drip you should be writing it so as you can see Zeta faucet drip you should be writing that in the comment box here and then followed by your valid address so valid address where exactly you'll be getting is from the metamask itself you can copy this wallet address as you can see, it's above here you can just copy it and paste it over here don't worry I'll be giving you the writings what exactly you have to write in my telegram Channel you just need to write that paste that and within a few seconds as I have received, you will be receiving the faucet so once you have received the faucet next thing will be the claiming process which will be in their official website itself so guys, that will be done with one more link uh that will again will be provided in the Telecom Channel first of all you need to connect your metamask and here you can see if you scroll down here you will be having the option of mint and three pass so you should be minting that entry pass after connecting your network so this is entry pass system users encryption and identification to pre-word fraud and unauthorized access so asset pattern enables better control and over admittance boosting event security so attendee safety is their priority.

Verification and Minting of Asset Pay Tokens

So we'll be skipping all that our balance everything will be shown after we connect the two metamask once you press on connect to metamask it will be giving you the request as you can see you should be accepting the request press on next press on connect and it will automatically connecting and then go back to asset here and once it will be connecting here you can just mint the token or the mean the nft which they are asking here so let's wait till the connection is shown will be refreshing it again congratulations while it is connected they have shown as now press on mint entry pass so once you meet on Entry Plus again a request will be called as you can see in metamask the request has called so once you press on this some 0.5 faucets will be taken here and press on confirm I have done two times so two times the contract has come and then you can come back here and then your nfts will be qualified your balance will be shown here your address will be shown here then as you can see mint is successful and this is the main thing they'll be noting our valid address and we'll be qualified according to that and don't forget to join the Discord Channel previously also those who have joined the Discord channel in so airdrop as they have maintained that rule and this token also will be maintaining maybe it will be Forsu FSI will be joining the Discord Channel also so our mint was successful and as you can see the request has come so everything was done if you want to read you can just read their rules again so we have completed it this as I said is a very simple airdrop Chestnut airdrop and if you want to Mint one more you can just mint it and where exactly you will be checking that down you can just come to the nft section here it will be showing you here the nfts and all the thing will be done later for now this is the only step you have to do and if you want to interact with them or just mint one more nfts also that's also possible and you'll be getting the faucets also so this is that that's all in this video or in this test net airdrop coming from the asset pay so regarding the payment of their airdrop I have already said according to the supply 15 percent that is 15 million will be there it drops so hope you guys will take this as a reminder for you and hope you guys will join this airdrop which is very simple and quite quick too so that's all for today guys thanks for watching lots of love from Team nitron.

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