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⭐ 2 Free $ARB Token Crypto Airdrop ⭐ 100% free $ARB & $Frame Airdrop Claim | New Crypto Loot

  1. Introduction to Arbitrum Token and New Airdrop
  2. Exploring Frame Network and Participating in the Arbitrum Airdrop
  3. Bridging Process in Test Net and Token Rewards with Trust Wallet
  4. FAQ

Introduction to Arbitrum Token and New Airdrop

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Iron Crypto. In this article, I'll be talking about two important airdrops. One will be the Arbitrum token. Everyone is well known about the Arbitrum token. So this is having a $10,000 worth of Arbitrum in their reward. We'll be claiming and joining that particular airdrop for completely free. Also, one more important airdrop, which is new and this is having a very, very strong kind of feelings and they are having an airdrop which is coming up sooner. And we can be joining it now to be the early early users where we can 100% be guaranteed about their airdrop. So we'll be talking about that also in this particular video. Very important video, two of that you have to join without failing it to join. Because those are very, very important. I would say you with the proof, then I'll be moving on to the steps, what exactly the steps are to complete this particular airdrop.

Exploring Frame Network and Participating in the Arbitrum Airdrop

Before moving forward, if you haven't joined our Channel yet, do subscribe and join our telegram Channel. Also, don't forget to like and subscribe. So, first thing will be about the frame Network here. The frame Network will be for creators and collectors here. As you can see just 3,700 followers are there but you can see the golden tick mark. So this thing will be telling you how big this project can be, how legit it is because the golden tick Mark will be not able to buy. This will be given by the Twitter handle itself after seeing how legit it is. And also the main thing, the CEO of mcoin. So mcoin aop we have joined, he is the CEO of the main meme coin with the 2.1 million followers. He is following this particular page of frame Network. So you can just imagine how big it is. So there is an announcement also as you can see here this is a test net to open to everyone but it is get towards devs looking to explore friend. But don't worry, something big is coming for everyone. Something big is coming up, so we'll be joining this particular platform. Very simple task you have to do. Then we'll be joining up the Arbitrum airdrop, a token airdrop where we will be getting up $10,000 worth of the Arbitrum in rewards. So we'll be just checking on and joining that also.

Bridging Process in Test Net and Token Rewards with Trust Wallet

After we do this particular airdrop, just a one-minute task you have to do. And once you do that, you'll be able to join on this particular thing for now. This is a bridging process. So first of all, you can see the connect wallet option here at the top. Just press on connect wallet and once you press on connect wallet, it will be asking you to select metamask here. So I'll be just doing that. So once your wallet is getting connected, so it is taking some time to load here. So I'll be just quickly telling you the process. You need to have sapoia testnet. Hope everyone is having because this I have told you many times how you can get it for completely free, the testnet token of Saia. If you don't have, I'll be providing you the link. You just need to paste your metamask address, that is metamask wallet address you have to paste it. And once you paste your metamask wallet address, it will be giving you testnet token. So here you have to enter suppose you're entering one you have to enter and frame testnet will be at the below and just need to press on bridge. This bridge option will be coming up here in the black button here. Now it is showing connect. So you'll be getting Bridge option and once you bridge, you'll be having a request in metamask, accept that and your tokens will be bridged here. And similarly, you have to withdraw, same thing from frame to sapoia back to sapoia. That is once you are depositing from sapoia to frame and next is withdrawing frame to test net, so frame to saoa. So this is the simple task you have to do. If you do it every weekly once, you can do it for increasing your activity or you can say it as you are more active in this particular platform you can do that. This is all we have from the frame. Now we have to do it in the test net. So frame test net ends. We'll be getting up the link for that will be also be provided in our telegram channel here. This is the link you have to paste your what you can say metamask wallet address. Once you press your metamask wallet address so the metamask is also loading some error is there in the web browser I feel. So metamask wallet address. I know you guys know how exactly you going to get it, so you have to paste that and you'll be getting the frame tokens also. This is all regarding the frame. We'll be coming up with the next update. Don't ignore it since it is very simple but don't ignore it. That's what I want to tell you. Next thing will be about a token Orr here. It is unlock the new trust wallet brand share 10,000 in A and this will be ending on the 13th of November. As you can see the 13th of November there is a date. So what you have to do is follow them on trust, trust wallet on X. So this is from trust wallet. You all know how trust wallet is and then we have some quiz answers to follow. This is the quiz answers which I'll be providing you in the telegram Channel itself. So, first of all we'll be connecting our, there will a connect option press on metamask and once you press on metamask, it will be taking you. And here you have the option to select metamask or okx. So I'll be selecting metamask here and once I select metamask I'll be getting the request here in the metamask itself as you can see right now. And once you get that request just press on next and just press on connect make sure you're giving your free account that is the free balance account. And once you do that, it will be giving you a sign-in message also where you need to accept the signature again here in the metamask itself that is a simple thing you guys know that. And once you do that guys what you have to do come back again and follow them on Twitter and all that thing you have to do it easy thing you have to do, follow them on Twitter first of all connect X. It will be binding your Twitter handle here and once the binding is done you'll be following them Plus on authorize app and once you press on authorize app it will be binding your Twitter handle to this particular website here. So once you do that what is the next thing you have to do is just follow and you have to answer the quiz. So quiz answers I'll be giving you in the telegram Channel and also here in this particular video also let me just find up your answers for you. So this is the first answer 2017 which was the year the First Trust order was launched just press on confirm and the second answer is option number c and you can see here just press on confirm and the third answer will be option number a and the fourth answer will be option number D all of the above and the fifth answer will be option number c just press on that and press on confirm and download trust wallet you have already downloaded it just press on verify after you download it and then your answer submission will be review so manually and will not turn green until then so please fill your trust wallet address will be in invalid for participant after verification. So it will be asking your trust wallet address you'll be putting up any trust wallet address of your choice. So I'll be just putting up here trust wallet I'll be opening up and I'll be using this particular BNB here and copying this particular address and I'll be going up so this will go under review once you pay so they will be reviewing it and they will be submitting your answers once the verification is done about your trust wallet and this thing trust following them you can easily do that to increase the points and you'll be getting this. This will be ending up on the 13th of November after that we'll be getting the results regarding this particular token reward so each people can get up to one, I guess, so 10,000 rewards will be distributed for 10,000 people that means you'll be getting one AR token. Let's see what is the result of that. So that's all for today guys thanks for watching hope you guys have understood the video I'll be meeting you in the next video until then.


Q: What does the first article talk about?
A: The first article discusses two important airdrops - one related to the Arbitrum token and another new airdrop with significant potential rewards.
Q: What is the key information provided in the second article?
A: The second article explores the Frame Network, highlighting its features for creators and collectors. It also explains the process of participating in the Arbitrum airdrop.
Q: What does the third article focus on?
A: The third article primarily covers the bridging process in the test net and token rewards using Trust Wallet. It provides a detailed guide on how to perform the necessary tasks to participate in the airdrop.

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