Kalodata Share

Effortlessly share Kalodata Professional and Kalodata Enterprise accounts

Make your Kalodata Professional or Kalodata Enterprise account shareable, allowing multiple users to access Kalodata Professional or Kalodata Enterprise simultaneously across devices without exposing account credentials and passwords. Start your group buy business with popular tools like Kalodata Professional, Kalodata Enterprise, and more!


About Kalodata account



Kalodata is a data analytics and insights tool for TikTok shop. By providing information on trending products, talented influencers, trending short videos, quality livestreams, market research, competitive analyses, we can help TikTok shop sellers/brands/creators/affiliates make better and data-driven decisions to increase their sales and revenues, as well as boost the efficiency of day-to-day operations.


1. Go to https://www.kalodata.com/.

2. Click 'Sign Up' to register a new account.

3. Enter your email address and create a password to set up your account. Alternatively, you can register and log in using your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account.

4. Complete account verification to finalize your Kalodata account registration.



Account typeCostExplain
Starter$45.9 USD/monthDesigned for individuals. Includes 50 search submissions per day, 10 shops/creators in search results, 100 detail pages per day, 90-day range for data viewing, Video-Ads analysis, but no access to creator contacts or shop detail pages. No sub-accounts available.
Professional$89.9 USD/monthIdeal for small teams. Includes 1 sub-account, 250 search submissions per day, 500 shops/creators in search results, 500 detail pages per day, 180-day range for data viewing, Video-Ads analysis, access to creator contacts, and the ability to export 1,000 creator contacts per month.
Enterprise$399.9 USD/monthTailored for enterprises with more than 5 users. Includes 6 sub-accounts, unlimited search submissions per day, unlimited shops/creators in search results, unlimited detail pages per day, 180-day range for data viewing, Video-Ads analysis, access to creator contacts, export up to 10,000 creator contacts per month (2,000 entries at a time), one-on-one professional consulting service, and one customized data export report per month.

Usage restrictions

1. Kalodata accounts are intended for single-user usage and should not be shared with others, as this may violate Kalodata's terms of service.

2. Excessive simultaneous logins or unauthorized access attempts may trigger account security measures, leading to suspension or termination.

3. Kalodata collects user data for service improvement, so users should avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information within the platform.

4. Kalodata prohibits unauthorized modifications, reverse engineering, or derivative works of its services or content.

5. The platform does not natively support multi-user collaboration under a single subscription unless otherwise specified in the plan.

6. Inactive sessions may time out, requiring users to log in again, potentially disrupting workflow.

7. Free or lower-tier plans may have limited access to advanced features, reduced usage limits, or restricted functionalities compared to premium plans.

8. Users are not allowed to use Kalodata's services for unauthorized commercial purposes, including unsolicited advertising or spam.

9. Access to Kalodata may be restricted in certain regions, and the use of tools like VPNs to bypass such restrictions may violate terms of service.

10. Kalodata prohibits using the platform for illegal, unethical, or harmful activities, and violations may result in account suspension or bans.

11. The insights and analytics provided by Kalodata are tools for decision-making but may not always be fully accurate. Users should validate findings independently before making critical decisions.

How to share Kalodata accounts?

Step 01

Download and install DICloak software to start your account sharing journey.


Step 02

In DICloak, create a dedicated environment for your Kalodata account and open it, then log in to your Kalodata account


Step 03

Create DICloak member accounts and passwords, and assign them usable environment permissions


Step 04

Members must download the DICloak software and log in to the DICloak account you created


Step 05

Members can automatically log in to their Kalodata account and use it normally without entering their account password when opening the environment


Use DICloak to start your Kalodata account sharing journey

Kalodata Account Shared FAQs


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