HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingTurn $0 Into $10,000 Per Month Online in 3 months!

Turn $0 Into $10,000 Per Month Online in 3 months!

  1. The Smartest Way to Make $110,000 Per Month
  2. Income Calculator for Reaching $110,000 a Month
  3. Generating Income Through Google Maps

The Smartest Way to Make $110,000 Per Month

In this video, I'm going to show you what I believe to be one of the smartest ways to make $110,000 per month this year. Now, it's a common expectation with these types of videos that I'm going to reveal to you some kind of secret trick or some kind of miraculous solution guaranteed to make you rich effortlessly. It's like people expect me to give them the secret code or a cheat trick to do this without having to do any work. So, there's going to be a little work. It is going to depend on you really applying yourself, so I want to start with that. So, the journey starts with you. But even understanding that, I still believe this is the smartest way to make $10,000 per month in this year, and I'm going to show you how to do it in this video.

Income Calculator for Reaching $110,000 a Month

But first, I want to show you how long you can expect for it to take for you to reach $110,000 a month. So, if we turn to my screen here, I have this little income calculator that I use for my students all the time. You can get to it just by going to that URL right there at the top shadow.com goals. What we do here is we set up little websites that generate money. What you're going to do is, each website you can see right here - average site value. Each website is going to, on average with my students, generate you around $750 per month. Some less, some more, but that's kind of on average, so we use that number for this calculator. You can actually go to that site and change the numbers around for yourself if you want to change some of the different things. But, um, so we're starting here with current number of sites zero. I'm assuming no one watching this video has any little generating sites right now making $750 per month. So, we're starting with zero, okay, and we got an average website here making around $750 per month.

Generating Income Through Google Maps

And you might say well I'm not a plumber. That's great because you don't have to do any plumbing to make money off of this. What's going to happen is when you have one of these little red pins here that you see on your screen when they, you have one of these little red pins for any business, say it's plumbing, electrician, roofing, anything like that, when you have one of these little red pins, people are going to click on the pin when they need plumbing. They're going to search for plumber; they're going to click on the pin, and they're going to call the number right here. That number is going to ring to you. But you're not going to actually do the plumbing job. What you're going to do is you're going to refer that plumbing job over to an actual plumber who's going to pay you for the privilege of getting that call. And then that plumber is going to complete the job. This is called lead generation.

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