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ONX Tap = $100 | Free ONX Airdrop Claim

  1. Introduction to Telegram Airdrop Tapping Game
  2. About HU Exchange and Onu Tap Tap Tap Game
  3. How to Play Onu Tap Tap Tap Game
  4. Opportunities to Earn Rewards
  5. Increasing Earnings through Tasks and Invites
  6. Strategies for Successful Tapping and Inviting Friends
  7. Utilizing Fing for Token Farming
  8. Monitoring Crew and Invitations
  9. Completing Tasks to Earn ONX Tokens
  10. Opportunities to Increase ONX Token Balance
  11. Engaging in the Twitter Challenge and Conclusion
  12. FAQ

Introduction to Telegram Airdrop Tapping Game

Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome back to my channel! I'm glad you're joining us in today's article. So, guys, in today's video, we'll be talking about a brand new Telegram airdrop tapping game that you can participate in. Also, a chance to win about $10,000 prize right in this game. So, in this video, I'll explain everything you need to do to get started. Right in this video.

About HU Exchange and Onu Tap Tap Tap Game

So, guys, we all know about the Hus exchange, and we know that this is a secure app to store, exchange, stick, and info cryptocurrencies. They have over 4.5 million users right on their English channel. So, right in this video, I'll be showing you guys everything you need to get started with the tapping game that I just announced.

How to Play Onu Tap Tap Tap Game

Right here, you can see, about 5 hours ago, they announced their tapping game right on Telegram. You can see right here introducing Onu Tap Tap Tap, which is a free Onu mining on Telegram. As we all know, the ONS coin is the Onu's native token for their exchange. You can see right here that this is a tap-to-mine game on Telegram. Players can mine ONX, which is the ONS community token. The reward is given for tapping on the icon, inviting your friends, and also fingering right on the tap-tapping game.

Opportunities to Earn Rewards

So, most important thing right here is that you can be able to also stand a chance to share within a $10,000 prize. That they also announced right in the game. So, let's get back into it. Over here, guys, is the app around on Telegram. I've been able to launch the B my Telegram, and I'm good to go. So now, how does this work? ...

Increasing Earnings through Tasks and Invites

To be able to get started, you need to go ahead and tap once you launch the app. This is going to show 1,000 tabs left. So, you need to go and complete the tabs before this will come down and give you a time for you to come and tap again. Now, for you to increase your tapping, you need to go ahead and tap consistently by tapping on this icon right here, and that way you can be able to get these coins right here out, and you can be able to claim it right here...

Strategies for Successful Tapping and Inviting Friends

The main task right to complete right you can be able to complete the invite task. They have invite one friend and get 10,000 onuk. They get invite five friends and get 30,000 onuk. 50 friends, 10 friends to get 50,000 onuk. They have 20 friends to ear 100,000 onuk and 200 friends to ear 500,000 onuk. So, I can just go ahead and check this task to see if I able to complete it right now and see if I'll be able to get my Onu added to my account. So, just going to click on check right even though it may not really work immediately but I can go ahead and try again later cuz I I already have more than these friends invited right into my account...

Utilizing Fing for Token Farming

So, the next thing I want to go and show you guys is the fing you can be able to go and activate a fing right here to farm the on tokens within a given so you can see right here elevate your experience with token fing claim yourx token. What you need to do right you can see right here each farming circle lasts for 4 hours...

Monitoring Crew and Invitations

So now the next thing I want to talk about guys is the crew and right here is a crew you can be able to see how many persons you've been able to invite into the game. So what you need to do just go ahead and invite your friends and you'll be able to claim whatever they've been able to M for you you'll be able to get some percentage 10% of whatever they in right in this platform...

Completing Tasks to Earn ONX Tokens

So let's go back to the task let me show you guys more tasks that you can do to increase your earnings right here. So over here is the task I've been able to claim my rewards for the one inv friends invite five friends invite and also 10 and 20 friend invite. I've not been able to complete the 200 friend invite otherwise I'll go ahead and also claim it right here...

Opportunities to Increase ONX Token Balance

Like I told you guys the onx is the native coin of the onus exchange and they are schedule to launch in two months time which is September so you have a very very limited time to go ahead and join and start ending this for yourself. Lastly, before I end the video over here is the rank like I told you guys you can be able to end a $110,000 price pool you can be able to share in this price pool right here...

Engaging in the Twitter Challenge and Conclusion

So guys finally before I end the video remember that here is your Twitter page and you can see right here at the end of the twi you see right here that all participant in the on T tap tab who invite friends will have a chance to share a total price pool of up to $110,000 so this is your chance to go ahead and increase your your chance of earning this money and it's all up to you to go and invite your friends and play more games to be able to in from the price pool and guys as simple as that guys thanks for watching if you have any questions in the comment section and I'll be glad to get back to you can to go and like the video share to your friends if it do help you and until next time guys please do have a.


Q: What is the Telegram Airdrop Tapping Game about?
A: The Telegram Airdrop Tapping Game is a brand new game where participants can win a prize of about $10,000 by tapping on icons and inviting friends on Telegram.
Q: How can I get started with the Onu Tap Tap Tap Game?
A: To get started with the Onu Tap Tap Tap Game, you need to join the tapping game on Telegram where you can mine ONX tokens by tapping on icons, inviting friends, and engaging in the tap-tapping game.
Q: What are the opportunities to earn rewards in the game?
A: Players have the opportunity to share a $10,000 prize pool announced in the game by tapping on icons, inviting friends, and participating in various tasks within the game.
Q: How can I increase my earnings through tasks and invites in the game?
A: You can increase your earnings by completing tapping tasks and inviting friends. The more friends you invite, the more onuk coins you can earn within the game.
Q: What are the strategies for successful tapping and inviting friends in the game?
A: To be successful in the game, you need to consistently tap on icons, complete invite tasks, and engage in tapping challenges to earn more onuk coins and increase your chances of winning rewards.
Q: How can I utilize Fing for token farming in the game?
A: You can activate Fing to farm tokens within a given time frame in the game. Each farming circle lasts for 4 hours, allowing you to claim yourx tokens and elevate your gaming experience.
Q: How can I monitor crew and invitations in the game?
A: You can monitor your crew and invitations by checking how many friends you've invited to the game. By inviting friends, you can claim a percentage of their earnings within the platform.
Q: What tasks can I complete to earn ONX tokens in the game?
A: You can complete various tasks such as inviting friends, tapping on icons, and engaging in challenges to earn ONX tokens within the game.
Q: How can I increase my ONX token balance in the game?
A: You can increase your ONX token balance by participating in the game, as ONX is the native coin of the Onu's exchange. There is a limited time opportunity to join and earn rewards before the official launch.
Q: How can I engage in the Twitter Challenge and what is the conclusion of the game?
A: You can engage in the Twitter Challenge by inviting friends to the game and participating in activities to share a total prize pool of up to $110,000. The video concludes with an invitation to participate, increase earnings, and share feedback.

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