WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that enhances the way users can link devices to their accounts. Previously, users had to keep their phones nearby to scan a QR code for linking devices. This limitation posed challenges for many users, especially when their phones were not within reach.
The latest update allows users to link devices using their phone number instead of relying solely on QR code scanning. To initiate this process, users can click on the 'Link with Phone Number' option that appears when they unlock their WhatsApp. This feature simplifies the connection process significantly.
Once the 'Link with Phone Number' option is selected, users will be prompted to enter their phone number, including the country code. After entering the number, an 8-digit alphanumeric code will be generated. This code is essential for completing the linking process.
To retrieve the necessary code, users must access WhatsApp Web through a browser like Chrome. By searching for WhatsApp and navigating to the official page, users can find the link that will display their unique code. This step is crucial for those who wish to link their devices without needing their primary phone nearby.
After obtaining the code, users can enter it into the designated field within the app. This streamlined process eliminates the need for physical proximity to the primary device, allowing users to connect multiple devices to their WhatsApp account easily. Up to four devices can be linked to a single phone, making it a versatile solution for users.
This new feature addresses the concerns of users who have struggled with the previous linking method. By allowing phone number linking, WhatsApp has made it easier for users to manage their accounts across multiple devices. It is anticipated that this feature may eventually be integrated into the mobile application, further enhancing user experience.
Q: What is the new feature introduced by WhatsApp?
A: WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that allows users to link devices to their accounts using their phone number instead of relying solely on QR code scanning.
Q: How do I link a device using my phone number?
A: To link a device using your phone number, click on the 'Link with Phone Number' option that appears when you unlock your WhatsApp.
Q: What do I need to do after selecting the 'Link with Phone Number' option?
A: After selecting the option, you will be prompted to enter your phone number, including the country code, after which an 8-digit alphanumeric code will be generated.
Q: How can I retrieve the 8-digit code for linking?
A: To retrieve the code, access WhatsApp Web through a browser like Chrome and navigate to the official page where your unique code will be displayed.
Q: What is the benefit of the new linking process?
A: The new linking process simplifies the connection by eliminating the need for physical proximity to the primary device, allowing users to connect up to four devices to a single WhatsApp account.
Q: Will this feature be available in the mobile application in the future?
A: It is anticipated that this feature may eventually be integrated into the mobile application, further enhancing user experience.