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New Crypto Airdrop | 100% Free BUSD [Surprise Inside]

  1. Proof of BD Airdrop in Trust Wallet Application
  2. Introduction and Channel Growth Update
  3. Joining the BD Airdrop and Steps to Participate
  4. Submitting Details for Airdrop
  5. Loopholes and Skepticism in BD Airdrop
  6. Understanding the BD Airdrop Scam
  7. Conclusion and Warning on the BD Airdrop
  8. FAQ

Proof of BD Airdrop in Trust Wallet Application

[Music] So guys, today's air drop is going to be the instant airdrop. So before starting the article, I want to show you the proof. So, this is my trust wallet application. You can see over here and you can see over here I'm getting the transfers and I'm getting the transaction and receiving the bud token over here. So currently, I have $1.47 worth of B USD. And you can see this is in the chain of Avalanche. So, that is why it is written as BD. E that means Avalanche. So now in today's video, I'm going to tell you what is this airdrop, how can you get it, I'm getting it instantly, and also let me just tell you there is a twist in this airdrop. You might be watching the steps and you might go and do these airdrop tasks, but there is a twist in this airdrop. So, what is that twist? Is it good or is it bad? It's up to you people how you take it, that opinion. So, watch the video completely till the end because I know 99% of people do not watch the video completely till the end. Watch the video completely till the end for your own benefit because I'm telling you right now, I don't want any single comment at the, at the comment section telling that you have some issue and that issue. So, in order to avoid all that circumstances, just watch the video full till the end to know how you can get it, how you can swap it, how you can withdraw it, every single thing.

Introduction and Channel Growth Update

So now we will start with today's air drop video, but before that I want to tell you that if you are new into my channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. We are very close to 25,000 subscribers. And also like this video, my old subscribers, my loyal and my great subscribers who have come and supported me till here. So, like this video as much as possible guys. We will grow very quickly. We will be aiming for 50,000 within this year. So I hope you guys have liked it. And now we will just move forward into today's air drop video.

Joining the BD Airdrop and Steps to Participate

So how did this airdrop actually start? So what happened is that earlier today morning, I had posted a post in my Telegram group. You can see this is the post I posted. So let me just show you. So this is the post I was talking about BD airdrop. 100% free bud. So over here, what I told you is, join for free and don't invest anything. So I can see many people have joined over here. Some people have even reacted over here. And you can see I've also told that try your luck payment based on luck. So what happened is that I successfully got my payment. So far, I have gotten somewhere around 147 buds.

Submitting Details for Airdrop

So how you need to join this airdrop, it's very simple. So first of all, I'll be giving you the link of that airdrop bar. So just tap on start button. Every single step which I show you over here is going to be important. Then you have to join all this channel, group, etc. And you need to follow them on Twitter, etc. All those things you have to complete. So I have already done that. So I'll just tap on check button. So once you do that, then you have to just follow the Twitter page and like and retweet everything. So what you're going to do over here is that you have to submit your Twitter profile link from the below... [Continues]

Loopholes and Skepticism in BD Airdrop

...So the next thing, what you have to do is that you have to submit your address to that bard. So I'll just copy this address, and then I'll come over here, and I'll just paste that address over here. And then I'll just tap on send button. And after that, you can see thanks for joining air drop. So basically, how you're going to earn from this air drop is very simple. Just tap on this balance option, and then it will show your balance. So right now, my balance is somewhere around 40. And you just need to refer your friend. So one refer, so if you refer one friend, that means you'll be getting one B USD. So this is the simple logic over here. Just refer and earn. So right now, I have totally referred somewhere around 143 people... [Continues]

Understanding the BD Airdrop Scam

...What exactly is happening right now is that these people have found the loophole. So they have found the loophole to the airdrop running successfully. So what exactly is running on is that BD token, the actual value of one B USD token is not $1. So it's currently in so many zeros that we cannot even imagine. So one B USD token is equal to so many zeros, which you actually cannot imagine. So what is the exact thing which is going on over here? I cannot say this airdrop is fake. So I can completely tell you, they are doing right. They are giving USD, though, and you're receiving the withdrawal. Everything is real. They're just having the loophole. So if you even try to send it to your Binance address. So if you just take BD address. So I'm in my Binance and I search for BD and I'll just tap on that BD button. And then I'll just tap on deposit button. And then I'll just select as AVAC C chain. So this is the AAC C chain. And I need to just copy this address and then I'll just paste over here. And then I'll just send amount of two USD, for example. And then if I just tap on send button, it will ask for some gas fee in the AX token. So I already have some gas fee, so don't need to worry for me. So I'll just tap on confirm.... [Continues]

Conclusion and Warning on the BD Airdrop

...So you can see over here, the transfer has been made, minus two BD. And you can also see the details have come over here. So if I go into the more details, it will show that the transfer has been made some amount of time ago. And you can also see, I can check over here. So you can see transfer has made one minute ago for this BUUSD, so bud token. But if I go into my Binance account, you can see over here, I have not received anything, not even a single dollar I have received over here. So these are all my old transactions. You can see the dates and everything over here. So today's transaction of BD, I haven't received anything. So why is it happening this way? So let me just tell you, Binance doesn't support so many zeros. So if you are sending worth of so many zeros, tokens, Binance doesn't even accept that transaction. So what is the opinion, my opinion, in this airdrop is that if you want this token just for fancy look of your wallet, if you want to show off this balance just to make a flex with your friends or anything, you can try this air drop. This air drop is best for people. But if you're coming in the hope of a thing that you'll be getting real BD and you can swap them into real tokens, then I will suggest you don't waste your time in this because I wasted my time in this and I just realized that this is not worth for me. So whatever the transaction is happening over here, it's not worth for me. So for people who just want to do a show off with their friends, they can just go with this air drop and they can just live happily with this air drop. So my opinion is this only this much. You can comment down whatever opinion you have because if you have watched this video completely till the end, then you might will be understanding whole concept of today's air drop. So I think that's all for to this video guys. Comment down what do you think about this air drop because these type of new scams are running on. Some people might ask me why are they doing scam? Why are they doing this type of scam over here? So the reason is very simple guys. I'll give you the simple reason. You can see over here, they have YouTube channel, they have Twitter page. So if I just open their Twitter page, they have nearly 36,000 followers on Twitter. So if I just go into the official YouTube channel, so you can see over here, I'll just open their YouTube channel and you can see over here, I'm just giving them the free LA I regret. You can see they have almost around 8,000 subscribers. So this is their official Twitter, YouTube channel. So what they're actually doing is that they're doing marketing and they're doing a free kind of, what do you say, a subscriber for their, for their channels. So that many beginners in the cryptocurrency doesn't know this, these kind of tricks. I cannot actually say this is a scam because that is not correct word to tell because they're giving the withdrawal also. They are giving what they have promised to. So just that people are not having enough information. That's why they are falling for this trick. And you can also check their Telegram group or whatever you want to check. They have tons and tons of subscribers and followers on their channel. So this is the new trick which is going on in the cryptocurrency market. So decide what you want. If you want to take part in this air drop, just take it. Or else, if you feel this is a waste of time, then just skip it. So I just wanted to share this information with you guys. So like this video and share this video with your friends. And I'll be seeing you in the next video, guys. Until then, take care.


Q: What is the Proof of BD Airdrop in Trust Wallet Application?
A: The proof involves showcasing transactions and receipts within the Trust Wallet application, demonstrating the reception of B USD tokens on the Avalanche chain.
Q: What is the Introduction and Channel Growth Update about?
A: The update emphasizes subscribing to the channel, aiming for 50,000 subscribers, and expressing gratitude to loyal supporters.
Q: How does one Join the BD Airdrop and Steps to Participate?
A: The process involves joining Telegram groups, completing tasks like following on Twitter, and referring friends to earn B USD tokens.
Q: What is the significance of Submitting Details for Airdrop?
A: Submitting details includes joining various platforms, following specific channels, and sharing on social media to participate in the airdrop.
Q: What are the Loopholes and Skepticism in the BD Airdrop?
A: The loopholes involve discrepancies in token values and difficulties with transferring funds to exchanges due to the high number of zeros in the token value.
Q: How can one understand the BD Airdrop Scam?
A: Understanding the potential scam involves recognizing the lack of real value in the token, challenges in transferring funds to reputable exchanges, and the tactic of luring users with promises of free tokens.
Q: What is the Conclusion and Warning on the BD Airdrop?
A: The conclusion cautions against participating in the airdrop for those seeking actual token value, recommends it for those looking to showcase token balances, and addresses the marketing tactics used to attract participants.

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