HomeBlogSMMMy ENTIRE Instagram content planning process | Content creation & planning tips

My ENTIRE Instagram content planning process | Content creation & planning tips

  1. Efficient Instagram Content Creation in Four Hours
  2. Sharing My Instagram Content Workflow
  3. Importance of Scheduling Tools like Later
  4. Streamlining Workflow with Later
  5. Continuous Content Capture Process
  6. Organic Ideas Generation and Note Keeping
  7. Strategic Planning for Instagram
  8. Content Creation and Collation Process
  9. Editing Importance in Content Creation
  10. Efficient Scheduling with Later Tool
  11. FAQ

Efficient Instagram Content Creation in Four Hours

So, it might surprise you to know that sometimes it will only take me four hours to create and schedule all of my Instagram content for an entire month. Now, that might surprise some people because a lot of people spend a lot more time than that, but also I share a lot of content on Instagram. So, to get all of it created and scheduled in the space for about four hours is pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

Sharing My Instagram Content Workflow

Now, I spent a lot of time refining my process and my entire Instagram content workflow, and I've decided that now it's ready to share with you guys. So, that's what I'm gonna be breaking down throughout this entire video.

Importance of Scheduling Tools like Later

This video is sponsored by Later, which is an essential tool for this entire process. So, for those of you who don't know, Later is a scheduling tool, and I use Later to schedule all of my Instagram content, and my marketing VA uses it to schedule my Pinterest content too.

Streamlining Workflow with Later

Later helps you save so much time by allowing you to plan and schedule out all of your content months and months in advance. You can plan your strategy, and you can schedule content across multiple platforms, not just Instagram. It is a must-have tool if you want to streamline your workflow and your planning process.

Continuous Content Capture Process

Okay, so let's start off with like a pre-step. So, this isn't part of my exact steps that I follow when I sit down to create and plan all my content, but it is an essential thing that I must do which allows my planning process to be so streamlined and so condensed. And what it basically involves is me creating content and capturing content continuously throughout my weeks.

Organic Ideas Generation and Note Keeping

So, for example, capturing small snippets of my day which I'll then use for a vlog later on when I sit down to do my planning, right? So, by doing this, I end up in a position where I have a lot of content for me to use, and it hasn't taken a lot of effort for me to actually capture and collate that content because I've literally just made it part of my day-to-day life.

Strategic Planning for Instagram

Step one is all about planning. Now, I have a strategy set up for my Instagram Channel. I have a strategy for all of my channels, and the reason why is because this is a business for me. I treat content creation like a business, and I run a business alongside my channels.

Content Creation and Collation Process

Step two is to create and collate. I love that that rhymes. Have I never realized that creating collate rhymed before? I feel like there's a marketing thing in that that I need to draw on. Anyway, so step two, create and collate.

Editing Importance in Content Creation

Step 3 is editing. So, now that I've got all of my content and my footage, and you can probably tell by the way I'm speaking, a lot of my content nowadays is reels or videos based, so that usually means that I've got a lot of editing to do.

Efficient Scheduling with Later Tool

Step four is my favorite step because this is my scheduling step. This is the step where everything comes together because now I've got all of my content and it's ready to be scheduled in later.


Q: How long does it take to create and schedule all Instagram content for a month?
A: It might only take four hours to create and schedule all Instagram content for an entire month.
Q: What is the purpose of Later, a scheduling tool mentioned in the content?
A: Later is a scheduling tool used to schedule Instagram content as well as content for other platforms like Pinterest.
Q: What is the continuous content capture process mentioned in the text?
A: It involves capturing content continuously throughout weeks to streamline the planning process.
Q: What are the steps involved in the content creation and scheduling process?
A: The steps include planning, creating and collating content, editing, and scheduling using tools like Later.

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