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Live - Earn Free 2 BNB Coin into Your Trust Wallet

  1. BMB Giveaway Distribution Process
  2. Manually Distributing BNB to Giveaway Participants
  3. Detailed Breakdown of BNB Distribution
  4. Finalizing BNB Distribution and Guidelines
  5. FAQ

BMB Giveaway Distribution Process

Foreign, so guys, last week we announced a BMB giveaway for our subscribers. Winners, I will be giving out 500 of BMP to our subscribers who will be qualifying for the giveaway. We also announced that we will be crediting each and every one of you who will fill out the giveaway form that we put in the description of our video. I also posted one form right on a Telegram group, and currently, many participants have already filled the giveaway form. So in today's video, I'll begin our head to give out this BNB to the persons that have merited or who have qualified for the giveaway. Um, right in the form, there were a lot of information required of you guys to fill up, and many persons have been able to fill out the information correctly, whereas many persons also made out of mistake and mix-up in the 300 or the Google form.

Manually Distributing BNB to Giveaway Participants

So, I'm gonna go ahead right now and start distributing this um, BNB to the persons who qualified. Every entry, you can see currently we have two BM Bitcoin right here. You can see we have two BNB, we have 2.1 for BMP, but then we'll be distributing just 500 worth of it to everyone who has participated in this giveaway. The thing is that there are many persons that have already entered for this giveaway, it's really, really um, very, very much. Many person who enter for the giveaway and I may not be able to finish this distribution today because I want you to get to every single person who have participated. So guys, over here are the responses from the giveaway form. You can see that there are many persons who have already filled out um, for this information. You can see there are many persons, like way too many persons that have filled um, this form. You can see I'm just scrolling and there are still more persons to go, and so I have to give out BNB to all these persons. I have to manually transfer BNB to all these persons because there's no automated, I mean, so I have to manually do it.

Detailed Breakdown of BNB Distribution

It's going to take me time, and I'm going to be able to show every single transaction I'm doing right in this video. So, you guys have to bear with me and give me some time to go ahead, go offline, and do all the transfers and get back to you guys. So guys, just in case if you're new to our Channel or if you're listening for the first time and you are here to subscribe to our Channel, please do well to go ahead and subscribe to our Channel. Please hit on the Subscribe button and don't forget to go ahead and turn on notifications for all our videos so that YouTube will always find it and post new videos. Secondly, you should also go ahead and like our video, give us a thumb up to help us with the YouTube algorithm. Don't forget to also share the video to your friends, that way your friends can get to see what we do on our Channel and get to participate in the valuation on our Channel. Lastly, don't forget to go ahead and join our Telegram, the link to our Telegram is in the description. All you need to do is just go ahead draw the chamber, and you're going to see this link appearing right here. Just go ahead and click on the link, and you'll be taken to a Telegram Channel. Lastly, do well to go ahead and write a meaningful comment on our video right here you see the comment section under the circle and I haven't done all that guys, we were done and we'll be getting started [Music].

Finalizing BNB Distribution and Guidelines

So guys, I've been able to transfer approximately one PMB out of my wallet into the different distribution wallets that we have. For those people who are able to complete the entries appropriately, they were able to receive exactly five dollars worth of BNB. Just for those who are lucky enough because many persons competed actually, but for some of you guys who did not complete the whole entry the way it was supposed to be completed. After I received PMB, but then it might not be up to five dollars of BNB. These people all received 5,000 of the PMB token. You have to ask what five dollars, what five dollars worth. And the rest of them who are unable to complete many things received one dollar, some patients received three, some percentages four dollars, some persons received below that.


Q: What is the BMB Giveaway Distribution Process?
A: The BMB Giveaway Distribution Process involves crediting subscribers who qualify for the giveaway with 500 BMP. Participants need to fill out the giveaway form provided in the video description or on the Telegram group. The distribution is done manually by the creator.
Q: How is BNB being distributed to the giveaway participants?
A: BNB is distributed manually to the participants who qualify for the giveaway. The creator plans to distribute 500 worth of BNB to each participant who has entered the giveaway, although it may take time due to the high number of entries received.
Q: Is there a detailed breakdown of the BNB distribution process?
A: Yes, the detailed breakdown of the BNB distribution process will be shown in a video. The creator will show every transaction being made and requests viewers to subscribe, like the video, share it, and join the Telegram group. This will help in staying updated with future videos and activities.
Q: Are there any guidelines for finalizing the BNB distribution?
A: For participants who completed the entries appropriately, they will receive five dollars worth of BNB. Those who did not complete the entries as required may receive a different amount. Some may receive 5,000 PMB tokens or a varying dollar amount based on their completion level.

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