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#instantairdrop Avive Mining Airdrop Big Scam !? | Avive #miningapp Do It Now | Crypto Loot Today

  1. Discussion on Everyway Mining Application
  2. Updates on Everyway Mining Application
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Discussion on Everyway Mining Application

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron Crypto. Hope you are doing great. So as you have seen the thumbnail, today I'll be talking about Everyway mining application. So is Everyway mining application a scam? Can they track our location? Can they hack our phone through their application? So this has been going through people's minds. So whether this is a scam, I'll be talking about that. And if this is a scam, how you can get out of it, I'll be telling you. So all the details in this video, I'll be completely showing you with the proofs along with that. So if you have already downloaded the application, you need to watch this video till the end. I'll be telling you all the important details regarding that. So I'll be moving on straight away to the point and I'll explain you all those things. So if you are new to our channel, don't forget to subscribe and hit the Bell icon straight away so that you'll be notified everything, each and everything regarding cryptocurrency market daily on the daily basis. So hit the Bell icon also so that you won't be missing out video at the ear.

Updates on Everyway Mining Application

So here, if you come, you can see the location is already tracked. So in my area, who all are mining, I can easily see and those who are in my area can see me where I am and where I'm actually mining from my phone or laptop, they can easily see. So this has been in people's mind that this app is going to hack your system, hack your phone. So people are worried about it. I have got many comments regarding that. It is a scam. So I'll be revealing the big secret here. So I have two important updates regarding the AV application, a mining application. So you should be watching it. In this video, I'll be telling you all that thing and whether you need to stop this mining application. So moving on to the direct Twitter handle, they have two Twitter handles. So I will world and the app. So here, the biggest news has come across that those who have in mind that this is a scam, it will be clarified here. So you can just come here and you can see that they have built a layer to technology with a mission to bring millions of developers and billions of users into web3 ecosystem as we continue to develop Everyway chain. So this here makes it clear that they are moving into a coin, not just a token. Now they will become a coin because they will be bringing their own blockchain. So previously we had mined Cod token which had their own blockchain. So similarly, this is a news which breaks all that barriers those who had in their mind that this is a scam. So any token which will be a scam, they won't be moving so much further. So the first big update is that this token will be converted into a coin because they have their own blockchain in process. So Everyway blockchain will be coming. They have tweeted regarding that. You can see it's an official Twitter handle itself and they have almost 5 lakh subscribers or followers in their Twitter handle. So this was the first update. So Everyway blockchain will be coming up and this definitely hints us that this token is going to give us profits and this token is definitely going to lo. So remember that this is a not a scam. So take away that point from your mind and start mining it right away. So those who are telling you it's a scam, they are just fooling you guys or you are becoming foolish so that you are neglecting these kinds of a... These kinds of mining application. So I'll be giving you a way if you haven't started mining it. I can give you a way where you can quick start or boost your earnings. If you are earning four to five tokens, I can give you a way where you can earn 10 to 15 tokens daily with your same mining application. So that thing I'll be telling you at the end. So make sure you watch the video till the end. So this was the first update and I'll be moving on to the second update. It is in the same tweet itself. So after blockchain, what is their next goal? It's bringing their own wallet. So as you can see, MPC wallet and single private key wallet. So these are the two kinds of wallets available in the cryptocurrency market. Single private key wallet, we are using it such as Trust Wallet, Metamask Wallet. You all know that. So MPC wallet is a passwordless and seedless innovative web3 login which is available in the MPC wallet. So it's a new kind of wallet coming in the web3 market. So this is the tweet and people have voted for MPC innovative wallet will be coming up in the app application itself. So if that comes, I will be the first one to put it in the YouTube channel and I'll be explaining you how exactly you're going to use that wallet and what is the procedure regarding it. So what is the application up to and what exactly you're going to earn from this. So currently you have to just come here every 24 hours, just press on this claim button. Once you press on the claim button, as you can see my balance has increased. It was almost 1,500. So 1,600, 19. And also you'll be getting BTC. Some amount of BTC. Similarly, if you remember in core application, we got BTC along with the token. So in this also, they have created the same strategy here. So now if you want to earn, so main token, the main point of earning and increasing or boosting your earnings, I'll be telling you. So if you can refer, you have one more method. So if you go to the tool section here, you need to press on the join button here. So all the join buttons you have, I'll be sharing you the code. You just need to come and join. Your soul power increases and once your soul power increases, your mining rate increases and that means you'll be mining faster and mining more token. Suppose if you are currently mining four tokens, after putting the super soul and also gift box I'll be giving you. So here in this video only, let me share that so that you can just pause and join it. So I'll be initiating. So one, I'll be pressing on five people. I'll be initiating it. So this is the code currently. So you can pause the video and note down this code and once you have this code, go to the same store. That is the magic store here and just press on join and use this code. So this is for five people. I'll be initiating. One more. This is a lightning magic stone. 5,000 power. So we'll be increasing. So initiate. You should be going. Press join button and once you go there, use this code to join. So this is the second code. You can pause again. Those who are watching this video, it's a brilliant chance for you to increase your mining. So this was the second one. So water magic stone. I'll be again initiating for these five people. And this is the code for that. The third one. So you can just pause again. And again, last two are there. I'll be initiating this again. So if you find it difficult to join it here, I'll be providing it in my Telegram channel. So that's why you should be joining all that thing regarding the updates. I'll be giving up in the Telegram channel. So here again, you can join it. So these are the, what you can say, magic stone boxes. Now I have gift boxes here. The code is directly, the code is available. You can copy the code here. One, two, three codes. You can just pause the video. And also three more codes we are having. So again, you can just come here and join your soul power. Powers will be increasing here massively. So 50,000 soul powers will be increased. So these are the codes. I will be again providing you in the Telegram channel. So this is the only way right now to increase your earnings. So just press on claim button as soon as you have some of the token in balance. So make sure you open your notification for such app so that it will be notifying you to claim it every 24 hours. And also, if you can invite any single one of your family members, do invite them because they will be also benefited and also you will be getting more tokens to mine. And guys, this token will definitely list. So if you have anything regarding that this is a scam, you can contact me directly again. I'll be explaining you again how this token is valuable and why I'm telling you to mine this. So it's a completely free application. The listing will be soon after they launch their blockchain and their wallet. So make sure you'll claim how much ever possible and accumulate the balance of this token. So hope you guys have cleared your mind regarding this application. And also, don't forget to like and subscribe our channel and also share with them those who are mining a token and also those who haven't started mining the token, you can help them to mine. And the procedure regarding that, I have already put up, you can just come and search in YouTube Everyway by Nitron Crypto. You'll be finding a detailed video how you can join, how we can start the mining from this application. Thanks for watching.


Q: Is Everyway mining application a scam?
A: The video discusses whether Everyway mining application is a scam and provides insights to clarify any doubts.
Q: Can Everyway mining application track our location?
A: The video mentions that Everyway mining application tracks locations of users who are mining in the same area.
Q: Can Everyway mining application hack our phone?
A: The video addresses concerns about the application being able to hack phones and provides information to dismiss such fears.
Q: What are the updates on Everyway Mining Application?
A: The second video provides updates on the Everyway mining application, including the transition to Everyway blockchain and the introduction of a new wallet.

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