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How to Earn USDT per Month Easiest Way | Arbitrage Earning Proof with Withdrawal - MaxPread

  1. Introduction to Nitron's Website Earnings
  2. Withdrawal Process and Security Measures
  3. Successful Withdrawal and Future Plans
  4. Website Features and Cryptocurrency Promotion
  5. Platform Details and Income Potential
  6. Company Reliability and Global Initiatives

Introduction to Nitron's Website Earnings

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. As you can see, this website Max Spread Technology. So I had made an article regarding this like maybe 1 week ago, yeah exactly 1 week ago, or 8 days ago, I had made a video on this platform. So as you can see, I had already mentioned you, and I already told you what this website is about and how you can earn over here. So if you can see, over here, my income. So in 7 days, I have earned. In 7 to 8 days, I have earned almost like $40. So I have done nothing over here as I've told you in the previous videos what exactly you can do. I'll be giving the link over here. So let me just come into this matter over here. I have earned $40 just by doing nothing, by just depositing over here, and it will work for itself. Even if you are outside enjoying our life or even if you're eating, even if you are sleeping, the money will continue to work for us and it will not stop over here. So what I'm telling over here is that this is literally a money which works for itself.

Withdrawal Process and Security Measures

Now, in today's video, first of all, I'm going to withdraw in front of you people, then I'm going to show you how big this company is and how you can earn more than what I'm earning. You can even compete with me, you can even defeat me in this competition of earning. So that is the reason. So first of all, what I'm going to do over here is that I'm going to withdraw this, whatever the funds I have. So all I need to do is that I have to tap on withdrawal. But before that, I need to add my TRC20 wallet address. For that, I need to just go into the setting part. You can see there is a setting, and then I have to go into the USDT address. I need to add the TRC20 address over here. So let me just do that right now. So guys, I've added my wallet address over here. So what I'm going to do over here is that I'll tap on the withdraw button. And as you can see, this is my wallet address, the USDTC wallet address. So first of all, I'm going to enter how much amount of token or how much amount of USDT I want to withdraw. So the amount I'm going to write over here is that I'm going to write all $39.3. It is, so I'm going to leave that 3 because it's going to be useful in the future. So now I have written as $39 over here. The M USD is nothing but the Max Press USD, so you don't need to worry about that. Then I need to have a 2FA code. So 2FA code is nothing but it's a Google Authenticator code. I have also showed you why it is important to set up a Google Authenticator because it will save you from hacking.

Successful Withdrawal and Future Plans

The next thing over here is that you have to get an OTP. So all you have to do is just tap on that 'send me code' and you will be receiving an email in your Gmail ID or whichever the email you have linked. You'll be receiving an email over here. So let me just refresh over here for a moment. So the code will come in the promotion section, so keep this in mind. So whatever the code is, I'll be copying this and I'll be pasting over here into the Chrome browser, and then I'll be pasting it over here. Then what I'm going to do is that this 2FA code has expired. I know that. So right now, I'm going to go back to that Google Authenticator and get that 2FA code once again, and I'll be pasting it over here. Once I paste it, I'll be tapping on withdraw button. As you can see, the congratulations, your application will be processed, and it will take maybe a small amount of time, really small amount of time, to get the withdrawal. If I go into the history, you can see the withdrawal is under the pending section. It is showing over here. This is the withdrawal status, it is showing as pending. So what I'm going to do is that I'll be waiting. So right now the time is 2:28 p.m., as you can see over here at the top of the screen that the time is 2:28 p.m. right now. So it will be completed very quick. So guys, as you can see, I have received a message over here. Dear Nitron, congratulations, the withdrawal request has been accepted. This is my withdrawal request application. So my withdrawal, you can see it's 326,000 and 256th number of order. So you can see how many amounts of withdrawal has been done on this website. They are saying that it will take up to 72 hours to be completed. So this is just a safety measurement, but I know they'll take maybe a short amount of time.

Website Features and Cryptocurrency Promotion

Now that I know that withdrawal will be completed and it will come to my account, now what I'm going to do over here is that I'm going to show you other features of this website. So in order to show that, let me just tell you the first thing over here. If you are new to my channel, make sure you subscribe to our channel, hit that red button, the Subscribe button, so you will be staying updated and hit that Bell icon so you'll be notified every time when we upload the video. So you cannot miss any airdrop or earning video or Market Video. Anything you can just stay tuned over here. Also, let me just show you one more thing. If you are wanting to stay updated, you can join our telegram group. This telegram group is very helpful because the link which is I have shown the website today, the link is uploaded over here. You can go and join the link and also other airdrop payment proofs or the previous payments from the old airdrops everything will be put up over here. Including some airdrop will be there which I cannot make the video, so it's a small airdrop with a small amount of money as a earning of free so you can also find such kind of airdrops over here in this telegram group. So that is the necessity to join this telegram group.

Platform Details and Income Potential

Now let us come directly into the website. What exactly is going on over here in this platform? I have told in the previous video about the detailed process of how you can join, that is, I have given a detailed information how you can join and how you can register, and then how you can top up your wallet and how you can start to earn. All that you can do just in like 10 to 15 minutes within some amount of time. And once you do all of these tasks, then your earnings will be coming up every day. What are the earnings and how you can check it? You just need to go into the finance section and you can see over here, you can actually see all the data showing up over here. I'll be getting notification, so you can see today I have gotten income of today that is 4.45 and yesterday at the same time I have got, you can see the timing is literally the same. So we are getting the income every single day. I have also told how much you need to deposit. So if you take the example of my portfolio, I have invested almost around $500 and with $500, I'll be getting an average of almost around $5 per day. You can take an average of $5 per day, that is an average which I'm getting every single day. Just imagine if you invest $500, you'll be getting $5. So that means in 10 days, I'm going to get $50 and within 100 days, I'm going to get my investment back. So that is when the average happens. Some day, I might get up to $6 to $7, so if I ignore those facts, then it might take me 100 days to get my investment back. So let us just say if you're investing almost around $10,000 as an example and you are getting paid $100 every single day, so that is a clear indication that you can earn up to $3,000 every single month. This is a proven point over here. With a good amount of money, you can easily earn a good amount of income over here. And also, they have a big launching over here. As I've told you in the first video itself, they will be launching in Dubai very soon. So the date is really, really near over here. So today is 24th of March, so 28th of March to 5th March, 5th of April in Dubai, they are having a grand launch over here. So, the 1st of April to 28th March so this is the time where they'll be having an event running in Dubai that is located in United Arab Emirates. That is a perfect place to launch any cryptocurrency business. So you can also join.

Company Reliability and Global Initiatives

That is the necessity to join this telegram group. Now let us come into the part why you should trust them and why actually they are reliable to trust. So I'll be giving you a couple of examples over here. So you can see, this is the team from Canada and Turkey and that is one country. I seriously don't know what name is that. So these people are collaborating over here, and you can also see they have literally a startup office. This is the office from Canada, which I told you. And if you can see, this is the office from Istanbul. And as you go further, you can see that they have also entered into the Sports World. So they have sponsored a team from Vietnam. So this is the team from Vietnam they have sponsored their team jersey, and etc. And you can also see the proofs are all given over here. So this is the reason they have come into the offline World. Some cryptocurrency projects they don't come into the offline world because they don't have confidence. So you can also see they run a campaign. This is a campaign which is currently running on the African continent. You can also see how many people have attended their conference, and etc. So this is the reason, guys, I'm telling you. This project, the website itself tells you how good is the design because they have invested maybe I if I just say over here they have invested almost around $20,000 on this project, $20,000 just for website design. So you know how big this is. And you can also go into the promo section, you can actually get all the details. Many people do not understand English. So whichever the country you are from, you will be having a white paper. You can say the white paper is something where they will be giving information about the website. So there is a white paper on in all the major Regional languages. So if you are Chinese, you can also read this thing. And if you are from German or if you are from India, you can get the white paper in Hindi, if you're Russian, you can get in the Russian language. So similarly, they have almost of around 30 to 40 of regional language white paper. So they have made a good effort to tell people to reach out to people all over the global. And if you go into the dashboard section over here, you can see that there is a Partners map. So this is an actual global map where they have partnered over here. You can see they have partnered in almost every part of the world. They have not gone to 100%, I can say that. They have almost covered like maybe 40 to 50% of the global part where they have investors where they have retail Traders, etc. And you can see if I give the update on their website, you can see they have coming soon a new platform in their website where we can trade like how we trade in Binance or how we can trade in other exchanges. They'll be launching their exchange very soon. So this was the update I need to give you people. Make sure you make a good use of this opportunity. If you do not understand the basics of this website I’ve already made a video regarding this so I’ll be definitely giving the link in the description. You can also find that link in the comment section as a pinned comment. So don't forget to check out this website and I've already showed you how much my earning is. I'm talking with the proof, so that is the reason I made this video.

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