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How to create a membership site | Recurring revenue | Membership site | Online business tips

  1. Introduction to Launching a Membership Club
  2. Discovering Your Why
  3. Mapping Out Membership Content
  4. Setting Up the Membership Platform
  5. Executing the Launch Plan
  6. FAQ

Introduction to Launching a Membership Club

Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. My name is Jade. I'm here to help you maximize your online presence and create a profitable business. So today's video is super exciting. I'm going to be breaking down step by step how I just launched my latest venture, which is my membership club called the Creators Club. So if you are someone who is interested in online business, in diversifying their income streams, and in any of that kind of entrepreneurial stuff, then I feel like you're going to find this video super, super useful. There aren't a huge amount of videos on this topic online. I know that because I searched for it plenty of times before I actually launched my membership club. So I'm hoping this video is going to fill a little bit of a gap there and provide you with all the information you need if you ever want to create a membership club yourself.

Discovering Your Why

The first step that I want to talk to you about is not an official step. It's like a pre-step. And it basically involved me asking myself why I wanted to create this membership in the first place. And if you're someone who's thinking about doing something like this, I really urge you to ask yourself the same question. And I don't want the answer just to be I want reoccurring revenue for my business. There's got to be a bit more of a deeper why there. So, for example, for me, I've been listening to my audience, their needs, what they want from me for a solid year. And I got to the point where I realized that I wasn't able to service as many people as I wanted to service through one-to-one coaching. So for me, a membership club was a natural progression because it meant that I was able to help multiple people at the same time and also provide them with this community element that a lot of people also said they really wanted from me. So I listened to my audience, and that's how I got to my why for my membership club. And I want you to do something similar, whether you have an existing audience or not. I want you to ask yourself, what is the real purpose and the real benefit of you creating this membership? And not just from the standpoint of how does it benefit you, but how's it also going to benefit your members, right?

Mapping Out Membership Content

Step two is my favorite step. I think it depends on the kind of person you are whether or not this is gonna be your favorite step. But it was my favorite step, and it was all about me mapping out the content of my membership club. So it's where I really got into the nitty-gritty of what my membership club was going to offer, how many masterclasses I was going to do, like, was there going to be a Facebook community, all of that really fun stuff. Again, depending on who you are, but for me, that was like the really, really fun stuff. And the thing to know when you get to this step is you really need to immerse yourself in this membership club. And in order for you to do that, I really recommend getting into a real good state of deep work, which is essentially when you're just completely losing yourself in a task, right? And the thing that really helped me reach that state of deep work no matter where I was, whether I was at home or I was out and about, is my Technics earbuds. So I think I showed you them already before at the start but this is what they look like and I'm going to show you them—you know, like how beauty bloggers do that thing where they're like 'is it in focus?' That's what I'm doing—always wanting to do that—they're like this and when you open them up they look like this inside. Technic earbuds, they were basically like my go-to business partner throughout this entire process.

Setting Up the Membership Platform

Step three. You've now come up with the pain points that you're going to address as part of your membership platform and you've also come up with what you're actually going to offer. So now it's time to actually bring that to life and turn it into an actual membership platform. I use Kajabi. I'll give you a sneak peek of what my membership portal looks like now, but essentially, I use Kajabi to build my membership portal, and that is where the bulk of my membership will live. So that is where my masterclasses live, the replays for my live Q&A's, it's where my monthly event calendar lives. It's where all my other resources live, like that's where majority of the collateral is. So that's where a lot of people do their learning and their training. And then I have a private Facebook group, which is where the community lives. So that's where most people will ask their questions and socialize with each other. I think the balance of the two—having somewhere where your resources live and then having somewhere where the community lives is a really good balance.

Executing the Launch Plan

The final step was for me to actually come up with my launch plan and launch my membership program. Now my overarching strategy for launching this membership club was to lead with as much value as possible, and if I'm honest, that's my general business model and that's generally how I market everything I do. I give away as much free value as I possibly can, so that I'm able to demonstrate to people just how valuable my insight and my content really is so that they know that if they buy into me and they join my program or my course or whatever it is, they know that they're going to be getting heaps more value because I'm already demonstrating how much I can do for them.


Q: What is the Creators Club mentioned in the introduction?
A: The Creators Club is a membership club launched by Jade to help individuals interested in online business and diversifying their income streams.
Q: Why is it important to discover your 'why' before creating a membership club?
A: Discovering your 'why' helps to understand the purpose and benefits of creating a membership club, not just for yourself but also for your potential members.
Q: What is the favorite step in the process of launching a membership club according to Jade?
A: Jade's favorite step involves mapping out the content of the membership club, including the offerings, masterclasses, and community elements.
Q: Which platform did Jade use to set up her membership portal?
A: Jade used Kajabi to build her membership portal where most of the content and resources for the membership club reside, along with a private Facebook group for community interaction.
Q: What was Jade's strategy for launching her membership club?
A: Jade's strategy focused on providing as much value as possible to demonstrate the quality of her content and insight, which is a part of her general business model as well.

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