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How To Claim Free BNB Coin On Trust Wallet

  1. Claiming $160 Worth of Airdrop
  2. Adding and Claiming 50 Wave Tokens
  3. Claiming the Airdrop and Project Info
  4. Process of Claiming Wave Tokens
  5. Summary and Recommendations
  6. Closing Remarks
  7. FAQ

Claiming $160 Worth of Airdrop

Guys, I'll be showing you guys how you can claim $160 worth of airdrop into your wallet. So guys, if you're new to our channel and if you haven't subscribed yet and if you're interested in how to claim free airdrops into your wallet, how to receive quick cryptocurrencies into your Trust Wallet, this channel is strictly for you. I would advise you to take a second and hit the red subscribe button so you always get notified when we post a new video. Also, make sure to join our Telegram so you won't miss out on any updates and giveaways that we always host on our Telegram page. The link to our Telegram is in the description of this video, you will find it in all the descriptions of the videos we post right here on our YouTube channel. So, do want to click on the link and join our Telegram page.

Adding and Claiming 50 Wave Tokens

In case you want to contact me for anything, you can do it via my personal Instagram link. It's also in the description, and you can also message me via the group. You can reach me through any of these links. I've talked about the address of the coin we'll be using today, which is called The Wave coin. Go ahead and add the contract just right here, go ahead and change this to Binance Smart Chain, and then paste the contract address of your coin. The name of the coin is Wave, and the symbol is also Wave. The decimal is 18. Once you input 18, go ahead and click on done. Once you click on done, you're going to see the Wave token right here. So, guys, we've added the Wave token right up, right here. The next thing we need to do is to go ahead and start claiming the airdrop. So, we need to go back to the DApp section. I'll be leaving the link of the airdrop in the description of this video, on my Telegram page, and as a big comment in this video.

Claiming the Airdrop and Project Info

So once you are here on your DApp browser, you need to go ahead and paste the airdrop link and browse it up. Here are the key functions where you can access any page of the airdrop you want. We have the home page, the token sales, the project, and the roadmap. You can also add this token on MetaMask and check it on BSC Scan. Right now, guys, the first thing you need to do is to go ahead and change the network from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain. So, you need to click on this, change it from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain. The network of the airdrop is already on Binance Smart Chain. You can always take your time to read through the projects and everything concerning the project. Please do well to make your research about this project before you able to participate in the airdrop and the pre-sale. It's strictly based on you. Right now, go ahead and click on the token sales. Let's click on the token sales. So, you'll be seeing this page, and this is the airdrop and referrals, and guys, we'll be claiming 50 Wave tokens in this video.

Process of Claiming Wave Tokens

Right now, we need to go ahead and claim the airdrop. So you need to go ahead and click on 'Claim 50 Wave Tokens' right here. So we're claiming 50 Wave coins. So right now, click on claim, connect your wallet. Once we connect our wallet, it's going to bring out the smart contract code page, and then we need to go ahead and approve the transaction. Click on 'Approve' right here. Once you click on 'Approve', enter fingerprint, and then automatically you guys, we've claimed the airdrop. So we've been able to claim up to 50 Wave tokens, and guys, right here let me show you guys something. This airdrop will be listed at $3.2 per one, so by each of the airdrops you claim, we will be getting $3.2. So $3.2 times 50 is going to give you $160.

Summary and Recommendations

So guys, that's how you'll be able to get up to $160 from this airdrop. Guys, there's no guarantee that this token will be listed anytime soon. This is just a project I'm trying to introduce. So, I'll quickly advise you to make research on this project before you claim the airdrop or participate in the pre-sale. Well for now, I will strictly advise you to only claim the airdrop but not participate in the pre-sale. So guys, that's it about the Wave token. You'll go back into your wallet and see that you've been credited with your 50 Wave tokens. You can choose to check when it is listed to convert or swap it to either PTC or USD based on your preference.

Closing Remarks

So guys, that's how it works. Thanks for watching this video. If you have any questions regarding this airdrop, you can ask in the comment section or on Telegram, and I would love to get back to you. If you're here yet, please do want to hit the red subscribe button and also turn on your notification bell so you'll always be notified when we post new videos. Thanks for watching this video, guys.


Q: How can I claim $160 worth of airdrop into my wallet?
A: You can claim $160 worth of airdrop into your wallet by following the steps outlined in the tutorial. It involves adding and claiming Wave tokens, changing the network to Binance Smart Chain, and participating in the airdrop.
Q: What is the process of claiming Wave tokens?
A: The process of claiming Wave tokens involves adding the Wave coin contract address to your wallet, changing the network to Binance Smart Chain, accessing the airdrop link, connecting your wallet, approving the transaction, and claiming the tokens. Each Wave token claimed is valued at $3.2, so by claiming 50 tokens, you can accumulate $160.
Q: Where can I find more information about the project and airdrop?
A: You can find more information about the project and airdrop by visiting the DApp browser, browsing the project's key functions such as homepage, token sales, project details, and roadmap. Additionally, it is recommended to do thorough research about the project before participating in the airdrop and presale.
Q: Are there any recommendations or precautions to consider before claiming the airdrop?
A: It is recommended to research the project thoroughly before claiming the airdrop or participating in the presale. While claiming the airdrop is relatively low risk, participating in the presale may carry higher risks. It is advised to exercise caution and make informed decisions.
Q: How can I contact the creator for further questions or clarifications?
A: If you have any questions regarding the airdrop or project, you can reach out to the creator through the comment section of the video, on Telegram, or via the personal Instagram link provided in the description. The creator encourages engagement and is open to answering queries.

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