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How I Made FREE USDT | TSCS Airdrop Full Guide (SuperEx Crypto Airdrop)


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  1. How to Earn TSCS Token and Withdraw Proof
  2. Super Wallet Airdrop and Super X Exchange Details
  3. How to Earn TSCS Token and Airdrop Procedures
  4. Airdrop Conclusion and Instructions
  5. FAQ

How to Earn TSCS Token and Withdraw Proof

[Music] So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nitron. In today's article, this is going to be a kind of instant airdrop. All the tokens which you'll be able to earn from this airdrop you'll be instant to your exchange or wallet. So I'll be showing you my withdrawal proof first of all, my proof of payment. So, this is the token, the TSCS token. You can see over here, I have somewhere around 2,117 tokens. So, that is 2,117 tokens I have and its value is somewhere around $2,000, more than that. So how do you get this token? So, how did I make this token come into my wallet? What are the steps you need to follow? Everything I'll be sharing you in this video step by step. So, if you want this opportunity, I'll be telling you detailed process how you can earn this token and along with that, what is the withdrawal procedure. Everything will be told to you step by step. So, stay on and hold on to this video and watch completely. And if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe our Channel. We are very, very close to 25,000 subscribers. And also for all subscribers, keep liking our videos. As usual, you like our videos, thank you for that. And today also we're expecting 200 likes on this video. And I'm pretty sure that you guys will do that immediately.

Super Wallet Airdrop and Super X Exchange Details

Also, let me just tell you, you need to join our Telegram group because all the links related to today's airdrop video will be provided in this group. So, joining for this group is very easy. You can find the link in the description of the video. So now, we will get started with today's airdrop video. So guys, today's airdrop is coming from the Super X exchange. So, if you guys can remember the Super X exchange, I'm pretty sure that 99% of my subscribers know this because we all had gotten the token known as ET. But unfortunately, they brought some new rules regarding the locked tokens. But don't worry, today itself, I have checked this wallet and I can check out over here that I was able to unlock five tokens. So those five, sorry for that, it was five tokens. So those five tokens were worth somewhere around $21. You can see over here, $21 I have just easily made an unlock process. So, it was automatic unlock process. I did not need to do anything, so it happened very easily. So, if you have ET tokens, then it's good news for you. So now, today's airdrop is not about ET token, it is about the TSCS token. But before going into TSCS token, they have a new airdrop running on, known as Super Wallet airdrop. You can win the amount up to 8,000 USDT as a prize pool. So, how do you exactly do that? Just tap on that banner. So, for people who do not have this application, don't worry, I've already given the link to this application where you can register and sign in over here. So, once you do that, just come into this banner. I'll show you once again, so this is the banner Super Wallet airdrop of 8,000 USD. So, if you just come over here and then just tap on 'Register Now' button. So, once you just tap on 'Register Now' button, you have been successfully registered. Now, your next step is to invite at least 10 friends. So, if you invite 10 friends, then you might be having chances of sharing $1,000 US as a rewards for as a free income.

How to Earn TSCS Token and Airdrop Procedures

So, I hope you guys have understood that. Now coming into this airdrop, the main airdrop of today's video, that is TSCS token. So, how do you exactly earn this token? What is the procedure? So, let me just tell you the simple logic. So, you don't need to do any task over here. The task which you are already doing is, halfly done and other half you have to do by yourself. So, which is that half task which you have already done? I'll be just reminding you. So, you can see over here, in order to get this airdrop, you can see over here, it's very simple. So, the first thing you have to do here is that you need to have the ET tokens as a holding and I'm pretty sure that 99% people who joined this airdrop earlier, they already have the ET token. So, however, the ET tokens you're having, so I'll be telling you how much reward you'll be getting. So, for example, in my scenario, I have 1,800 tokens roughly. So, this is in the ratio of 1 is to 2. So, if I have 1,800 tokens, I'll be getting double of this reward. So, that means in, you can see over here, 1,800 tokens I have. So, that means I'll be getting somewhere around 3,600 of TSCS token once the airdrop distribution will be happening. So, this is how the first way of earning it is. And now we will come into the second way of earning, that is, we have to do the future trading. So, whatever the amount of the future trading we'll be doing, we will be getting the double amount of the rewards in the TSCS token. And then the next is spot trading, which is buying and selling of any token. And then the third one is the other and the easiest process, that is, inviting your friends and asking them to trade in the platform. So, you'll be getting one is to one ratio rewards in that. So, other thing is negligible. If you want, you can do that. But the first thing which you have already done, you have to just keep in mind that if you want to increase your chances of getting more tokens, then you have to buy the ET tokens, which I do not suggest you to buy. Because instead of that, you can do the second one, that is, future trading. Because you'll be getting the same amount of rewards, as well as you'll be getting additional benefits in the future trading by getting the profits which using the leverage and your trading skills. So, this is how you will enter this Super X token and TSCS token airdrop. Additionally, there are some rules which you need to keep in mind. Some people might ask me right now, how do you withdraw this? So, if you just can see over here, the TSCS token. So, if you try to withdraw and if you go into Market section and if you search for TSCS token, you might not able to find the token over here. You can see if I just search for TSCS, you can see there is no such token. I cannot withdraw it. So, how do you exactly withdraw? You can see over here, I have somewhere around 2,000 tokens, which I showed you. So, how can I withdraw it? What is the process for that? So, let me just tell you. It is still in the airdrop phase. So, whatever the tokens you can see or you get in this your wallet will be taken a snapshot every day. And in the daily process or in the weekly process, they'll be distributing you into your wallet. So, once you do that, once you get that TSCS token, the next step of withdrawal is easy. That is, they will be launching in September. So, today is August 30th. You can see the date and check the date. So, today is August 30th by the time you're watching it. Might be already September for people who are watching after one or two days. So, it will be launching September at the fourth week. This is the expected launching of this token. So, when it launches the token, the pair will be opened over here. So, the next thing what you have to do is that in order to sell this token, it's easy process. Just come into the market section and then search for TSCS token. So, TSCS token will appear over here and then whatever the price it is, the price which they have told and mentioned is $1 per token. That is, TSCS is equal to 1 TSS is equal to $1. So, this will be the initial price during the listing. So, how much will be the further price after it pumps we don't exactly know. But we got to know that the $1 price is the minimum. So, whatever it is, you just need to book the profit immediately. I cannot suggest you to hold on like forever and expecting further pump. Because in airdrop market, we keep one thing in the mind. That rule is very simple. We book profit as much as we can and we risk whatever we can lose. So, I suggest you book profit of 100% profit you can book while it lists in the Super X exchange itself.

Airdrop Conclusion and Instructions

So, I think everyone have understood how you can join this airdrop, how you can participate in this airdrop and also how you can withdraw these tokens after it gets listed in the Super X exchange itself. So, now if you have further doubt, let me just tell you one more thing regarding the first airdrop which I showed you. You can see over here the 8,000 airdrop, the $88,000 airdrop, the price pool. You have to just come into the wallet section and tap on the Super Wallet option and then create your Super Wallet. Super Wallet is nothing but a trust wallet itself, version of the Super X exchange. So, it's kind of a cold storage wallet which you can have tokens at any time and withdraw any time without any headache or without any KYC. So, you just need to do the Super Wallet for this first airdrop which I showed you regarding this $8,000 bonus reward. So, that's all for today's video guys. I hope you guys have liked this video and all the links will be shared to you guys. I have a couple of articles regarding this. You can check out these articles and understand about this airdrop and you can make sure that you check out this thing for your proof and for your benefit. So, that's all for today's video guys. I'll be seeing you in the next video. Until then, take care.


Q: How can I earn TSCS Token and withdraw it with proof?
A: To earn TSCS Token, you can follow specific steps such as holding ET tokens, engaging in future trading, spot trading, and inviting friends to trade on the platform. As for the withdrawal process, tokens earned will be distributed to your wallet daily or weekly during the airdrop phase. Once the token is launched in September, you can sell it on the Super X exchange for $1 per token.
Q: What are the details about Super Wallet Airdrop and Super X Exchange?
A: The Super Wallet Airdrop offers a prize pool of up to 8,000 USDT. To participate, you need to register and create a Super Wallet. Super X Exchange is known for previous tokens like ET, and it currently presents an opportunity to unlock tokens easily. Additionally, by inviting friends, you can earn rewards and participate in the airdrops.
Q: Can you explain how to earn TSCS Token and the associated airdrop procedures?
A: To earn TSCS Token, you can leverage your existing ET token holdings and engage in future trading, spot trading, and inviting friends to the platform. The tokens earned will be distributed during the airdrop phase and will later be tradable on the Super X exchange. It is suggested to book profits during the initial listing to maximize gains.
Q: What is the conclusion and specific instructions for the airdrops mentioned?
A: The airdrop opportunities offer various ways to earn tokens and rewards by following specific steps like creating a Super Wallet, leveraging token holdings, and engaging in trading activities. It is important to understand the process of earning, holding, and eventually selling the tokens once they are listed on the exchange.

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