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FREE Instant Claim Zero Lend Free Airdrop | EarlyZero Token Biggest Crypto Airdrop | Zero Token

  1. Increase Your Profits in the Airdrop
  2. Tasks and Points System for Airdrop
  3. Discord Verification and Task Completion
  4. Bridge Funds to ZK Sync for Liquidity Tasks
  5. FAQ

Increase Your Profits in the Airdrop

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nighton Crypto. I hope you all are doing great. In this article, I'll be talking about an airdrop which is quite famous and also confirmed. I'll be sharing with you a way to increase your profits. This is a trick that I'll be doing, and you should do it too so that you can have a very good profit in this particular airdrop. Nobody should miss it. Watch the video and complete the very easy steps. I'm going to take you through, and you can easily complete it.

Tasks and Points System for Airdrop

Welcome back to another video. If you haven't subscribed to our channel yet, do subscribe and hit the bell icon. Join our Telegram channel. Every day, we come up with two important videos regarding cryptocurrency where you can earn for free and make money for free in the cryptocurrency market. So one more proof I want to show. The points we are having equal zero, so the exchange rate is also there. Whatever points we have are on a one-to-one ratio. 1 is to one ratio means one point will equal one coin. If you're getting 120 points, 130 points, it's a very simple task.

Discord Verification and Task Completion

Regarding Masa, there is a step number two - Masa airdrop. Those who have joined, you can comment down if you want a separate video regarding it. It's a very simple step, and if you want a video regarding it, I can do that. I can make you understand what's the process. We have also mentioned that in our Telegram. So, this is a verify first of all you have to do in the Discord channel, and once you do all these, just press on "I have read the agreement rules and agreement," just press on that, and now you can able to react. After this, there is a "good morning, good night" message community. Here you have to press on "good morning" every day. If you do, 10 points will be adding up. That's why you're going to do it here.

Bridge Funds to ZK Sync for Liquidity Tasks

Regarding this, I don't know how many people are interested in it. I can make one more video if you want to. Or tell me in the comment section, I can make one more video regarding borrow supply and supply liquidity. It's a very simple task. You have to give liquidity to them, and once you provide liquidity, you'll be getting the points. This should be only in the ZK Sync Bridge. So, your ZK Sync mainnet should have some funds, so you can use their Bridge here to bridge whatever funds you’re having. For example, you have ETH; you can bridge ETH to ZK Sync. Or if you have BNB, you can use that option to bridge it here. Once you do that, your ZK Sync will be having some funds, and from there, you can easily do all the tasks. Let me just show you this is the bridge option. Here, you have to put the Ethereum. It will be converting into the ZK Sync. And if you do it during the early morning, you'll be having lesser fees. Almost gas fee is taking up $4. I'll be pressing on "Continue" anyways, and the transaction is called, and your funds will be transferred into ZK. From there, now you can borrow, lend, whatever tasks there.


Q: How can I increase my profits in the airdrop?
A: You can increase your profits in the airdrop by following a trick shared in the provided content. It involves completing easy steps mentioned in the video.
Q: What is the points system for the airdrop?
A: The points system for the airdrop works on a one-to-one ratio, where one point equals one coin. By completing simple tasks, you can earn points which can then be exchanged for coins.
Q: What are the steps for Discord verification and task completion in the airdrop?
A: For Discord verification and task completion, you need to follow the steps as mentioned in the content. This includes joining the Discord channel, reading and agreeing to the rules, and participating in daily interactions to earn points.
Q: How can I bridge funds to ZK Sync for liquidity tasks?
A: To bridge funds to ZK Sync for liquidity tasks, you need to have funds in your ZK Sync mainnet. By using the provided bridge option, you can convert and transfer funds like ETH or BNB to ZK Sync, and then participate in liquidity tasks to earn points.

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