HomeBlogOthersFREE Instant Claim Airdrop | New Catly Alternate Free Crypto Airdrop | New USDT Token Mining Loot

FREE Instant Claim Airdrop | New Catly Alternate Free Crypto Airdrop | New USDT Token Mining Loot

  1. Introduction to Airdrops and Earning Process
  2. Sign Up Process and Token Introduction
  3. FAQ

Introduction to Airdrops and Earning Process

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel. Tonight, before starting the article, I want to show you one simple proof. So, I'll go into my Telegram Channel and you can see over here, this is my proof. How much do we earn from here? You can see $267 and withdraw. Well done, $126. And you can also see there are more proofs as well. You can see $26 and everything. You can also... I can also show my proof in my Binance as well. $60, $165, $125, $150. How did I earn all these things? How did I make this kind of money? So, let me just tell you. I did it by a simple method known as a free airdrop. So, which is this airdrop? It is known as taking airdrop. It requires no money. It is 100% free. It requires no KYC. There is no KYC. There is no investment. There is no deposit. Nothing is there in today's airdrop as well. Because these airdrops I showed you, the withdrawal proof, it is coming from the Catley. So, Catley, I had made a lot of money. And as well as you guys have made money as well. But Catley has ended. Today, I'm coming with the new project, which is similar and most close, familiar to Catley. So, Catley had given us the profit. Even this token will be giving us the profit as well. So, how do we earn? What is the process? I'll be telling you in this video, completely in a detailed way so that you guys don't miss any single option. Because all the things are shown regarding withdrawal, regarding earning, regarding multiple IDs, everything. I'll be telling you step by step in this video. So, watch the video completely till then. And let me just tell you, if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe our channel. We have just crossed 30,000 subscribers and our next target is 31,000. So, make that very quick. And also, if you are new into my channel and if you are my old subscriber, don't forget to like this video. We will be making this video reach 200 likes. And also, I want to remind one simple thing over here. All the links will be provided in this particular telegram group. The link to join this group is given in the video description. So, join this telegram group. All the links will be provided over here.

Sign Up Process and Token Introduction

Okay, so now we will just go straight away into today's website. So, this is the website. So, this website is known as DC Game. Something is written. So, we will ignore all this thing. I will just first of all give you the sign up process. So, first of all, you need to enter your username. Username can be anything. It can be any name. Whatever the username you want to give. Then you have to give the email ID. Then you have to give the password two times. And then most importantly, once you give this password two times, you just need to input the referral code. The referral code I'll be giving you. Or else, it will be automatically there. Then just tap on "I'm not a robot" and then just tap on "sign up" button. And once you do that, then just go into sign in process. So, once you sign up and once you sign in, it will be showing somewhat like this. You can see first of all, I'll introduce each and every option so that you don't miss in the future any of the thing. So, first of all, if you go into the token section, it will show you what is your balance. How much are you having tokens right now? So, right now it is zero. So, don't worry. I'll be showing you how you can make money, et cetera. So, we will go back. Then, the next thing comes is USDT. So, what is there in the USDT? USDT is nothing but once you get the profit in the USD, you can make a withdrawal or deposit, whatever. But I suggest you, you just go with the withdraw. Don't deposit any money. I'm telling you strictly over here. Never ever put any money here. Then don't blame me because I told you so. Something. Don't ever put money in this kind of platform like how we did not put money in CatLee and still we made earning. So that was USD. Now, we will come into the airdrop section. So, in airdrop section, we will be able to get 300, what do you say? 300 token of DCC. So, this is known as DCC. So in CatLee, we had Return CatLee but here we are having DCC. So 300 DCC is roughly around $3. Okay, so that means $3 is not enough for us. We need to make multiple IDs. So I have given you a detailed explanation how to make multiple IDs as well. But if you don't know, then wait for the end of the video. At the end of the video, I'll tell you how to make the multiple ID. So how do we actually claim this airdrop? So claiming airdrop is very simple. Just tap on this follow on Twitter and you just need to follow them on Twitter. So once you follow them over here, then you just need to give your Twitter ID. So this is my Twitter ID. I'll just give my Twitter ID or username. Then I'll just tap on submit. You can see it has been done. Then it'll ask us to follow their Telegram. So once we follow their Telegram, it will open in the Telegram page. We will just join and mute this group so that we do not get irritated at the later part. So I'll just give my Telegram username as well. And then submit. Now you can see I got my tokens. You can see available airdrop tokens is 300. Now what we need to do with this, I'll tell you. So if I just come back and if I just go into my token section, that is balance section, you can see it will say my balance is zero. But we just claimed 300 DCC. Where did it go? Where is 300 DCC? Why is it not showing over here? It's very simple. What we need to keep in mind is very, very, very simple. That we need to stake those 300 DCC tokens. We cannot withdraw immediately. We need to stake it and we need to earn from it. It is very similar to Catley. Even Catley gave us 500 tokens at the beginning and we use this token to make our income. Similarly, we are going to do over here. So to stake, what we can do is that we can go to airdrop section or we can go to this staking section. Anywhere we can go. So I'll just go into staking section at the bottom and you can see it is somewhat this way. Or else you can go back into the home section and then go to the airdrop section again. And then there is a stake now button. So I'll just tap on okay. And then you can see our staking will be live. So you can see the staking has been live. It is now staking. Now game bonus is 2X. That means when the date crosses 5th of December 2023, we will be getting 2X of it. So I can say that after what do you say after 5th of December, according to this calculation as for they have told, we will be getting 600 DCC. So that means we will be able to maybe we will be withdrawable of $6 at that time. So that's why make multiple IDs for this airdrop. Okay, so that's why I'm telling it's completely free. You can do this thing. So now coming to this other part. Okay, the staking has been done. What are the two other options? So there are three options to earn. One is staking like how we do in Catley. Then the next thing is playing games. Okay, second thing is playing games. Third one is referral. Referral, everyone knows, but not everyone has capability. But these first two options, everyone has the capability and opportunity to do that. So how do you play games? So there is a play game button over there. So we will just tap on play game over there. And then you can see it will be loading one game in this manner. So you can see, you just need fast internet or else it will take time. So I'll just tap on play button and you can see music will be done over here. So now what I'm going to do right now is that I'm going to tap anywhere in the screen. So let me just tap here or else I'll just tap on this button. So let's see what is going to happen. I don't know what's happening here. So you can see one ball will fall down. You can see you'll be getting this 0.1% reward. So I'll just tap on continue. And we get the reward. So if you just go into play game again, we will just tap on play game. So you can see we need to tap anywhere. Okay, there is many arrows over here. So how to play is very simple. You just need to tap on any arrow. So I'll just tap on this arrow and you can see one ball will fall down in this way. So let's see how much we will get. So we got 0.2%. That means we got this amount of reward. So I'll just tap on continue button. And you can see over here, my gaming bonus has expired. So for each taking, you'll be getting gaming bonus over here. So that's what we're getting. So now what we're going to do is that we will go into the home section. And if you go into the token section over there, you can see over here that we have 0.9 DCC token. So this token we got by playing. So this is a very small earning, but main earning comes from the staking and referral. So now how do we sell this token? So there is buy sell button. So if you go into the buy sell button, you can see one price, one DCC token is $0.01. Almost, almost of 0.01. So if you just calculate with that 300 DCC token, if you just calculate into the USD, it will be $3 almost. Somewhere around $2.99 it will be. So just consider it as $3. So that's why I'm telling you make multiple IDs and then we can make a good earning. So we can just input how much amount we want. And all these things we can do. If you want to sell, you can just tap on sell. And then you can make, what do you say, income out of this as well. So that's what this is about. So we will just go into the home section now. Now talking about the referrals. So if you go into the referral section, you can see over here, you'll be getting your own referral link over here. So you can just invite your friends and make income out of that as well. So this is the introduction video, like how we did an introduction for Catley. So maybe in the future, when we make some profit, when we earn some tokens, we will be definitely making one more video on how you can sell it, how you can withdraw. For now, you can just make multiple IDs. Okay. So now talking about multiple IDs. What you can do is that, I'll be giving you one link. Okay. I'll be giving you one link which we have already made a video about on how you can make multiple IDs. Making multiple IDs is very simple. Just install an application known as Island. So there is an Island application available in Google Play Store. Unfortunately, I cannot send link because this is an Early Access app. That's why we don't have share link over here. You just need to manually come into Island. That is Play Store and search for Island. And then you will be having a new profile in your mobile phone. It will be like this. Okay. So once you open your Island application, it will be somewhat this way. Okay. So let me just show you over here. Where is Island? Okay. Once you open your Island application, it will be somewhat this way. So now you have to just go into the Play Store over here. So once you go into the Play Store, I'll just open the Play Store. Okay. I think it is over here for me. Yeah. So my Play Store is over here. Then what I need to do is that, I just need to search as browser. So we will be getting as many browsers as we can. So we need to install like 10 or 20 or 30 browsers from this list. And once we install this, then what we need to do is that we need to generate. For each browser, we need to have one Gmail ID. So to generate Gmail ID, I have already made a video regarding that. You can search in my channel as Gmail Nitron. Or else, I'll be providing the link for this video. So this video is what I'm talking about how to create unlimited Gmail ID without phone number verification. All you can see, all I've done the video in that. You can just access that link or video. I'll be providing this link, video link in my Telegram group. Okay. So join this Telegram group. All the links will be provided over here. So I think that's all for today's video, guys. Like and share this video as much as possible. And I'll be meeting you in the next video. Until


Q: What is the process of earning through airdrops?
A: The earning process through airdrops involves participating in free airdrops that require no money, no KYC, no investment, and no deposit. Tokens earned through airdrops can be staked to generate income.
Q: What is the sign-up process for earning tokens?
A: The sign-up process involves entering a username, email ID, password, referral code, and completing the sign-up by confirming 'I'm not a robot'. Once signed up, users can access features such as checking token balance, USDT balance, and participating in airdrops and games.
Q: How can one claim an airdrop and stake the tokens?
A: To claim an airdrop, users need to follow social media accounts, submit their usernames, and then stake the received tokens to earn rewards. Staking can be done by accessing the airdrop section or the staking section and following the instructions.
Q: What are the different ways to earn on the platform?
A: Users can earn on the platform through staking, playing games, and referrals. By staking tokens, playing games to earn rewards, and inviting friends through referral links, users can maximize their earnings.
Q: How can one create multiple IDs for earning more?
A: To create multiple IDs for earning more, users can use the Island application and install multiple browsers. Each browser should have a separate Gmail ID, and users can refer to a specific video guide for creating unlimited Gmail IDs without phone number verification.

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