HomeBlogE-commerceHow To Start Shopify Local Drop Shipping In Pakistan Lecture 3 | How To Customize Shopify Store

How To Start Shopify Local Drop Shipping In Pakistan Lecture 3 | How To Customize Shopify Store

  1. Introduction to Store Keeper Customization
  2. Adding and Customizing Products
  3. Adding Products and Setting Up Collections
  4. Customization of Online Store
  5. FAQ

Introduction to Store Keeper Customization

Assalam Welcome. This is your Mentor Mohit. Welcome to Commerce Sl. So today we will talk about how to do Store Keeper customization properly. As I told you, in the next step, I will add some ready products. Later, I will tell you how to customize it.

Adding and Customizing Products

I come here, inside the products. Here I have added many products, made some categories. Like, I have made a collection, one of jewelry and one of t-shirts. Okay, now here I am telling how much jewelry is there in the products. I have added four. Inside the men's, I have made four products. Okay, now come inside the products. Okay, these are the products. I have added 1 doti, four. I have made its jewelry and four only. I have added men's. Now I will tell you how to add these, but I will tell you one last time to add the product again. Let me also tell you the method.

Adding Products and Setting Up Collections

Okay, here first of all come inside the products. OK, it is a very easy step. Add a product. First create a collection. Set the name of the collection and save it as it is. After that come inside the product. Here I write T-shirt, okay, I was adding this earlier too, so I copied and pasted it here. You can write anything in the title, what thing do you have, what thing are you putting, upload the picture here. Okay, after that write the price here which is my price, main price, if I want to sell Rs. 700, I was selling it earlier for Rs. 900, a line will be created on this and 700 will be the actual price, okay, this is You guys see, rest of the things you don't have to do anything about quantity etc. Just write quantity here as 1000 pieces, write as 10000 as per your wish, an automatic category will also come, but whatever you want, select it once. You will come here as vendor yourself, after this the collection will come like the T-shirt I had made, if you write inside it and save it, then I will make the discard changes here, you guys save it, then your product will be added here, okay come here.

Customization of Online Store

Now come inside the online store and from here now our customization will start. Here come on top of customize. Now I will tell you how you have to add things here. Look, now all this mix is ​​coming here. He has automatically selected the categories and mixed them all. Look here, all these things are coming inside the airports. Now I don't want everything here, I want different ones. Okay, so first of all I will do the D to section here, okay. We do not put feature products right now, we leave the collection list here and add the feature collection here, add one more feature collection here, I click on it, okay, here I put the jewelry, if it is okay then jewelry. Let's write here, it's I am tired spelling, yes ok, jewelry has come, we will check the spelling later, yes friend, let us also make the heading small and give the title here, "All You Need All Products" [Music] or "View". Let's make it all because more people will open it, so let's make it view all. Here it is ok, after this, select collection here, he is asking which one should come from all the collections here, so I select collection here, here I select jewelry. Did you select the jewelry collection? It's okay here. The jewelry collection is here, okay. Now come here, below, okay. And here, now you can write any line here, you can write anything above, okay. I had selected it on the card like this, look here, what did I say that you have to give two prices, one on the top will be cut and the bottom one will be your actual price. Now come here, Theme Settings, Above Theme Settings. Leave this theme setting here, if you want to make it blue then do it otherwise keep the white page also like this, it will turn blue, now look at this, the whole card etc. has become blue, if you want to do it like this then do it like this, we will do it later. We will change it, okay, here this collection is ours first, okay, now we have changed the themes of all the collections above, from here already, come here, we have one on this, we have to separate it. Of course, make it separately or finish it as it is. If you talk about this feature collection here, click on it, then you will see below which collection is included, here all is selected. Okay, click on change, change collection and here we have to keep only airports, so we will keep only airports here, how to take it, come out from here, this feature collection is coming, okay, this feature collection below is coming in the middle. Coming in is the image with text which we have added in between. Pick it up and bring it just below the header. Look inside the template. The header template has arrived. Okay, we have the image and text. After that, our collection one has come. Collection two has come, now we add collection three, we will add section, sorry, finally the collection is fine, let's add section, we add one more collection, here we add feature collection and this is what we have here. Here, this one has come, come up, this one has come, okay, he has done both the things, first we have come for airports, second has come for jewelry, third, now we have to add, here we do it in the name of men's t-shirts. Okay, men's t-shirt is here, we have kept the title and write below, View All is okay, View All is here, now make this heading small, it is your choice, whether you want to keep it large, middle or small. Come down, scheme blue, this is correct, ours is ok, now we have to select the collection here, which collection is it, here collection is written, click on the collection, ok which men's t-shirt, click on this, it is selected. We have the mains key, okay, after this come down, so here we don't have anything else to do, we have set the theme setting etc., first okay, close this, close this, save once, okay now after saving. After this, inside the mobile preview, you have to see what is being shown near you, okay, this is your main page, if you find the picture too big, you can change it, okay, its size is here, here is the adapter. There is an image, you can make it smaller or make it smaller, it will be shown like this but if it will be cut off from the top then it is your choice because I have taken the picture in a slightly bigger image, so it is coming here like this, you can see which one. Is it a small size or if you want to tease it, you want to move it up and down, then you can do it, here are the options, okay, the desktop image weight is coming here and the mobile one is coming separately, okay, so you can tease both. Yes, it is ok, it is asking me the mobile layout. Now this layout is asking that it should come a little left. Look, the button is coming on the left. Now see, if I center it, then this automatic button is in the center. Okay, the mobile is aligned. Mention, you have to look at the mobile alignment, you have not tampered with it here, whatever was coming here on the desktop is fine, you have not tampered with the image weight etc., you have checked according to the mobile, what you have to set as per the mobile is fine. The rest is this Paddington pass, the entire page is ready, see it will scroll like this on the mobile, then this collection will come, then this collection will keep coming and see, as you are scrolling from the bottom, the pictures are automatically coming to the bottom. Okay, this is ours, we have designed it a little, now I will tell you how to add buttons on these, now click on buy now here, okay what I did here, I had placed the button on the Well, whatever product will be opened here, it will automatically go to the product's pictures etc. Okay, after that here is the jewelry. We have not yet put any automatic button on the jewellery. Apart from this, come here. If you want to add a button here, then you can do it, there is also a buy option from here, we can see where it is coming from here, or above this, I would suggest not to do it as soon as the customer clicks on this button. If you click on it then automatically the buy or not page will open. Buy it from here. Now add a new thing. Let me tell you that if you guys add this feature product, we are fine here. The feature product has arrived, okay, now whether you take it on the top or in the middle, take it anywhere, let's take it a little bit above here at the start, a little below the start, okay, it has arrived okay, meaning first. We have taken the image of airport with text, okay then we have taken the image of its collection of airports, then we have taken this, this is what brands are often doing, they are playing on this technique, click on this and select. Which product we have to do like this, then we look at it, which is our interesting product, then we choose that one, make sure I select this black t-shirt only, okay, here I think there is an issue of net. So here we select it and save it. Look, this is the picture with automatic black picture. I have not downloaded the picture correctly in color pixel by pixel etc., hence it is coming like this. Okay, look at the scheme. Blue. And white as it is our first one, so you can do it like this also, see it is like this at the top and like this at the bottom, it is your choice, you can set your colors as per your wish, right here, set the desktop width to this. Leave it, we have to watch it on mobile, then what kind of show will we get on mobile, then we take the mobile preview, when we open it on mobile, it will show like this, okay if I am not liking the colors right now, then I can make it black. And I make it in white a little like this, see in dark color, what is the color behind the background? White and here add dull white to everything, it looks very beautiful. Now come, if I click on the name, tell me the size of the heading here. It will be given ok because the title of the product which I have set, it will automatically fetch it here, it is ok, the prices which I have set, it will do it automatically, this box is also coming automatically, add to card or buy also. It is coming ok, if I want to remove it then I will delete the share button and if I leave it there then let's control z, then I think it is ok, it will not work here, so here I can add the button. If the customer clicks on the view full details that I am sharing, then the full details of this product will automatically open. In the future, I will run it and tell you how it is run. Okay, let's save it. Now let us take a preview of a website. How is it coming to us, let's do this, exit from here is fine and click on the three dot on this, it is fine here, the preview is done, now it is opening as a client which is your customer base, see this tickly. As soon as the customer clicks on Buy Now, let's see what show we have. Look, the product has been opened. It's ok. The customer is here and now when he clicks on Buy Buy Now, he will directly go to a checkout page. Let's click on Buy Now, let's try it to see how we are getting the view. Look, we will ask for the contact number from the customer. Okay, here you can add things as per your wish, whether it is the contact number or phone or email. What is the thing he has to ask for, whether to ask for postal code or not, you can set that setting, I will also tell you, here the customer will give his name etc., give his service number or phone number, after that the name etc. will come here, he will write the address and here As soon as he submits, the order will come to you automatically. Okay, here the cart is coming in its form, so this is the preview that is coming to a customer. Okay, now here we go again. If he clicks on it, he will automatically come to the home page of the page. Okay, now from here, do a little bit of this, hide the bar. Okay, scroll down a little bit from here, it is giving with such beautiful animation as we are scrolling. The animation is being created automatically, look okay, it is being set automatically, now we have to see what we have to add in the footer, things are easy in the footer too, nothing is so difficult, I will tell you that in the next lecture also. Or still let me guide you a little bit, I come here inside the customization, so here inside the customization, close it, you can take the preview again and again, come down, okay, footer section, here comes the footer section. Click on the footer, see it has come down, the footer is now asking which theme color theme to use here, I say make it a little dark, see it has come dark, it is okay about email signup, he is saying when here. A box of email is coming as soon as the customer writes his email and sends it, then automatically the email will be written here, thank you for emailing or subscribe us, okay here you can also change its email, write this here. Give a thanks for giving a thanks for subscribe, I am writing this from myself, you can also write anything, ok thanks for subscribe, we write this title, as soon as the customer will mail on this, we will automatically receive a mail. Has anyone subscribed to it? Well, it does n't have any main function, it will just be shown to you and shown to the customer. Thanks, okay here, follow on shop, okay, enable follow on shop, leave it as it is, leave this too, everything as it is. Two, come here, below is the theme setting, want to add your own, below, if you want to put an image, then I select the image here and put an image from my store. Again, this is my store. The image has come, if you want to write something here, hi there, it's okay, then that will also come here, let's scroll down a bit, again, it's okay here, I think it's glitched here, okay, so here, okay below. This is an option coming, okay 'A Cess Powered By Shop', if you want, you can also remove it, okay, I had written something else here, ' Powered By', that is, I had also written the name of my store, so if you want, you can remove it. You can also remove it, it is not such a difficult task, okay, so where were we, here we were inside the theme setting, and here, here, I have put a picture, let's remove it for now, okay, and here, as I am here. I was typing, 'Hey there, it's okay, here it is, it's okay. As I keep writing, it will come here on the side. If it's okay, then by writing this, 'Hi there,' you can type any contact here, whatever is the content, type it here too. You can do it, it will come to you here, right now I think there is a net issue, due to this, it is not updating it live, so right now, I just upload a picture here like I had done earlier, uploaded this. Your footer menu will be ready, if you want, you can attach links here as much as you want, it will appear here, reveal on section no control, okay, we have saved it, let's exit, let's preview once again that we have How is the website coming? You can also click on View Your Store. You can also do this by going to the three lines. Okay, scroll down. Here also the logo is not updated due to net issue. Well, what we have here is the entire website. It started coming here, if you want to put a search bar, now we have made this blue theme, because of this, the search bar is not showing, otherwise the customer will click on the search, let's write 'Airports'. Okay, so will come, ok, sorry, here you can submit your information by giving it. As soon as the customer submits here, you will get a mail. Ok, here I will tell you how to add the About Us section and how to add the other buttons. In the future, I will tell you as if a customer clicks on this item of jewelry, goes to Pay Buy Now and goes to the automatic check out page, then it is very easy. Here I have shown you the website within about two to three lectures. I have prepared and will tell you the rest of the main things. Inshallah, follow the series. If you like the video, please like, comment, share and subscribe the channel. Inshallah, see you in the next video.


Q: What is Store Keeper Customization?

A: Store Keeper Customization is a process of setting up and customizing the store's products, collections, and appearance to fit the specific needs and preferences of the store owner.
Q: How can products be added and customized?

A: Products can be added by creating collections, setting names, adding product details, uploading pictures, setting prices, and selecting categories. Customization involves setting prices, quantity, categories, and vendor details.
Q: How can collections be set up?

A: Collections can be set up by creating categories, adding products to specific collections, and organizing products under different categories for easy navigation and shopping experience.
Q: What is the process of customizing an online store?

A: Customizing an online store involves setting themes, color schemes, layouts, sections, and adding features like buttons for product purchase. It also includes setting up mobile responsiveness and footer sections.

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