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Use This Visualization When You Have No Money (Minute 5)

  1. Building a Successful Business Through Perseverance
  2. Overcoming Challenges in Entrepreneurship
  3. The Importance of Long-Term Vision in Business
  4. Believing in the Power of Visualizing Success
  5. Taking Action and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

Building a Successful Business Through Perseverance

Dollar that we spend with this new business, we're making three. Basically, our only limit right now is how much money will Google allow us to spend in this particular niche. It wasn't profitable, made zero money, but now all of a sudden, boom! The profits are rolling. Building it's not easy. You can't quit, okay? You have to be willing not to quit.

Overcoming Challenges in Entrepreneurship

I was just thinking about this. I started up a new business, so I have my Legion business. I also have my coaching business and other businesses. I started up a new business in November. A great opportunity came my way. In between, one of my partners got mad at the other partner and quit. Did I quit? No, kept going. Then there were some legal issues that scared the other partner. The other partner got scared and quit. I kept going. Then finally, the other partner joined back up with me. We got a bunch of sites going.

The Importance of Long-Term Vision in Business

I actually have two teenage daughters. I'm having them both read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' right now. And one of the big lessons in 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' is stop working for money. As soon as you set yourself free from an hourly rate and from a rat race type setup from a job, it changes the whole game. And especially if you got your monthly nut covered and you can work, build your business, and make zero, that's when all of a sudden the game changes because you make zero, but it doesn't matter.

Believing in the Power of Visualizing Success

I'm going to tell you guys a story right now. One of the businesses that I started, I wasn't feeling a lot of confidence that it was going to work, and I actually... So I, in this certain business, I actually had, like, a dashboard that showed my sales, and I actually had my daughter—my daughter's really good at Photoshop—I actually had my daughter Photoshop the dashboard with a daily income amount showing in the sales column. Every day, dates and everything that I could look at and meditate on and visualize every single day.

Taking Action and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

And there's a lot going on up in here that blocks us from making those choices. There's an audiobook for free also. You can listen to this entire Maxwell Maltz book as well. Get it so that you can listen to this on a regular basis, do the exercises. It only takes like 30 minutes a day, but it can make a huge difference in you actually making choices so that you don't sabotage your own success. Get out there and execute.

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