  1. The Origin of a Crisis
  2. The Unconventional Battlefields
  3. Tech Workers and Entrepreneurs' Advantage
  4. Wealth Predictions and Recommendations
  5. Monetizing the Changes
  6. FAQ

The Origin of a Crisis

Fact: millions of innocent people have died. Fact: this all started in China. Fact: the U.S. is doing absolutely nothing to find the perpetrators of this insane, insane crisis. Another fact: last time a large amount of innocent people, innocent Americans, died, the U.S. went absolutely crazy, going around the world to turn over every stone in the far corners of places to find the perpetrators of who caused those innocent people to die, and yet they're doing nothing right now with what is going on and all of the innocent people have died. Now, this is speculation. I'm not going to claim this is a fact, but I'm pretty confident that this entire problem was created in a lab unless you're one of the folks who still believe that this actually came from, uh, some bat that escaped somewhere, a snake, or some, some weird, uh, armadillo-type creature that people were eating, Randy.

The Unconventional Battlefields

So, first let's go over what this war is not gonna be. Now, this war is not gonna be a military war. This war is not going to be a political war. The battlegrounds this war is going to be fought on: communication networks, the internet, the media, the TV culture. This war is going to be fought on transportation networks; we see that trade and seas and ports and taxes and tariffs and all sorts of other trade and transportation, whether it's biological transportation or any sorts of transportation of goods and stuff. The other place this is going to be fought is data; we already see this happening. So, the question is, who's going to benefit and who's not going to benefit? Now, this is all speculation, but I really encourage you to comment in the description and let me know your viewpoints on this because I really want to encourage a conversation to go here. And the only way you can fight a shadow is by shining light on it. You cannot argue with a shadow; you cannot negotiate a shadow; you cannot shoot a shadow; you cannot strangle a shadow to death. All you can do with the shadow is shine light on it and hope that it will eventually go away. But usually what shadows do, as does the devil, is they shift: you shine a light on a shadow, and it moves somewhere. This is the cycle of the earth.

Tech Workers and Entrepreneurs' Advantage

Who's going to benefit the most is internet and tech workers, internet and technology entrepreneurs. I'm extremely privileged to be in a space where I'm both an influencer. I run a software company; I run a marketing company, and I have a lot of money to be able to deploy in smart ways. I've been extremely blessed to be inoculated from this entire crisis and all this market volatility that we've been seeing going on based on my businesses that I've been running as an entrepreneur online for the last 10 years. Now, the reason why internet and tech workers and entrepreneurs are going to be so benefited by this is because the internet is unstoppable. You cannot shut down the internet; the internet is the ultimate decentralized platform. It allows anybody from anywhere to communicate with anybody using all these pipes and connections. Now, countries try to close this off, but you can't because Elon Musk installed satellites covering literally covering the entire world so anybody can access the internet no matter what a country's policy on internet service providers is. Anybody can build their own server to show websites on the internet; it's free, just build your own computer and you can show websites anywhere in the world. I've made my money in tech, and I've been super fortunate. But let's talk about who's not going to benefit too, again all speculation, right, and I really want a conversation going in the comments here, but who I believe is not going to benefit is people who have their money in currencies and stocks.

Wealth Predictions and Recommendations

But seriously, what am I basing all of this off of? Where is all this information coming from? Where do these thoughts even come into my mind? Well, I study success, I study wealth, and I study billionaires. One of the people I really look to the most for my ideas in life is an author named Neal Stevenson and specifically this book of his predicts everything that's been going on right here today. 883 pages, it predicts exactly what's going to happen and it is all playing out right now. Now Neal Stevenson created the most similar model for what the internet also, what augmented reality and what virtual reality looked like in his books that he released in the 80s. Now, the internet was already around, but in his book Snow Crash, he really goes over what the internet became and subsequently he has been consulted with; he's been hired and consulted with and befriended by the most successful people on this earth. You can look this up: Bill Gates is one of his personal friends up in Seattle and a massive advocate of his books even though they really run contrary to a lot of what Bill Gates talks about himself. Elon Musk is also somebody who works with and has consulted with Neal Stevenson. Jeff Bezos has consulted with Neal Stevenson and so has Google: Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and their company Magic Leap which Google also bought and installed Neal Stevenson as the chief futurist of their company. Now we have a list of four or five of the richest people in the entire planet Earth; every one of those folks I named I believe has a net worth of over a hundred billion and all of these folks' careers and businesses depend on being able to prepare for and invent the future. Neal Stevenson is who these folks look to and in Neal Stevenson's book which came out a year before all of this craziness happened in 2019, he released his book talking about the fragmentation of the American Empire. My prediction is that America will become multiple jurisdictions and that boundaries don't necessarily matter anymore. You know, we look at World War I and World War II and these were wars about boundaries; right, these were wars about land and 'I own this land,' 'No, the line should be over here.' It doesn't matter anymore because everything can be controlled digitally through computers, through data, through networks, communication networks, through sensors. Boundaries don't matter anymore and we're moving to a world where governments which have been in charge of and really operated within physical land boundaries are becoming obsolete. Cultural wars are going on right now behind the scenes; the battlegrounds are these social media sites, these big media networks and they span all boundaries. The internet spans everything and that's why this war that's happening will affect so many folks and so many people and it's a shadow war again, it isn't something you can pin down with a finger; it isn't something you can touch or see or define or argue with. What we are in is a shadow war and I believe this is going to be one of the craziest periods right now going into the future. The next few years, going to be one of the craziest periods of our lives but also there's so much money to be made, and I'm so excited because being in the tech and the internet and the entrepreneurial space that I'm in opens me and many of the folks who listen to my musings on or not musings but listen to my advice on how to start internet and businesses and whatnot are profiting so well right now.

Monetizing the Changes

So, let's go into how to profit from these changes. First off, I've been teaching affiliate marketing for years. Affiliate marketing is where you post links on the internet and if somebody clicks your link and ends up buying the product on the webpage that you linked to, you earn a commission, generally around fifty dollars to a hundred dollars, sometimes like with the affiliate program I'm launching soon you can earn thousands of dollars from a single click. The other major segment that will obviously be a great place to make a lot of money is investments. If you know where and when and what to invest in, if you're thinking you're going to invest in some influencer-promoted scam coin, you're dumb, you're not gonna make money on that—this Jake Paul's Poop Coin is not the future of society and of currency. The number one way to lose money is going to be not embracing the internet. Again, the number one way to lose money in this is to do nothing and not embrace the internet because the governments, everybody knows what you want to do is nothing and nothing is the most dangerous thing you can possibly do right now and in the coming future because nothing is going to make sure that all of your money in stocks or in cash slowly dwindles down the amount of manipulation in the currency markets in the stock markets in the media, I mean it's just—it boggles my mind, I see it as an influencer with the amount of social media filtering, algorithms, censorship. It's obscene; people don't know what's going on anymore. So, if you really want to take advantage of all of these coming changes that are going on, if you want, if you like hearing my viewpoints on what's going to happen, I'm going to be releasing a lot more videos about what's going on and exactly step-by-step how to profit from these changes. In fact, as I said before, I'm putting together an affiliate program for folks to make thousands and thousands of dollars. But I'd really like your feedback. I'd like you to join my little community—just put a comment down and give me a subscribe, enable notifications, and let's get this party started because there's gonna be so much money available for all of us if you really just don't just sit on your butt and do nothing.


Q: What is the main focus of 'The Origin of a Crisis'?
A: The main focus is on the origins of a crisis that resulted in the death of millions of innocent people and the lack of action by the U.S. to find the perpetrators.
Q: What unconventional battlefields are discussed in 'The Unconventional Battlefields'?
A: The unconventional battlefields discussed include communication networks, the internet, media, transportation networks, and data.
Q: Who is predicted to benefit the most in 'Tech Workers and Entrepreneurs' Advantage'?
A: Internet and technology workers, as well as entrepreneurs, are predicted to benefit the most due to the unstoppable nature of the internet.
Q: What is the basis for the wealth predictions and recommendations in 'Wealth Predictions and Recommendations'?
A: The predictions are based on insights from studying success, wealth, billionaires, and authors like Neal Stevenson who have accurately predicted future trends.
Q: How can one profit from the changes discussed in 'Monetizing the Changes'?
A: One can profit from the changes by engaging in affiliate marketing and making informed investments, while also actively embracing the opportunities presented by the internet.

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