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Replaced His Job In Four Months - Built An Online Business Instead!

  1. Corey's Story: Starting Lead Gen Business with Google Maps
  2. Taking the Plunge: Quitting the Job and Starting the Business
  3. Client Retention and Business Growth
  4. Advice for Starting and Scaling Your Business
  5. FAQ

Corey's Story: Starting Lead Gen Business with Google Maps

I was able to quit my job after like four or five months. Which, that's [Music]. We've got Corey coming on here, he should be on here in just a second. He started lead gen with Google Maps back in 2019, and so he's gonna kind of share some of his story and what it was like for him to get started. He's got some good things he's noticed just being in the group. He's one of our coaches, so he's in the group a lot helping people out. And I think you're gonna get a lot out of this. Welcome Corey and everybody! Welcome Corey to the, uh, the live stream.

Taking the Plunge: Quitting the Job and Starting the Business

I was able to quit my job after like four or five months. Which, that's excellent. It was kind of scary at first. That's excellent, and that's pretty amazing too. I mean, you know, I know a lot of people, their business does get rolling by like month four or five, even six. But a lot of people don't have the guts to quit their job at that point. A lot of people kind of keep the job, you know, like, "I don't really know if this internet business thing is gonna really last." But you, you just took the plunge. I mean, what was it like for you when, you, your first, so you set up your first website, your first Maps listing, and all that? I mean, do you remember when those first calls started to come through and like, what that felt like?

Client Retention and Business Growth

Yeah. My customer retention is really high. They want to stick with me, it's comfortable, you know? It's on automatic billing. They don't really have to think about it. They just know that their phone's ringing. And I had this guy that, you know, he came to me and he's like, "Hey, you know, I don't know if I want to do this anymore." He calls me back two weeks later and he's like, "Yeah, my phone stopped ringing. You know, what do we have to do to make this stuff work?" So, you know, the value to the business owner is so huge. It really does change business owners' lives, you know, to get that extra 30, 40, 50 phone calls. You know, I kind of approach it like, you know, if you don't want to work with me, I'll work with your competitor, but I, you know, I'd like, I'd like to work it out with you. You know, I know you, I've talked to you, but you know, Jim down the road needs this too. You know, where are we at with this? Yep. They're usually, uh, pretty on board with what we got.

Advice for Starting and Scaling Your Business

Now, what advice, what advice do you have? I know you were saying you had some advice to people that were maybe, I know you're seeing people in the group probably getting hung up at different places along the process. What kind of advice do you have for them? Yeah, I just wanted to mention, I have a sticker too. I look at it every day. It says, "It's not rocket science." Yeah, yeah, I try to keep it simple. Yeah. But as far as advice goes, buy a shirt. But also, you know, people get in and they're kind of learning and they're, I call it "minutia," you know, the little things, like they get stuck on backlinking, you know? And I've had days where I go backlinking and I get hot and sweaty. I get angry. I feel like I've wasted a half-hour. I gotta go take a walk around the block. But ultimately, the way I think of it, and it's like any business, is you go out there and you work the business for a certain amount of time, but then you hire someone to do it for you. You have to have that skill and that knowledge. And it makes me think of Dutch Bros. You have to work at Dutch Bros, I think for two years before you can buy one. I'm not mistaken. I don't know if you guys have Dutch Bros over on the East Coast, but no, we don't, but I know the idea. Yeah. It's pretty good. It's just a little drive-through coffee shop, and you know, you gotta work there, you gotta know the business, and then you can hire out. So, I think being able to learn the skill, being able to know it, being able to make your first money, get to a certain monetary value that you're bringing in each month, and then hire out. You know, it's not hard to hire people, it's not as scary as it seems. There's people out there that have general knowledge of this stuff that you can go and teach them in your ways and teach them what you want to do, and maybe they'll bring something extra to the table, and you can run the business instead of you kind of work on the business instead of in the business. So, and another kind of bottleneck that I ran into that I didn't enjoy was doing the content, you know? So, there's websites like textbroker.com where I can go have them write these pages for me for like $10 or $15, and it just releases all that time for me. It releases that stress of doing research and all that stuff, and it just speeds up my process, you know? Because that really slowed me down, and that was the first thing that I outsourced, but I wanted to talk about, you know, people asking questions in the group. You know, there's, I want to mention that there is no dumb question, you know? And if there is one, I've definitely asked it. You know, in the beginning, I didn't know about this, but you gotta go out and do it, you know? You gotta go out and do it and run into maybe a little speed bump and ask the question, you know? Reach out to these coaches directly. This is what we do every day. Post in the group. If it doesn't get answered within, you know, an hour, reach out to me. You know, I know you're working and you want to focus. So, yeah, I mean, my biggest advice is go out there and take imperfect action, you know? Yes, you can get stuck into minutia of backlinks and the minutia of this and that. But ultimately, massive imperfect action will get you where you want to go. If you, you can't think about problems before they get there, once they get there, be an entrepreneur, you solve them, you move forward. So, keep taking that action, keep asking questions in the group. We're here to help you out. I know Chad, that's a big part of what he does is to be able to help you guys out and provide as much value as you can, so reach out to us. We're always here, and we want to see you guys grow. Excellent, excellent. Thanks a lot Corey, appreciate your time, man. Yeah, it was good talking to you. Talk to.


Q: What did Corey start with in 2019?
A: Corey started lead gen with Google Maps back in 2019.
Q: How did Corey's customers feel about working with him?
A: Corey's customer retention is really high, and they feel comfortable and value the service he provides.
Q: What advice does Corey have for starting and scaling a business?
A: Corey advises taking imperfect action, learning the necessary skills, reaching out for help, and outsourcing tasks to grow the business.

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