HomeBlogOthersInstant Mining platform | Crypto Airdrop Today - NebulaMiners Withdrawal #instantairdrop

Instant Mining platform | Crypto Airdrop Today - NebulaMiners Withdrawal #instantairdrop

  1. Introduction to Nebula Miner Platform
  2. Overview and Features of Nebula Miner
  3. Disclaimer and Investment Advice
  4. Detailed Explanation of Nebula Miner Operations
  5. Investment and Profit Calculation
  6. Rig and Revenue Details of Nebula Miner
  7. Earnings and Deposit Process in Nebula Miner
  8. Staking and NFT Minting Procedures
  9. Staking NFTs and Earning Rewards
  10. Claiming Staking Rewards and Withdrawals
  11. Referral System and Final Remarks
  12. Conclusion and Withdrawal Process
  13. Final Advice and Caution for Investors
  14. Risks and Reward Balance in Nebula Miner
  15. Importance of Investment Decisions
  16. Staking and Withdrawal Policies
  17. Security Measures in Withdrawals
  18. Feedback and Future Videos
  19. FAQ

Introduction to Nebula Miner Platform

66% profit you can make every year, that is almost 6.5x profit from your balance. So this is the power of this and this is what actually they are saying and showing in their mining [Music] platform.

Overview and Features of Nebula Miner

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nighton Crypto. Today I'll be talking about a new platform where you can mine and earn money. This is a passive kind of income for you. I'll be telling you how you can earn, how you can start earning, and how you can withdraw. Everything I'll be sharing with you in this video. It's going to be a very interesting video and also it's a different video for you. I request everyone to watch this video because you'll be getting a passive income definitely and also you are going to earn day by day with this platform. So we'll be talking about that in the video.

Disclaimer and Investment Advice

Before starting the video, let me tell you that I'm not your financial advisor. I'm just here as an investor and here I'm sharing my thoughts and views about this platform which I'm going to discuss here.

Detailed Explanation of Nebula Miner Operations

Moving on to the platform, this is known as Nebula Miner. I'll be giving you all the links in the Telegram channel so you can find the link. Once you open the link in the browser, you can find this interface. Here you can mint, trade, stake, and get rewards. This is a different kind of mining application or mining website you can say because you are going to mint an NFT here and that NFT will generate rewards for you in USDT which you can later withdraw. This is the main agenda of this mining website. It's a different mining. We have mined many other applications, but this one is a different one so we'll be moving on to the white papers first and then I'll be sharing what exactly they're going to do and how exactly you're going to withdraw these tokens whatever you have been earning from this using staking your NFT.

Investment and Profit Calculation

So this is the white paper here. In the beginning of the video, let I have shown you that you will be earning almost 656% of your yearly earnings. So this is why I said so here, if you come to the staking platform here, they have clearly mentioned that you will be earning almost 3.2% to 1.8%. And due to that calculation, I have just shown you. So I have to the minimum percent that is 1.8% yield every day. So according to that percent 1.8%, if you calculate, I have shown you the calculator. So according to that calculation, you'll be getting 656 every year, and every month you'll be getting almost 54% Rewards or the profits you can generate using this so this is about the Nebula Miners.

Rig and Revenue Details of Nebula Miner

If you check their roadmap, you can find the roadmap also. I'll be explaining that and Nebula Miners what exactly they have. They have their own rigs, they are mining bitcoins so you can just see that in their blog and also if you go to the Nebula mining site, they have clearly mentioned each and every detail. They are very open to us. They have 16,000 square meters of mining and 4,000 ASIC mining machines they have. So they are mining Bitcoin and at what rate and what revenue they are generating, that is 441,000 Revenue per month they are generating, and that is the least amount also they are showing. So everything they are clearly explaining where exactly their income is coming from. So they are open to us regarding that. I have a good opinion for them. We'll be all leaving that and let us now join the platform and I'll be sharing how exactly you're going to earn it.

Earnings and Deposit Process in Nebula Miner

So let me show you my earnings also. If you come to the dashboard of this website, you can see total deposit almost $51,000 are deposited and it's taking rewards 15,000 have already been claimed and 4,900 have been withdrawn. The currently yielding is 1.8%. So here my balance is, as you can see, 0.89. I have started it today. So how exactly you're going to deposit it let me show you in this video.

Staking and NFT Minting Procedures

So once your connection is done, guys, what you have to do is you can come to your official page here and make sure it is in desktop mode. You should be keeping it in desktop mode for a clear vision. So here once you press on the three button here you'll be getting the three buttons. So you should be pressing on that, and once you press on that, you'll be getting a dashboard option. Press on that dashboard option, and here your balances will be shown here. So this is my current balance $1 I'm having in my Metas wallet which is connected here that balance is showing. So you should be having USDT and once you input your USDT so the minimum is 10 you can put 10 and once you mint your transaction will be called.

Staking NFTs and Earning Rewards

So I'll be just showing you the minting, and after that NFT will be minted and for that NFT, I'll be getting the rewards that is per day I'll be getting the APY of 3.2% and that rewards will be shown here. So let me just show you here how exactly so I'll be putting on 10.5 or 11 also. So more than 10 you should be pressing on just press on mint button here and once you press on the Mint button you'll be getting the transaction request in the MetaMask so I have got the request. So I'll be accepting that. So accept, press on Max and I'll be pressing on the next button. So transaction fees are also there 0.3 so complete. Then I'll be going back again and here I'll be getting my NFT.

Claiming Staking Rewards and Withdrawals

So I'll be showing you how exactly you're going to get the NFT here. So as you can see the transaction is pending right now so let it complete and then I'll be showing you. So as you can see mint successful the notification has come so I have received one NFT. So I'll be just seeing in my NFT overview.

Referral System and Final Remarks

So guys once you come to the NFT overview here you should be going on to the unstake NFT here. So unstake NFT once you press on that your NFTs will be shown here so to stake what I have to do is just press on the stake button here request will be called in The Meta Mask. So just press on the take button and you will be getting a request here in The MetaMask. So after you accept that request you can see your NFT will be shown here the staking NFT will be shown here.

Conclusion and Withdrawal Process

So you can unstake this after a month and you'll be getting exactly whatever you have invested you'll be getting that amount also and also plus you'll be getting the mining earnings which you have got in the staking. So you can come here and your staking rewards will be shown here so for now for me it's 0.02 in the day one so it will be increasing every day so I can claim this instantly. So and this is how you are going to earn in the mining platform of their Nebula Miner.

Final Advice and Caution for Investors

So they'll be minting NFT for you and for that NFT they'll be giving you the yield. So my yield currently is 1.8% and whatever rewards you'll be getting it will be shown here and the referral revols also will be shown here you can easily press on claim.

Risks and Reward Balance in Nebula Miner

Once you press on the claim button here, it will be showing you the MetaMask request and you'll be getting the rewards in MetaMask. So for now now I won't be claiming it I'll be making some more balance so for now this is the process how you can deposit your amount to this NFT here and how we can start earning as a passive income so this is completely on you.

Importance of Investment Decisions

I'm not your financial advisor I'll be telling that again I'm just here to show my opinion and share you my thoughts. So this is how you are going to earn in this platform so this is a platform I found found out and it's almost a good platform you can just check it out and and start earning from this.

Staking and Withdrawal Policies

So guys whatever you have invested so for now I have invested $11 this $11 I can easily unstake at the time of the month and that is after one month I can get that back and the rewards also I can withdraw so you'll be getting whatever you have invested back and plus the rewards you have generated using that you'll be getting that also so this is a platform where you can get your rewards plus whatever you have invested you can get that back.

Security Measures in Withdrawals

So withdrawal also I'll be showing you so in the NFT overview once you go here so after one month you can just press on unstake you'll be unstaking your NFT that means you getting back whatever you have deposited and your mining will be stopped after you unstake it. So the withdrawal here is just press on this claim button here once you press on the claim button you'll be getting the request in MetaMask as you have seen here. So just press approve and then you can withdraw this.

Feedback and Future Videos

So for now I'm not withdrawing it let the deposit amount or the taking rewards increase and then I'll be sharing you the withdrawal correct withdrawal you can use the referral system also here to increase your earnings you will be getting some of the benefits using referral also so this is all about the Nebula Miner. If you want a detailed video about it of the withdrawal also you can just comment down and if the like reaches almost 150 like I'll be making a detailed video regarding it with the withdrawal proof also so this is it for today guys hope you guys have understood the video and hope you guys will look through it and use your own brains to whether you are to go for it or whether you are not interested in it you can choose there is no um forcing from my side it's your money so you have to invest here.


Q: What is Nebula Miner Platform about?
A: Nebula Miner Platform is about mining NFTs to generate rewards in USDT that can be later withdrawn. It offers a unique approach to mining compared to traditional mining applications.
Q: Is Nebula Miner a passive income opportunity?
A: Yes, Nebula Miner provides a passive income opportunity through NFT minting and staking, which allows users to earn rewards day by day.
Q: Is Nebula Miner an investment platform?
A: Nebula Miner involves investment in the form of deposits for staking NFTs, which generates profits over time. However, users should be cautious and do their own research before investing.
Q: How does Nebula Miner calculate profits?
A: Nebula Miner calculates profits based on the yield percentage, with users potentially earning up to 656% yearly. Monthly profits can be around 54% of the initial investment.
Q: What are the key features of Nebula Miner's mining operations?
A: Nebula Miner's mining operations include minting, trading, staking, and receiving rewards in USDT. The platform emphasizes the generation of rewards through NFT staking.
Q: How can one withdraw earnings from Nebula Miner?
A: Earnings from Nebula Miner can be withdrawn by unstaking NFTs, claiming staking rewards, and following the withdrawal process as shown in the platform.

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