Hey, what's up guys, welcome back to my channel. I'm glad you joined us in today's article. So guys, if you guys remember weeks ago I made a post right here on Telegram group where I told you guys that Gras has shared their allocation for the token claim and that some persons were having a hashtag right here on their allocation. And that if you are having that, it means that your location was slashed. I told you guys to go ahead and check. And then I also asked you guys to go ahead and fill a form if you have such slash or such hash in your allocation. So guys, I'm here to let you guys know that they've updated their location and you can go ahead to check if your location was updated right here. So I left the link right here on the post I made yesterday for you to go ahead and check your location. So go ahead and click on the link and then it's going to take you over to this page right here. All you need to do is go ahead and click on 'Connect Wallet' and then you have to go ahead and connect the wallet you linked to your Gras account. Just go ahead and click on. I use Phantom so I'll go ahead and connect my Phantom right now. So once connected right here, you can be able to see your new allocation. You could see my location have moved from 98 something Gras to 7497 Tri-Gras. All the EPO endings have updated right here and my location have increased. So you can do what to go ahead and check your own if your location initially had a hash sign right here. Go ahead to check. Of course, you're going to see in your location if you applied for the correction. So do go ahead and check. And so far so good, they've not announced anything right on their Twitter page. Over here, they just made some announcements about their AI advice and some improvements they've done about the AI interactions. So they've not really announced anything on the airdrop withdrawal. So this is just an update on the airdrop claims and us getting allocation. Also, the bonus EPO have not been added right to the whole allocation. So they still say it's coming soon. So hopefully we'll be able to get it right. They say that remaining criteria is coming soon. So do what to go ahead and keep an eye while we wait for the bonus AO to be added.
So guys, before we end the video, let's go ahead and talk about another project that I talked about earlier on AMA group known as the NorPixel. So the NorPixel is a project that has been shared by the Not team. As you all know, the Not coin was shied recently and it was a great project generally. So they are also shing the NotPixel. And right in this game, all you need to do is to go ahead and paint. So this is just the game you play here. You don't have to tap right here. All you need to do just go ahead and paint. And then the game is a bit boring, but then that is just what you do here to end point. So far so good. I have around 3,624 points right here that end. But the thing is that the game is sty intensive. If you want to go ahead and paint more, you need to spend Telegram stars playing the game. But then I would advise you guys to stick to the free part of it. Just go ahead and paint with whatever you can get for free. Now let me go ahead and show you guys how to play the game a bit. So now these are the keys right here I used to play. The first one is the UN zoom button. This one is the zoom button. This is the power button that you use to restore power. But then you need to spend stars to be able to restore your power. Then this is a tint button. But then you need to spend stars to also tint. And the last one, you also need to spend stars. So now how do you paint right here? Currently the image is already unzoomed. So now let's go ahead and zoom it to be able to see what is inside the image so we can paint. So now use this increase button or this plus button right here to zoom. So click on it. Click. Click. The more you click on it, the more it zooms. So you can just zoom and unzoom with the minus button right here. You can zoom again. Zoom in. Then once you zoom, you can just go ahead and paint. You can just click anywhere to paint. You can just paint and paint. So once you get your location, all you need to do again is to go ahead and click on paint right here. And you only have five times to be able to paint. So there's nothing you're painting. There's no image you're painting. You just do a random painting. So click on paint and then click on the next location, paint. Click on next location, paint. Click, paint, click here and paint. So you just go ahead. And you can see right now, my energy is exhausted right here. So if I should try to paint again, I can't paint again because I've exed my energy. So you can see right now, I will have to wait for my energy to restore right. So I'll have to wait because you can see right here, no energy. So now, while I wait for the energy to restore, if you want to go ahead and spend STS to be able to earn energy, you can go ahead and use this button right here. You can see this energy button right here. Click on it and you can see right here, restoring charge. Instantly restore charge for painting. And you're going to buy it for 30 TG stars. If you increase it to two, you spend 64 TG stars. The more you increase it, the more STS you're going to spend. So this is capital intensive and I don't advise any person to go ahead and be using it because it is capital intensive. So you can just go ahead and wait a bit for your energy to be restored automatically. And then you can go ahead and continue painting. You can check on interface to be able to go ahead and P. They also have a star store right here. You can also go ahead write it. To use a star store, if you want to go ahead and use it, click on it and can see ST store right here where you can be able to restore charges, paint cans, also dynam, prepare, and also fast mode right here. All these things are star intensive. You need to go ahead and buy a star to be able to use them. And lastly, you can also be able to see your achievements right here. You can also see your squads right here. You can see the persons that under you, people in the BR level, silver level, good level, and platinum level. All of them are all right here. So you can do what to go ahead and check to see what you need to know. And also you can to invite your friends right here by using this option right here. This right here to go ahead and invite your friends. And that way you can be able to get more points from your friends. So that's about the NoPixel. It's really very, very simple to play. Do go ahead and paint as often as you can to be able to ACC more points. Like I said, it's shied by the Not Team. So if you have any questions about either the grass or the NoPixel, do ask in the comment section and I'll be glad to go back to you. Next time, guys, please do have a good day.
Q: What is the update on Grass Token claim?
A: The update on Grass Token claim is that they have updated their allocation and users can now check if their allocation was updated by connecting their wallet to the provided link.
Q: Is the bonus EPO added to the Grass allocation?
A: No, the bonus EPO has not been added to the Grass allocation yet. The team has mentioned that it is coming soon along with remaining criteria.
Q: What is NorPixel Game Overview?
A: NorPixel is a game where players can paint by using different features like zoom, power restore, tint, and painting. It requires Telegram stars to play, and players can earn points by painting. The game also includes options to restore energy, use star store, check achievements, squads, and invite friends.