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Get Paid Free $7 Ethereum into Your Wallet

  1. Introduction and Giveaway Announcement
  2. Giveaway Update and Channel Promotion
  3. Website Introduction and Sign-Up Process
  4. Mining Ethereum and Other Cryptocurrencies
  5. Increasing Mining Speed and Withdrawal Process
  6. FAQ

Introduction and Giveaway Announcement

Thank you! Hey, what's up guys, welcome back to my channel, Descriptor Zone. I'm glad you're joining us in today's article. In a previous article I made about how you can be able to earn free ethereum, we're able to earn up to ten dollars worth of retail room into a private wallet. And in today's video guys, I'll be making another video on how you can also be able to earn up to seven dollars worth of ethereum, and even more in a free website I'll be reviewing in this video. So guys, want to stick around and do not skip a part of this video so you'll be able to understand the whole steps involved in using this website. And guys, without wasting much time, we'll be getting started.

Giveaway Update and Channel Promotion

So guys, yesterday we announced a giveaway on our video and today guys, I'll be posting the three lucky winners of the giveaway right on our telegram. So if you are not on telegram, please do work to join so you'll be able to see if you are among the three lucky winners. Also guys, if this is the first time you're watching a video or if you are watching for the first time and you have not subscribed to our channel yet, please do well to go ahead and hit the subscribe button. Please click on the subscribe button right here to subscribe to our channel. Description below. We've been trying to post new videos. Also, make sure to like our video right here, click on the like button to help us, YouTube algorithm, give us thumbs up, the position algorithm, and do well to also share the video to your friends. That way, your friends can be able to see the valuation on our channel.

Website Introduction and Sign-Up Process

So guys, the awesome zoom for today's video is known as the BitLoom, and this is the website we're using to mine our free ethereum right in this video. So guys, you can look to check out the whole details about the website, but right now, let's focus on logging in and signing up into the website.

Mining Ethereum and Other Cryptocurrencies

So guys, in this video, like I said, we'll be going ahead to mine Ethereum. But then, you can actually switch to other coins. And also, let me also go ahead and show you guys the other menus. This is the menus on the website. There are other things you can do in the website. You can deposit option right here, the withdraw option, referral history, settings, and where you see your capacities used and capacity available. So guys, we're going to head to start our mining activity before I go ahead and show you guys up to other things in the website.

Increasing Mining Speed and Withdrawal Process

So guys, as simple as that. For the minimum withdrawal from this website, you can be able to see that on the frequently asked questions. If you want to know how much you will have mined to be able to withdraw from this website. So currently, over here you can see that the minimum withdrawal for this website is ten dollars. So anything you mine and you have mined to ten dollars, to be able to withdraw it right into your account. And guys, it's as simple as that. Their plans are over here if you want to boost your mining speed. These are their plans over here that you can check out to see if you would want to boost your speed with it. If you are boosting a speed, I would also advise that you first of all be sure to have made your research about the website before you go ahead and deposit into the site.


Q: What will be discussed in the Introduction and Giveaway Announcement?
A: The Introduction and Giveaway Announcement will discuss earning free ethereum and a new website for earning ethereum.
Q: Where can the winners of the giveaway be found?
A: The winners of the giveaway can be found on their telegram channel.
Q: What website is featured in the video and what is its purpose?
A: The website featured in the video is BitLoom, and it is used for mining free ethereum.
Q: What other activities can be done on the website apart from mining?
A: Apart from mining, users can also access options like deposit, withdraw, referral history, settings, and monitoring capacities.
Q: What is the minimum withdrawal amount on the website?
A: The minimum withdrawal amount on the website is ten dollars.

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