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FREE Instant USDT Airdrop - New Crypto Instant Loot Claim | Crypto USDT free Loot #crypto [Fairdesk]

  1. Introduction to Fair Desk Exchange Bonus Offer
  2. Setting Up Your Fair Desk Account
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to Register and Earn Bonus
  4. Completing KYC to Earn Additional Bonus
  5. Withdrawal Process and Trading Tips
  6. Increasing Your Earnings with Multiple Accounts
  7. FAQ

Introduction to Fair Desk Exchange Bonus Offer

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nighton. In today's article, I'm going to present to you, and I'm going to show you, a new exchange which will give you the free money as a bonus. Okay, you'll be getting a USDT bonus and how much you'll be able to get it and how you can withdraw it. Every single thing is going to be easy, simple steps. And what you need to do is that you need to watch this video completely till the end if you want that free money. And I want to tell you at the beginning of the video that you can make unlimited account. You can make as many accounts as possible. But there is one simple step you need to do. So what is that step and how you can do that I'll be telling you step by step in this video. So if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe our Channel and hit that Bell icon because every time we upload the video you'll be the first one to watch it. And also I want to mention that all the links will be provided in this telegram group so join this telegram immediately because in this telegram group they will be given all the links here so you can join it very easily from the description which is given the link in the below of this video.

Setting Up Your Fair Desk Account

Now we will start with today's video. So first of all, what we are going to do is that we will open our Chrome browser. So once we open our Chrome browser I'll be giving you the link. So just tap on that link and paste it in your browser. So it will be somewhat this way. This is my existing account so what I'm going to do is that I'm going to open in new browser. So I opened one more new browser and I'll just paste the link here so you can see it will be somewhat this way. You can see so this is the Fair Desk what do you say exchange name. So it is already listed in coin market cap and it is one of the biggest exchange and they are giving us the free money to just register and do kyc here. So they are offering $5 for every users and this $5 is instantly withdrawable with just doing one simple step and how you can do it I'll be just telling you.

Step-by-Step Guide to Register and Earn Bonus

So first of all just tap on this create account button. So once you just create tap on that button create account you need to enter your email ID. So just give any email ID and just give the password and then after that you just need to tap on the create account button. Then, once you do that there will be a OTP which will go on to your email address. So just check that OTP and enter and then tap on confirm here. So once you just tap on that, OTP and paste then automatically it will come into this particular website. So now just tap on this home button. You can see there's a home button. So once you tap on home button you can see it will be something this way 0.0 so you don't need to worry. What we need to do first of all is that we just need to install the application. We just need to download the application so how do we do that.

Completing KYC to Earn Additional Bonus

So once you come into the home section so first of all it will be shown as 0 0.0 so you will be able to get $2 okay so you'll be able to get $2 bonus. So it will take some time maybe it will take 24 hours to 48 hours to reflect into this particular balance okay so you need to wait. So additionally if you want to earn $3 more that will be equals to $5. 2 + 3 is equal to $5. So how you can earn this one I'll be telling you so $2 we we already have earned just by signing up and $3 we will be able to earn by completing the kyc.

Withdrawal Process and Trading Tips

So now what do you do with that $5 how do you withdraw it. So for that what I'm going to do is that I'm going to go into my main account so this is my main account I have somewhere around $5,000 the reason which I input this money is because I trade here and I made the profit and this exchange I like it so now how do I withdraw it. So let us say that I have 4 4 52 4 6.22 USD so what is the process to withdrawal so let me just tell you in a simple manner to withdraw you need to take a trade. So suppose you have $5 you need to make a trade so how do you take a trade I know many of you are beginner so for that what I'm going to do is that I'm going to make your process a very easy process one.

Increasing Your Earnings with Multiple Accounts

So now talking about how do you actually make unlimited ID so in order to make unlimited ID you need to have what do you say unlimited documents okay so there is a KYC without kyc will not be able to withdraw as well as get the bonus so what do you need to do. So first of all what you need to do is that you need to gather all the documents first of all understand how many people are in your family so suppose there are 10 people in your family so obviously they'll be having 10 IDs okay so 10 IDs is minimum some people have both driving license as well as passport so it will be 20 ID from just your family so 20 into 5 which is almost equals to $100 easily through this particular exchange so this is how you can make multiple IDs gather all that $100 from 20 accounts and come into our live stream every day because in this live stream we teach you how to take a trade and how to be profitable so that's all for today's video guys.


Q: What is Fair Desk Exchange Bonus Offer about?
A: The Fair Desk Exchange Bonus Offer provides users with a USDT bonus for registering and completing certain steps.
Q: How can I set up a Fair Desk account?
A: To set up a Fair Desk account, you need to open the Chrome browser, paste the provided link, create an account using your email ID and password, and follow the registration steps.
Q: What is the step-by-step guide to register and earn a bonus on Fair Desk?
A: The step-by-step guide includes creating an account, entering the OTP received on your email, and tapping on the confirmation button to start earning the bonus.
Q: How do I complete KYC on Fair Desk to earn an additional bonus?
A: To earn an additional bonus on Fair Desk, you need to complete the KYC process after signing up for an account.
Q: What is the process for withdrawing the bonus on Fair Desk?
A: To withdraw the bonus on Fair Desk, you need to make a trade with the deposited amount and follow the withdrawal process mentioned on the platform.
Q: How can I increase my earnings with multiple accounts on Fair Desk?
A: You can increase your earnings by creating multiple accounts on Fair Desk using different documents for KYC verification, enabling you to earn bonuses from each account.

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