HomeBlogSMMEarn $100 A Day With Affiliate Marketing | Facebook Groups In 2024

Earn $100 A Day With Affiliate Marketing | Facebook Groups In 2024

  1. Introduction to Freelancing and Affiliate Marketing
  2. Choosing a Niche and Becoming an Affiliate
  3. Selecting High-Performing Affiliate Products
  4. Strategies for Promoting Affiliate Products
  5. Building Authority on Facebook Groups
  6. Creating Valuable Content for Facebook Groups
  7. Growing Your Audience and Engagement
  8. Monetizing Your Facebook Group
  9. Establishing Authority and Trust
  10. Focus on Providing Value and Genuine Engagement
  11. Optimizing Content Ratio and Advertising Strategy
  12. Investing in Growth and Future Success
  13. Long-Term Strategy and Potential Earnings
  14. Benefits of Growing a Dedicated Facebook Group
  15. Closing Remarks and Call to Action
  16. FAQ

Introduction to Freelancing and Affiliate Marketing

Hey everyone, and welcome to my channel! My name is Globa. If you're new here, I make articles about freelancing, affiliate marketing, and earning a passive income online. So if you're interested in that, make sure that you hit the subscribe button.

Choosing a Niche and Becoming an Affiliate

The beauty of this method is that it's a hundred percent beginner-friendly, and the only thing that you'll really need is a bit of patience. Now, what you need to start off with is a niche. This could be something you're interested in, something you're good at, something that you might have a little bit of knowledge in, or even something that's just highly searched.

Selecting High-Performing Affiliate Products

I actually already have a video on how to find a good niche, so if you need some help, I'm going to link it somewhere on the screen. Now, after doing this, you're going to sign up to become an affiliate. So this could be on ClickBank, JVC, Digistore, whatever is available or accessible in your country. It doesn't really matter. These platforms give you the opportunity to basically promote a product that's already been fully designed and created by someone else, and you earn a commission off it.

Strategies for Promoting Affiliate Products

What this means is that you literally don't have to worry about obviously the product creation, the customer service, the shipping if it's a physical product, or anything like that. So what you're going to do is you're going to head to your chosen platform. I personally use ClickBank, so that's what I'm going to show you guys today.

Building Authority on Facebook Groups

So what you're going to do is you're going to sort these products by gravity. So we're going to go for products with over 75 gravity because you know that they're proven to make money for other people so they should work for you as well if you promote them correctly. I personally like to find products that are low ticket but have higher upsells, and specifically ones that have over 60% commission.

Creating Valuable Content for Facebook Groups

Just, as a side note, you can actually head to the affiliates page and contact the product vendor, and sometimes they'll offer even higher commission rates if you give them a heads up that you'll be driving lots of traffic to their products. This is something that I like to do. Typically, you'll find products that have maybe 75 or 80% commission and just by sending them a little message, I'll end up getting 100% commission when I'm driving traffic.

Growing Your Audience and Engagement

As an example for this video, we're going to pretend that we picked the BioFit weight loss supplement to promote, which is a really hot product at the moment in the health and fitness niche. But now that we've picked the product that we're going to promote, the way that we start earning a hundred dollars a day is by putting that product in front of the right people.

Monetizing Your Facebook Group

This is basically one of the best methods to grow a legit audience on a Facebook group. So after doing this, you should have basically a nice amount of members just there that are genuinely interested in your content, that are showing you love. So what you're going to do is you're going to start posting properly in your group, you're going to start posting valuable content, whether it's checklist tips, tricks, even motivational quotes, whatever it is that's relevant to your niche.

Establishing Authority and Trust

Basically, what you want to go for is informative and shareable content that is going to help you in the Facebook algorithm. So that means that you're going to reach more people, and you're naturally going to get more people joining your group. You really want people to see this group as highly valuable where they know that they can get the knowledge that they need in terms of the weight loss or whatever it is.

Focus on Providing Value and Genuine Engagement

So like I said, you're basically just building your authority in this niche. People are going to see you as a trusted source for their information. You really want people to see your group as a highly valuable group where they can get valuable information easily. You basically just want to establish yourself as an expert in whatever this niche is so you're seen as a trusted source to the people that are joining; this means that whenever you're ready to put out your offers with the chosen product that you're going to be an affiliate for, it's more likely to convert and make more sales because people actually trust what it is that you're putting out.

Optimizing Content Ratio and Advertising Strategy

This is why I said with this method is free; all you need is a bit of patience in order to start making sales. You really need to focus on giving first. I understand that the more value you put out, the more people are willing to spend on whatever it is that you're promoting because they see you as a trusted source.

Investing in Growth and Future Success

Like I said, the beauty of having joined those other Facebook groups in your niche is that now you can see exactly what posts are doing well in their group so you can go ahead and recreate them. You can basically just see what's working well for them so you can just basically follow in their footsteps. If you see, for example, that one of their promotional posts has done really, really well on their account, you know that you can now step in and just basically take what they've done and redo it in your way.

Long-Term Strategy and Potential Earnings

This method is 100% proven to work, so when you start making your first couple of sales, I really suggest that you go ahead and reinvest that money back into running ads to drive more people into your group. The trick to making lots of money is to basically just lay that groundwork from now so you can reap the benefits later.

Benefits of Growing a Dedicated Facebook Group

So, I know that growing a Facebook group sounds really tedious, but I promise you it's worth it in the long run because you know that you've got a whole group of people that are really interested in whatever it is that you're doing and they're willing to spend money into whatever it is that you're recommending because potentially what you could be doing is obviously just running paint ads where it's maybe a hit or miss.

Closing Remarks and Call to Action

But yeah, that's all from me today. I hope you guys like this video. If you want to see more of these methods, don't forget to like and subscribe and I'll [Music] you.


Q: What is this channel about?
A: This channel focuses on articles about freelancing, affiliate marketing, and earning a passive income online.
Q: How do I choose a niche to become an affiliate?
A: You need to start with a niche that you're interested in, good at, or have knowledge about. Look for something that is highly searched.
Q: Where can I sign up to become an affiliate?
A: You can sign up on platforms like ClickBank, JVC, Digistore, or any other accessible platform in your country.
Q: What are some strategies for promoting affiliate products?
A: One strategy is to sort products by gravity and focus on ones with over 75 gravity. Look for products with higher upsells and over 60% commission.
Q: How can I grow my audience and engagement as an affiliate marketer?
A: You can start by posting valuable content and engaging with your audience in Facebook groups. Focus on building authority and trust.
Q: What is the importance of providing value and genuine engagement?
A: Providing value and genuine engagement helps build authority in your niche and establish trust with your audience, increasing the likelihood of sales.
Q: How can I optimize my content ratio and advertising strategy?
A: Focus on giving first and providing value to your audience. Reinvest your earnings back into running ads to drive more people into your group.
Q: What are the benefits of growing a dedicated Facebook group as an affiliate marketer?
A: Growing a dedicated Facebook group helps you build a community of interested individuals who are likely to spend money on products you recommend.
Q: Any closing remarks and call to action?
A: If you enjoyed the content, consider liking and subscribing for more methods and information.

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