Sale Samurai Share

Effortlessly share Sale Samurai Monthly and Sale Samurai Yearly accounts

Make your Sale Samurai Monthly or Sale Samurai Yearly subscription shareable, allowing multiple users to access Sale Samurai's powerful Etsy optimization tools simultaneously across devices without exposing account credentials and passwords. Start your group buy business with popular tools like Sale Samurai Monthly, Sale Samurai Yearly, and more!


About Sale Samurai account



Sale Samurai is a powerful Etsy optimization tool designed to help sellers improve their shop's visibility, discover profitable keywords, and increase sales. It’s an all-in-one platform tailored to Etsy sellers, offering features like keyword research, competition analysis, listing optimization, and data-driven insights. Sale Samurai is available with both monthly and yearly subscription plans, providing users with access to a robust set of tools for maximizing Etsy shop performance. The platform also integrates with tools like its Chrome Extension for seamless workflow enhancement. Sale Samurai is widely utilized by Etsy sellers, print-on-demand entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to gain a competitive edge and grow their online stores effectively.


1. Go to https://members.salesamurai.io/register.

2. Click 'Sign Up' to register a new account.

3. Enter your email address and create a password to set up your account. Alternatively, you can register and log in using your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account.

4. Complete account verification to finalize your Sale Samurai account registration.



Account typeCostExplain
Monthly Plan$9.99 USD/monthThe most popular plan for users seeking flexibility and short-term usage. Includes access to Long Tail Keywords, Listing Data, Real Etsy Search Volume, Tag Suggestions, Shop Analytics, and a 3-Day Free Trial.
Yearly Plan$99.99 USD/yearA cost-effective plan for long-term commitment. Includes all features from the Monthly Plan, such as Long Tail Keywords, Listing Data, Real Etsy Search Volume, Tag Suggestions, Shop Analytics, and a 3-Day Free Trial, with a savings of $19.89 compared to monthly payments.

Usage restrictions

1. Sale Samurai accounts are intended for single-user usage and should not be shared with others, as this may violate the platform's terms of service.

2. Excessive simultaneous logins or frequent device switching may trigger account security measures, leading to temporary suspensions.

3. Sale Samurai may store user data for analysis and improvement, so users should avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information.

4. The platform does not natively support multi-user collaboration or team accounts under a single subscription.

5. Free trials or plans have limited features and functionalities compared to paid subscriptions, restricting access to advanced tools.

6. Subscription plans may include usage limits or restrictions depending on the plan type, particularly for advanced features like competitor analysis or keyword tracking.

7. Inactive sessions may time out, requiring users to log in again, which can interrupt usage.

8. Sale Samurai's services and features may not be available in certain regions, and users should verify access before subscribing.

9. Users are prohibited from using Sale Samurai for illegal, unethical, or prohibited activities, and violations may result in account suspension or bans.

10. Sale Samurai’s data and insights are tools for decision-making but may not always be completely accurate; users should validate important findings independently.

How to share Sale Samurai accounts?

Step 01

Download and install DICloak software to start your account sharing journey.


Step 02

In DICloak, create a dedicated environment for your Sale Samurai account and open it, then log in to your Sale Samurai account


Step 03

Create DICloak member accounts and passwords, and assign them usable environment permissions


Step 04

Members must download the DICloak software and log in to the DICloak account you created


Step 05

Members can automatically log in to their Sale Samurai account and use it normally without entering their account password when opening the environment


Use DICloak to start your Sale Samurai account sharing journey

Sale Samurai Monthly and Yearly Plan FAQs


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