So hey guys, welcome back to my channel Nighton. In today's article, I have come up with a new web3 platform through which you can share the photos and earn the crypto tokens. And let me just tell you, at the beginning of the video, you can treat this website as a mining website if you wish to. And let me just tell you also, there is going to be 100% free income. Okay, it's not like you're going to invest or anything. No, there is no investment. Without any single investment, you're going to get the crypto tokens for completely free. So which is that platform? I'll be telling you shortly in this video. But before starting the video, if you are new into my channel, don't forget to subscribe. Our channel, we are getting closer towards 36,000 subscribers. And like this video. And one small important thing I want to tell you, join our Telegram group. Link is given in the description of the video. To join this particular Telegram group. The reason is that I'll be providing all the links related to today's web3 project in this particular Telegram group so that you guys can access at any time, any day, possible.
Okay, so now we will straight off. All, first of all, just go into the project. Okay, so today's project is known as Tips. Okay, so Tips coin you can call because they are having their name as is their particular platform. And then the first thing what you're going to do is that just click on the link which I'm going to give you in the Telegram group. It will be sign up link. Okay, before tapping on that, let me just tell you that it will not be in the English. It will be in some Chinese language. You have to just tap on this three line at the top and then just tap on translate. And then you have to translate it to English. Automatically, it will be done. Then first of all, there will be something in the first box. It will automatically will be there. You don't need to worry about anything regarding that. Okay, so, first box will be automatically filled. At the down box, you have to give your email address. Whichever the email address you're going to give, just tap on that email address and just tap on that email authentication. And once you just tap on that, you will be getting an OTP, OTP in your email. Email ID. So, there will be one more box coming below that. You have to just enter that OTP. Then, there will be one more box creating a password for you. And then, your sign up will be completed over there. Now, if you have an account, you have to just tap on the login button. So, there is a login over there. So, whatever the details you have given, email address and password, enter that. And then, just tap on the login part.
So, as you guys can see, my, what do you say, my platform has been logged in over here. So, right now, it's completely in the Chinese language. So, first of all, we will try to translate over here. Just tapping on translate button. It will be translated. Now, the first thing what you can do is that you can read their white paper. In the white paper, everything is given about regarding their project. Okay. So, that's why I'm telling you, read the white paper first. And understand the project. So now, I'll tell you how we can earn the tokens, which is provided by them. Before that, I want to tell you how this website works. Okay. So, basically, if you just tap on this three button at the top, three lines at the top, you can see it will be opening somewhat like this. So, my page is nothing but your profile. And then Bulletin Board Writing is the part where we have to do some task. And then if you just come under this, Tipscoin Mining, you can see over here, there are so many categories over here. Daily live sharing, share photos, proposal, NF... sponsorship, etc, etc. You don't need to worry about any of these. Okay. You don't need to worry about any of this. You just need to remember the first two, Daily live sharing and share photos. Okay, you just need to remember that thing.
Then under that, there is Tipscoin Butcher, you can see, coin butcher shop, business account information, video related ordering, something related to that. So, you have to just ignore this as well for now. It's not that important. Now, there is something known as blockchain information sharing. So, all these things are not important for us right now. What is important for us currently is Daily live sharing and share photos. So, now we will talk about how we can earn tokens before earning the tokens. I'll tell you how much token I have earned. So, for that, I'll just go into my profile, that is, my page button. And then you can see, if I just scroll down, you can see over here, I have right now earned 12 Tips token. Okay, 12 Tips token I have mined currently. So, how did I do that? Okay, if you just check in your profile, it will be zero. How to increase that? It's simple. We just need to come into that three line again. Okay, there is a three line at the top. We just need to tap on that. And then there is something known as Daily live sharing. In Daily live sharing, if you go over there, you will be able to see the post of other people. So, these are post one by one. So, if I just tap on this, any of this particular button, okay, I'll just tap on this particular post. I'll be able to see what he posted. You can see he has posted one photo. It should be loading by now, I think. It did not load. So, let's just choose one more thing. Okay, so basically, this is like an Instagram or Twitter. You can see you can come over here and you can able to see each and every single post which is posted by other people. Okay, so that's how this website works. So, how do we post? Okay, what is the method? So that we can post photos like them. So, for that, you just need to tap on this three button. And then you have to just tap on this Bulletin Board Writing. And then once you come over here, it will first of all ask you which category you want to choose. Okay, you just need, if you are sharing any photo, let's say that you are not sharing anything, you are just writing some message over here. So, in that, you can, if that's the case, you can just choose as this one, Daily live sharing. But if you are preferring to upload a photo over there, then you can just select the share photos one. So, I'll be uploading a photo. And I'll be choosing share photos. And then I'll be choosing a photo. How can you choose the photo? So, there is something known as this one, this icon, the IM, the image icon. So, I'll just tap on that. And then I have to choose any photo. Okay, I'll just choose this particular thing here. You can see. Then I'll be writing some description about this. Fire Logo Crypto, I'll be just writing somewhat like this. And then I'll be just tapping on save button. So, once I tap on the save button, my, what do you say? You can see I have earned 12 Tips token for that. It's written something in Chinese language. I really don't know what it is written, but I hope it is written that post has been made successfully. So, we will just tap on okay. Okay, so just tap on okay. It has been done. So, we can see our post as well. After that, now what we'll do is that we'll just go into our profile again to check whether our coin has been come or not. You can see over here, it is saying zero, but it will load. So, okay, so once it is completely loaded, we can be able to see our token has come over here. Okay, so it has said that 12 Tips has been credited. So, it must be credited, yeah. You can see we got the 12 Tips more, which is 24 right now. So, basically, you have to come over here and try to, what do you say, try to post as much as you can. And make sure you earn much, much token over here. And there is one more way of earning as well, that is through referral. So, how do you earn through referral? It's simple. You just come into this particular profile again. And then there is something known as copy referral link. So, if you just tap on this copy referral link, you'll be given one referral link for your own. Okay, so you can see this referral link. You can just share with your friends. And then you can earn the referrals through them as well, alright? So, basically, that's how you are going to earn. And regarding the withdrawal and etc., there is no any withdrawal method. But if you want to have an additional information, I can give you the link to their YouTube and the Telegram. So, this is the Telegram community. You can come over here and you can chat with them. Everything is in Chinese because this is based on China. So, we'll try to come over here and dominate in the English language. Okay, so this is their group, which is very small at the moment. Only 80 members are available in this particular group. I'll be giving you the link of this Telegram group as well. And then we have this, their YouTube channel as well. You can just check out. They do the live streaming on the daily basis. You can see in live streaming. You can see they have done yesterday, two days back, regarding to the Tips Coin. You can understand basically what it is. But remember, don't even invest any single money over here. So, I think that's all for today's video, guys. Like and share this video as much as possible. And I'll be meeting you in the next video. Until then, take care.
Q: What is the web3 platform discussed in the article?
A: The web3 platform discussed in the article is a platform where users can share photos and earn crypto tokens for free.
Q: How can one sign up and get started on the Tips web3 platform?
A: To sign up and get started on the Tips web3 platform, users need to click on the provided signup link, translate the page to English, enter their email address, verify their email through OTP, create a password, and then log in.
Q: How can a user navigate through the Tips web3 platform?
A: Users can navigate through the Tips web3 platform by translating the page to English, accessing the white paper for project details, exploring sections like Daily live sharing and Share photos for tasks, and reading posts by other users to understand how the platform works.
Q: How can one earn tokens on the Tips web3 platform?
A: Users can earn tokens on the Tips web3 platform by engaging in Daily live sharing and Share photos activities, where they post content, earn tokens, and can also participate in a referral program to earn more tokens. There is no withdrawal method mentioned in the information provided.