HomeBlogOthersBlastScore Airdrop - FREE GUARANTEED Crypto Airdrop #new_airdrop (FULL GUIDE)

BlastScore Airdrop - FREE GUARANTEED Crypto Airdrop #new_airdrop (FULL GUIDE)

  1. Introduction to Guaranteed Airdrop Opportunities
  2. Participating in the BXP Airdrop

Introduction to Guaranteed Airdrop Opportunities

So hey guys, welcome back to my channel! In today's article, I have come up with a new airdrop which is confirmed and it is a guaranteed airdrop. Okay, so the title itself says and thumbnail itself says that it is a guaranteed airdrop, which means whatever the task you are going to do in today's video, you will be given the rewards with the guaranteed method. So what is the task? It's going to be easy and it is completely free. And if you are new to my channel, don't forget to subscribe. Our Channel, we just crossed 34,000 subscribers and we are so thankful to have you people who support us on a daily basis and who share our videos to friends so that they can also earn as you are earning. And also, don't forget one simple thing over here, join our telegram group because in this group, we'll be giving you a lot of updates. And also, let me just tell you, this is an Airdrop season. People are getting the fruit of their patience. That means whatever the airdrops they have participated in last year, one by one, all the airdrops are getting listed. One by one, we are getting payment. Everything is becoming a happy moment and happy season in the airdrop season. You can see today also there was an Airdrop which has been started which we had done like when was this? It was done back in the June 7th, which is one year ago. So that's why I tell you whatever the airdrop I bring up, it will not go to waste. One day or someday you will be getting the reward of it.

Participating in the BXP Airdrop

Okay, so today's airdrop is 100% confirmed because this project is coming from the Blascore page. So this is the Blascore. You can see they have clearly written in one of the tweet that we are willing to share part of our Blastoop to our users based on the BXP amount. Okay, so these two things I'll be highlighting over here. One is Airdrop, one is BXP. So what do we need to do? So first of all, what we need to do is very simple. We need to earn BXP. So how do we earn BXP? This is the video all about. Okay, everyone will do the BXP earning on a normal basis. Okay, everyone will do the same process what they have told. But we will be doing the process on a what do you say? It's kind of a tricky method which we will be doing and we'll be having a lot of points and a lot of BXP token compared to other normal users. Okay, that's why we need to be different if we want higher earnings from this. So first of all, what you're going to do is that we are going to open a K browser. Okay, I know many of you do have the K browser. If you don't have, install a K browser from the Google Play store. And then just install the MetaMask extension over here. Okay, I know most of you guys will have it. If you don't have MetaMask extension, just search in the search bar that MetaMask extension, then you'll be getting. You can install that. So once you have MetaMask extension, then you have to add a wallet or create a wallet and import wallet. But I suggest you guys to either import wallet. Why you need to do that, I'll be telling you. First of all, we will understand what this project is about because many people ask me why do we simply blindly follow? Tell us something behind the story of it, tell us something about the project. So I'm going to do that in just 30 to 40 seconds. I'll just cover that. Okay, so Blastcore. This is the official Twitter page. You can see they are L2 native reputation protocol. So what does it mean? I'll tell you. So right now they have 47,000 followers, which is a good number, which is a decent number, not great or not bad. Okay, it's in the middle. Then it comes, what is a Blast protocol? What is the meaning and what is the purpose of them in the crypto? Okay, so this is based on reputation and the yield technology. What does it mean? So whichever the wallet it will identify its reputation. Is it a good wallet? Does it have good transactions or is it a fake wallet? It will just identify. Their job is to identify which is the good wallet. Okay, so based on your wallet transaction, if you are old user and you have done a bridging or if you have done farming, if you have done a swap in your MetaMask wallet or Trust Wallet, wherever it is, any wallet, it will identify that your wallet is good or bad and it will give you the CIL score. So basically the project, the identity of the project is that. So now, how do we participate in the project? I'll just tell you in a short way. So first of all, I'll be giving you the link. So just copy and paste that link in the K browser. So once you paste that link in the K browser, then it will ask verify your human and then the verification will run over here and then you will be straight away put into their website. So now what you need to do in their website, I'll be just telling you and I think there are so many, what do you say, there are so many checkings going on and we will be directly going into the website. Okay, so once you come into the website, it will be somewhat like this. So what we need to do first of all, it's simple. So just we will just first of all just tap on this Join Waitlist and then once you just tap on Join Waitlist, we have to connect our wallet. So since my K browser did not work because I'm having some issues since 2 weeks, it's not connecting any of my websites. But for you, it will work. So now what I'm going to do is that I'm going to connect my Trust Wallet account which is old one. Okay, but if you are scared, if you are, what do you say? New into the crypto, I recommend you to create a new wallet. If you create new wallet, then there is one disadvantage that you'll not be getting additional point to the old wallet which people are using for a daily transaction. Etc. So if you want to have a safe, what do you say? What do you say? Your safe side in the crypto, then you can use a new wallet for just a drop purposes. So I'll be disconnecting my regular wallet which I'll be using daily and you can see I'll just connect button over here. Once I just tap on connect button, I'll be redirected into the particular website and my wallet will be connected over here and I need to sign the transaction I guess. So let me just sign the transaction by going back into the Trust Wallet and then I'll be showing one transaction over here. So let me just complete that, so signing transaction will be done over here. It's completely free and this signature will be valid for 24 hours. Okay, after 24 hours whenever you come to this website, you have to do this step all again. So now once you come over here, so you can see one time, one time task we have to do to earn BXP. So 10 BXP we'll be earning if we do all these tasks. Okay, so if all the tasks are completed, we'll be able to earn 10 BXP. So what are the tasks? It's simple task. Okay. So first task is to like the Twitter post. Second task is also same and third task is to follow them in the Discord server and fifth task is to follow them on Twitter. So first of all, what you need to do is simple. Just tap on this connect Twitter account. Okay. So once you just tap on connect Twitter account, you have to connect your wallet. Just tap on this. I mean, connect your Twitter ID. So just tap on this authorize app and your Twitter ID is connected over here. Now what you need to do is simple. You just need to make sure that if you are having multiple IDs, you just need to switch from your main ID. You just need to make it as your daily wallet. So once you are coming into this wallet, which you are connected over here, just tap on this like Blast Core Twitter post. So once you do that, you can see you have to just like this post and then you have to come back over here and then you just need to tap on collect reward. It will verify. It will cross check. If you don't do it, it won't be successful. If you do, only then it will be successful like how it is now. So second post also same. You have to come over here and like it and go back and just tap on collect reward. Third task is about the Discord. We will skip this and I'll just continue the Discord later. First of all, we'll continue all the Twitter. Okay. So now we need to follow them. So follow is simple. Just tap on follow and then come over here collect reward. Now it's time for the Discord one. So first of all, we have to tap on this connect Discord button and then the Discord authorization we also need to do whichever the Discord ID we are having. We need to connect the Discord ID. So I'll be just connecting my Discord ID and then you can see we'll be coming over here and then it says to follow them on Discord server. I'll be doing that. It's a long process. It's an easy process also. So just do that and come back. I'll be just doing that. So I thought of showing you guys because so many of you are beginners. So I'll just show this process also. So you'll be getting accept invite button and then once you accept the invite, you'll be directly into the particular platform. Now it will, we have to just tap on this em emoji over here, the tick mark emoji. Then we have to come into this part verify section and then we have to verify ourselves over here. So I'll just tap on verify button and then our verification will be done as well. Okay, you need to byard this jmwk. We will just do that. Okay, jmwk. We'll just, uh, write that thing and then we will be verified over here. Just tap on submit and you'll be verified and you can see you have been verified. Now you can go into the general chat and just write high over here and then you can come over here. Okay. So I think, uh, we cannot write high. We'll just write something like this. Okay, whatever it is. We'll just write here. Other than, how you can do anything over here. So now we'll come back into this part. And then we'll just tap on collect reward from their official website. Now once it is done, we have got 10 BXP. Okay. So how do we know we have got 10 BXP? You can see one time, 10 BXP is completed if all the tasks have been done. Now, if you come over here and you can see, okay, just tap on this three line in this part. Three line. So once you see over here, it will be showing your BXP token. You have 10 BXP. So now the question is, how do you earn more? So earning more is very simple. The first, reason and the first method to earn more BXP token is by inviting friends. So inviting friends is challenging for a lot of people because they don't have many friends or something. What they can do instead is that they can do at least five to ten IDs. If you want to earn, you need to give some efforts, right? So money doesn't come without any efforts. So just make an effort of making five to ten accounts which you can participate in this same way. And use your main referral link because in one main ID you'll be getting higher points and in other ten IDs you'll be getting ten ten BXP points. So this is one way to earn. The second way to earn is simple. It's very very easy. Second way to earn is super simple. Okay, this particular project has a purpose of reputation of a wallet. So what you can do is that for second way of earning more tokens, you can simply wait for the, what do you say, the future updates. Okay, so many new people, many people who are in this video right now, I'm 100% sure that 90% of you guys will not even continue this airdrop in the future. But for 10% who are very dedicated, what you can do is that wait for my updates which I'll be bringing in the future. So what updates will be that they'll be launching, they might be launching their additional tasks in the future. There might be any tasks in the future such as Galaxy task. They can be test net. There can be anything. So whatever it is, we will be performing in that. So that's why keep this channel subscribed and hit the bell icon. Okay, so one way is to invite a friend and the second way is to do multiple ID and the third way is to wait for the updates, which we will be giving you the additional way of earning the additional tokens. So I think this is the basic thing which you can do for now and that's it for today's video guys. Like and share this video as much as possible and I'll be meeting you in the next.

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