HomeBlogAffiliate Marketing$8,000 Per Month With Facebook Ads | Internet Jet Set Testimonial

$8,000 Per Month With Facebook Ads | Internet Jet Set Testimonial

  1. Success in Affiliate Marketing
  2. Financial Freedom Achieved
  3. Effectiveness of Tracking Tools
  4. Scaling Up Ad Campaigns
  5. ROI and Ad Campaign Management
  6. Generating High Returns from Ads
  7. Consistent Success Across Days
  8. Empowering Others to Succeed
  9. Acknowledgement and Gratitude
  10. FAQ

Success in Affiliate Marketing

Hey guys, this is Asan from Bangladesh, and I could share some of my great results that I've been getting for the last few months. The results are really incredible. I really wanted to thank John for his training and all of those inspirational videos that he uploads almost every day. I have done his super affiliate system and his Internet Jet Set program videos. They are very informative. It's not just about learning the methods from his training. Basically, what you get is the action steps. All the things you can do are explained there.

Financial Freedom Achieved

Every day, I'm making from affiliate marketing, and I was finally able to get the financial freedom that I was looking for the last few years. Finally, I have the financial freedom now. In the last three months, I basically traveled almost three countries to attend three rock concerts as well. So, this month just a couple of days ago, I was in Bangkok and enjoyed the show of Dream Theater. Then, in April, I was in Bangkok again; I attended the Coldplay show. Then, I was in China in Guangzhou for a concert of Yngwie Malmsteen, who is a great guitar player in the world.

Effectiveness of Tracking Tools

So, this is my volume account, and as you can see, my name here. Volume is a tool for tracking performance for your traffic and conversions, and basically, you can manage all your campaigns in one place. This tool is a very massive thing, and this gives you an enormous amount of data that you will never get anywhere. Basically, it will help you to optimize your ads easily and more efficiently. Anyway, let me show you how much money I have made the past few months.

Scaling Up Ad Campaigns

So, the visits I got in August are almost 10,000, over 10,000 visits, then 1,000 clicks, and conversions were 227. That's a three-time improvement from the same campaign. So basically, it's called scale-up. So what I did is I simply increased the advertising budget 100, and what I got in return is a 300% increase in my revenue. Also, see the CTR here. CTR is almost 10%. Conversion rate is over 20%, and that's really incredible. See the EPC; it's over $8 now. So, I'm making almost $9 from each click I get to my offer page. Isn't it incredible? You know what? That's not all. Basically, that's not all. Now let me show you even more exciting things that's working in the background.

ROI and Ad Campaign Management

That's the ads I'm running from Facebook Ads Manager, so let me bring the ad manager. You see this is my ad manager from where I'm running my ad campaigns in Facebook. This is the month of July, and I spent almost $1,080 in ads. Yeah, so how much was my earning in July? It was $2,812, and how much did I spend in July? You see July. So, it was a $1,000 investment in ads. You see, and I got almost 300% ROI in July. The cost per click is $0.20 so yeah, and the CPC overall was $0.50, and I have basically tested 11 ad sets here.

Generating High Returns from Ads

The cost per click was almost the same here. So what happened is, Facebook is giving me more targeted traffic when I increased my ad budget. So now I can simply increase my budget, and I'll be able to make more money, and I can scale up my campaigns from $1,000 per day to even $5,000 per day just by increasing my daily ad spend. Still, I'll be making this kind of ROI from the same campaigns.

Consistent Success Across Days

I want to show you three magic days of my affiliate journey, and those three days made me over $2,000 in just three days. First, it was 7th August, and you see I made over $700 in one day, and the ad spend was just $100, so that's a 700% return of investment. Then there's another one that was 20th August; you see I made $629, 20th August, and again the ad spend was just $100, so that's another $629 return of my investment. Then again, you see the 23rd August, I made again $703. So, that's another 700% return of investment.

Empowering Others to Succeed

I'm living in such a country where the standard salary of a corporate job is somewhere from $400 to $500 maximum. As you can see from my online business, my affiliate business, I'm making somewhere from $8,000 to $10,000 per month just from one campaign. I can easily make almost two years' salary in a month, and this is just from one of my campaigns. You can literally increase your income just by creating a few other campaigns. Let's say right now I'm promoting an offer in a skincare niche; I can easily increase my income just by duplicating the same process in maybe some other vertical or some other product in the same vertical. So yeah, this is really possible. If I can make this from Bangladesh, I think anyone can do this from anywhere around the world. It doesn't matter where you are from, it doesn't matter who you are. Basically, if you can concentrate on what you are doing and if you are consistent and you know what you are doing, then basically anyone can do this.

Acknowledgement and Gratitude

Again, I would like to thank John again for his great training material that has literally transformed me, that has literally made my life beautiful and the dream income I was looking for. I also want to thank my mentor, Carlos Cruz, and his team for helping me out with the landing pages, with the contents, and how to run ads and for everything. Basically, when I started affiliate marketing, I really didn't know how to run Facebook ads even and how to manage and add manager and all those things. So basically, Carlos really helped me a lot to do everything. He taught me how to create an ad campaign, how to warm up a Facebook Business Manager, how to make a profit campaign profitable. So everything, he just made the process very easy for me. Thank you, Carlos, as well, because you guys really had to give a lot of time for me, and in the beginning, I was very slow because all the things were very new for me. So, it was difficult for me to grab the information and those things. Those guys were really patient with me; they gave me a lot of time, helped me understand how the things are going. So yeah, thank you, Carlos, and thank you, John, for all of your efforts that you've been.


Q: How did Asan achieve success in affiliate marketing?
A: Asan achieved success in affiliate marketing by following training programs, taking action steps, learning methods, and optimizing ads.
Q: How did Asan achieve financial freedom through affiliate marketing?
A: Asan achieved financial freedom through affiliate marketing by making consistent income, allowing him to travel, attend concerts, and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle.
Q: What is the effectiveness of tracking tools in affiliate marketing?
A: Tracking tools like Volume help in tracking performance, managing campaigns, optimizing ads, and providing valuable data for better optimization.
Q: How did Asan scale up his ad campaigns successfully?
A: Asan scaled up his ad campaigns by increasing the advertising budget, leading to a significant increase in revenue, CTR, conversion rate, and EPC.
Q: How did Asan manage ROI and ad campaigns effectively?
A: Asan managed ROI by analyzing the earning and spending in ad campaigns, achieving a 300% ROI by testing multiple ad sets and optimizing cost per click.
Q: How did Asan generate high returns from ads?
A: Asan generated high returns from ads by increasing the ad budget to receive more targeted traffic, enabling him to scale up campaigns while maintaining a high ROI.
Q: How did Asan achieve consistent success across days?
A: Asan achieved consistent success by sharing his affiliate journey, showcasing days where he made over $2,000 through strategic ad spend and high return on investment.
Q: How does Asan empower others to succeed in affiliate marketing?
A: Asan empowers others to succeed in affiliate marketing by sharing his success story, emphasizing the potential income possibilities, and encouraging consistency and focus on campaign creation and optimization.
Q: What acknowledgements and gratitude did Asan express towards his mentors?
A: Asan expressed gratitude towards John for transformative training, Carlos Cruz for mentorship, guidance on running ads, managing ad campaigns, and helping him understand affiliate marketing strategies effectively.

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