The Particle Network is currently running an airdrop that presents a straightforward opportunity for participants. 粒子網絡目前正在進行一個空投,為參與者提供了一個簡單的機會。 With a total funding of approximately $88.8 million, the project is in its first phase, and early participation increases the chances of receiving allocations. 該項目的總資金約為8880萬美元,現在處於第一階段,早期參與將增加獲得分配的機會。 This guide will provide a step-by-step process on how to join the airdrop successfully. 本指南將提供逐步的過程,說明如何成功參加空投。
To begin, access the airdrop page via the provided link. 首先,通過提供的鏈接訪問空投頁面。 Once on the page, click on the 'Join Now' button. 進入頁面後,點擊「立即加入」按鈕。 It is recommended to connect your MetaMask wallet, as this will be necessary for transactions throughout the process. 建議連接您的MetaMask錢包,因為這在整個過程中進行交易是必需的。 Ensure you have the Ethereum Sepolia network selected in your MetaMask wallet to facilitate the airdrop transactions. 確保在您的MetaMask錢包中選擇以太坊Sepolia網絡,以便促進空投交易。
During the registration process, you will need to enter an invite code. 在註冊過程中,您需要輸入邀請碼。 This code is essential for your participation in the airdrop. 這個代碼對於您參加空投至關重要。 The invite code can be found in the description of the guide. 邀請碼可以在指南的描述中找到。 After entering the code, accept the terms to proceed. 輸入代碼後,接受條款以繼續。
To accumulate points, the first task is to deposit a universal gas fee. 要積累積分,第一個任務是存入一個通用的燃氣費。 This is a one-time requirement that guarantees you 200 points. 這是一個一次性的要求,保證您獲得200點。 To complete this task, ensure you have Ethereum in your Sepolia network. 要完成此任務,確保您在Sepolia網絡中擁有以太坊。 For instance, you may need to send a small amount, such as 0.01 ETH, to the Particle testnet to fulfill this requirement. 例如,您可能需要向粒子測試網發送少量資金,例如0.01 ETH,以滿足此要求。
After completing the initial deposit, it is crucial to check in daily. 完成初始存款後,每日簽到至關重要。 By clicking on the check-in option, you can continue to earn points. 通過點擊簽到選項,您可以繼續獲得積分。 Additionally, you can convert your USD into the necessary tokens to complete further tasks. 此外,您可以將美元轉換為必要的代幣,以完成進一步的任務。 Each successful transaction will require confirmation through your MetaMask wallet. 每筆成功的交易都需要通過您的MetaMask錢包進行確認。
To execute transactions, ensure you switch your MetaMask network to Ethereum Sepolia. 要執行交易,請確保將您的MetaMask網絡切換到以太坊Sepolia。 After switching, copy the universal account address provided on the airdrop page. 切換後,複製空投頁面上提供的通用賬戶地址。 You will need to send a small amount of Sepolia funds to this address to continue earning points. 您需要向此地址發送少量Sepolia資金,以繼續獲得積分。
Once you have completed the necessary transactions, return to the airdrop page to check your points. 完成必要的交易後,返回空投頁面檢查您的積分。 Daily tasks include sending Ethereum Sepolia funds back and forth between your accounts to maximize your point accumulation. 每日任務包括在您的賬戶之間來回發送以太坊Sepolia資金,以最大化您的積分累積。 Each completed transaction and daily check-in will contribute to your total points. 每筆完成的交易和每日簽到都將貢獻於您的總積分。
The Particle Network airdrop offers a unique opportunity to earn rewards through simple tasks. 粒子網絡空投提供了一個通過簡單任務獲得獎勵的獨特機會。 By following the outlined steps and participating daily, you can maximize your point accumulation. 通過遵循概述的步驟並每日參與,您可以最大化您的積分累積。 If you encounter any confusion or have questions, feel free to seek assistance. 如果您遇到任何困惑或有問題,請隨時尋求幫助。
Q: What is the Particle Network airdrop?
A: The Particle Network airdrop is an opportunity for participants to earn rewards by completing simple tasks, with a total funding of approximately $88.8 million.
Q: How do I get started with the airdrop?
A: To get started, access the airdrop page via the provided link and click on the 'Join Now' button. It is recommended to connect your MetaMask wallet and select the Ethereum Sepolia network.
Q: What is the invite code and how do I use it?
A: The invite code is essential for your participation in the airdrop and can be found in the description of the guide. Enter the code during registration and accept the terms to proceed.
Q: How do I accumulate points in the airdrop?
A: To accumulate points, you need to deposit a universal gas fee, which is a one-time requirement that guarantees you 200 points. Ensure you have Ethereum in your Sepolia network for this.
Q: What are daily check-ins and tasks?
A: Daily check-ins allow you to continue earning points. You can check in by clicking on the option provided, and you can also convert USD into necessary tokens for further tasks.
Q: How do I execute transactions during the airdrop?
A: To execute transactions, switch your MetaMask network to Ethereum Sepolia, copy the universal account address from the airdrop page, and send a small amount of Sepolia funds to this address.
Q: What are the final steps for point accumulation?
A: After completing the necessary transactions, return to the airdrop page to check your points. Daily tasks include sending Ethereum Sepolia funds back and forth between accounts to maximize points.
Q: What should I do if I have questions or need assistance?
A: If you encounter any confusion or have questions, feel free to seek assistance as you participate in the airdrop.