HomeBlog加密貨幣Credible Finance 空投指南 - 不要錯過這個機會!

Credible Finance 空投指南 - 不要錯過這個機會!

  1. Introduction to the Credible Finance System
  2. Credible Finance 系統介紹
  3. Getting Started with Registration
  4. 開始註冊
  5. Connecting Your Wallet
  6. 連接你的錢包
  7. Earning Rewards and Completing Tasks
  8. 賺取獎勵和完成任務
  9. Understanding Lending and APY
  10. 了解借貸和年收益率 (APY)
  11. Inviting Others and Future Opportunities
  12. 邀請他人和未來的機會
  13. Conclusion
  14. 結論
  15. FAQ
  16. 常見問題

Introduction to the Credible Finance System

Credible Finance 系統介紹

The Credible Finance System is an innovative AI-driven credit platform that offers users a unique opportunity to engage with financial services. Credible Finance 系統是一個創新的人工智慧驅動的信用平台,為用戶提供了與金融服務互動的獨特機會。 This article will guide you through the registration process and how to utilize this platform effectively, all at no cost. 本文將指導您完成註冊過程以及如何有效利用此平台,所有過程均免費。

Getting Started with Registration


To begin, visit the official website of the Credible Finance System. 首先,訪問 Credible Finance 系統的官方網站。 You will be presented with options to register using your email address or by signing in with Google. 您將看到使用電子郵件地址註冊或通過 Google 登錄的選項。 Choose your preferred method, enter your details, and ensure to check the registration box before proceeding. 選擇您喜歡的方法,輸入您的詳細信息,並確保在繼續之前勾選註冊框。 After registration, you will need to verify your account through a code sent to your email. 註冊後,您需要通過發送到您電子郵件的代碼來驗證您的帳戶。

Connecting Your Wallet


Once your account is verified, the next step is to connect your wallet. 一旦您的帳戶驗證完成,下一步是連接您的錢包。 The platform supports Phantom Wallet, which you can link to your account. 該平台支持 Phantom Wallet,您可以將其鏈接到您的帳戶。 If you do not have Phantom Wallet installed on your browser, you will need to set it up to proceed. 如果您尚未在瀏覽器上安裝 Phantom Wallet,則需要先設置它才能繼續。 Connecting your wallet is essential for accessing the platform's features. 連接您的錢包對於訪問平台的功能至關重要。

Earning Rewards and Completing Tasks


Upon connecting your wallet, you will receive 200 MONS tokens. 連接您的錢包後,您將獲得 200 個 MONS 代幣。 To maximize your benefits, complete additional tasks such as joining Discord, verifying your identity through KYC, and completing your first lending transaction. 為了最大化您的利益,請完成其他任務,例如加入 Discord、通過 KYC 驗證您的身份以及完成您的第一次借貸交易。 These actions can earn you up to 2,000 MONS tokens, enhancing your experience on the platform. 這些行動可以讓您獲得最多 2,000 個 MONS 代幣,提升您在平台上的體驗。

Understanding Lending and APY

了解借貸和年收益率 (APY)

The Credible Finance System offers competitive lending rates, with an annual percentage yield (APY) of 16% on USDC deposits. Credible Finance 系統提供具有競爭力的借貸利率,USDC 存款的年收益率 (APY) 為 16%。 Users can start lending with a minimum deposit of $10. 用戶可以以最低 10 美元的存款開始借貸。 It is crucial to have USDC in your Phantom Wallet to take advantage of these lending opportunities. 擁有 USDC 在您的 Phantom Wallet 中對於利用這些借貸機會至關重要。 Withdrawals can be made at any time, providing flexibility in managing your funds. 隨時可以進行提款,為管理您的資金提供靈活性。

Inviting Others and Future Opportunities


The platform encourages users to invite others to join, which can lead to additional rewards. 該平台鼓勵用戶邀請他人加入,這可能會帶來額外的獎勵。 The potential for airdrops is a significant incentive for early adopters, similar to previous successful projects. 空投的潛力對於早期採用者來說是一個重要的激勵,類似於之前成功的項目。 Engaging with the Credible Finance System now could position you for future financial gains, especially if the project mirrors the success of earlier platforms. 現在參與 Credible Finance 系統可能會為您未來的財務收益鋪平道路,特別是如果該項目能夠複製早期平台的成功。



The Credible Finance System presents an exciting opportunity for users interested in AI-driven financial solutions. Credible Finance 系統為對人工智慧驅動的金融解決方案感興趣的用戶提供了一個令人興奮的機會。 By following the registration process, connecting your wallet, and engaging with the platform, you can start earning rewards and potentially benefit from future developments. 通過遵循註冊過程、連接您的錢包並參與該平台,您可以開始賺取獎勵並可能從未來的發展中受益。 Explore this innovative project and take advantage of the opportunities it offers. 探索這個創新的項目,並利用它所提供的機會。



Q: What is the Credible Finance System?
問:Credible Finance 系統是什麼?
A: The Credible Finance System is an innovative AI-driven credit platform that offers users a unique opportunity to engage with financial services.
答:Credible Finance 系統是一個創新的人工智慧驅動的信用平台,為用戶提供了與金融服務互動的獨特機會。
Q: How do I register for the Credible Finance System?
問:我如何註冊 Credible Finance 系統?
A: To register, visit the official website and choose to register using your email address or by signing in with Google. Enter your details and check the registration box before proceeding. After registration, verify your account through a code sent to your email.
答:要註冊,請訪問官方網站,選擇使用電子郵件地址註冊或通過 Google 登錄。輸入您的詳細信息並在繼續之前勾選註冊框。註冊後,通過發送到您電子郵件的代碼來驗證您的帳戶。
Q: What wallet can I connect to the Credible Finance System?
問:我可以將哪個錢包連接到 Credible Finance 系統?
A: The platform supports Phantom Wallet. You need to install it on your browser if you haven't already, as connecting your wallet is essential for accessing the platform's features.
答:該平台支持 Phantom Wallet。如果您尚未安裝,則需要在瀏覽器上安裝它,因為連接您的錢包對於訪問平台的功能至關重要。
Q: What rewards can I earn on the platform?
A: Upon connecting your wallet, you will receive 200 MONS tokens. You can earn additional tokens by completing tasks such as joining Discord, verifying your identity through KYC, and completing your first lending transaction, potentially earning up to 2,000 MONS tokens.
答:連接您的錢包後,您將獲得 200 個 MONS 代幣。您可以通過完成任務來獲得額外的代幣,例如加入 Discord、通過 KYC 驗證您的身份以及完成您的第一次借貸交易,潛在地獲得最多 2,000 個 MONS 代幣。
Q: What are the lending rates and minimum deposit requirements?
A: The Credible Finance System offers an annual percentage yield (APY) of 16% on USDC deposits, with a minimum deposit requirement of $10.
答:Credible Finance 系統提供 USDC 存款的年收益率 (APY) 為 16%,最低存款要求為 10 美元。
Q: Can I withdraw my funds at any time?
A: Yes, withdrawals can be made at any time, providing flexibility in managing your funds.
Q: Is there an incentive for inviting others to the platform?
A: Yes, the platform encourages users to invite others, which can lead to additional rewards and potential airdrops for early adopters.
Q: What should I do to maximize my benefits on the platform?
A: To maximize your benefits, complete tasks such as joining Discord, verifying your identity through KYC, and completing your first lending transaction.
答:為了最大化您的利益,請完成任務,例如加入 Discord、通過 KYC 驗證您的身份以及完成您的第一次借貸交易。
Q: What is the potential for future financial gains with the Credible Finance System?
問:使用 Credible Finance 系統未來的財務收益潛力如何?
A: Engaging with the Credible Finance System now could position you for future financial gains, especially if the project mirrors the success of earlier platforms.
答:現在參與 Credible Finance 系統可能會為您未來的財務收益鋪平道路,特別是如果該項目能夠複製早期平台的成功。
Q: How can I start earning rewards on the platform?
A: By following the registration process, connecting your wallet, and engaging with the platform, you can start earning rewards.



