HomeBlog加密貨幣PAWS 空投取消資格與分配:你收到了多少 🐾 加密貨幣空投?立即檢查❗️

PAWS 空投取消資格與分配:你收到了多少 🐾 加密貨幣空投?立即檢查❗️

  1. Introduction to PA's Airdrop Allocation
  2. PA 空投分配介紹
  3. Understanding Allocation Issues
  4. 理解分配問題
  5. Verifying Allocations Through Phantom Wallet
  6. 通過 Phantom 錢包驗證分配
  7. Step-by-Step Allocation Check
  8. 逐步檢查分配
  9. Calculating Potential Allocations
  10. 計算潛在分配
  11. Updates from the PA Team
  12. PA 團隊的最新消息
  13. Community Engagement and Feedback
  14. 社區參與與反饋
  15. FAQ
  16. 常見問題解答

Introduction to PA's Airdrop Allocation

PA 空投分配介紹

Congratulations to all participants of the PA's airdrop!
恭喜所有參加 PA 空投的參與者!
The final allocation has occurred, allowing everyone to check their scores directly in their accounts.
However, some users have reported issues such as account bans or discrepancies in their PS amounts.
然而,一些用戶報告了帳戶禁用或 PS 數量不一致等問題。
In this article, we will explore these concerns and share insights into the allocation process.

Understanding Allocation Issues


Many users have reached out regarding their eligibility and the status of their accounts.
Some have noticed an increase in their PA's allocation after checking again, while others with significant PS amounts have found themselves ineligible.
一些人在再次檢查後注意到他們的 PA 分配增加,而其他擁有大量 PS 的用戶卻發現自己不符合資格。
This article will clarify these issues and provide a detailed breakdown of the allocation process.

Verifying Allocations Through Phantom Wallet

通過 Phantom 錢包驗證分配

To check your allocations, you need to access your Phantom wallet linked to your PA's account.
要檢查你的分配,你需要訪問與你的 PA 帳戶相關聯的 Phantom 錢包。
It's important to note that having multiple accounts is legal, and many users have reported varying allocations based on the number of accounts they hold.
For instance, some users with multiple accounts have received substantial allocations, while others with fewer accounts have also seen significant rewards.

Step-by-Step Allocation Check


To verify your allocation, navigate to the PA's community website through your Phantom wallet.
要驗證你的分配,請通過你的 Phantom 錢包導航到 PA 的社區網站。
After logging in, you can check your PS balance and claim your allocation.
登錄後,你可以檢查你的 PS 餘額並索取你的分配。
It's crucial to note that eligibility may vary based on the number of referrals and badges you have.
Users with high PS balances have reported mixed results regarding their eligibility.
擁有高 PS 餘額的用戶報告了他們的資格結果不一。

Calculating Potential Allocations


After checking multiple accounts, users can calculate their potential allocations based on their PS amounts.
在檢查多個帳戶後,用戶可以根據他們的 PS 數量計算潛在的分配。
For example, if a user has 900,000 PS, they can use tools like ChatGPT to estimate their potential allocation based on previous data.
例如,如果一個用戶擁有 900,000 PS,他們可以使用像 ChatGPT 這樣的工具根據以前的數據來估算他們的潛在分配。
This can help users understand what to expect from their investments in the PA's ecosystem.
這可以幫助用戶了解他們在 PA 生態系統中的投資預期。

Updates from the PA Team

PA 團隊的最新消息

Recently, the PA team announced that they are addressing technical issues affecting allocation calculations.
最近,PA 團隊宣布他們正在解決影響分配計算的技術問題。
They have temporarily paused the allocation checker to resolve these discrepancies.
Users are encouraged to keep checking back for updates and to remain patient as the team works through these challenges.

Community Engagement and Feedback


The community's feedback is vital during this period of uncertainty.
Users are encouraged to share their experiences regarding disqualifications or allocation amounts in the comments.
This collective information can help others navigate the allocation process more effectively and stay informed about any changes.



Q: What is the PA's airdrop allocation?
問:PA 的空投分配是什麼?
A: The PA's airdrop allocation is the distribution of rewards to participants based on their PS amounts and account activity.
答:PA 的空投分配是根據參與者的 PS 數量和帳戶活動分配獎勵。
Q: How can I check my airdrop allocation?
A: You can check your airdrop allocation by accessing your Phantom wallet linked to your PA's account and navigating to the PA's community website.
答:你可以通過訪問與你的 PA 帳戶相關聯的 Phantom 錢包並導航到 PA 的社區網站來檢查你的空投分配。
Q: What should I do if I encounter issues with my account?
A: If you experience account bans or discrepancies in your PS amounts, you should reach out to the PA support team for assistance.
答:如果你遇到帳戶禁用或 PS 數量不一致的問題,應該聯繫 PA 支持團隊以獲取幫助。
Q: Are multiple accounts allowed in the PA's airdrop?
問:在 PA 的空投中允許多個帳戶嗎?
A: Yes, having multiple accounts is legal, and many users have reported varying allocations based on the number of accounts they hold.
Q: What factors affect my eligibility for the airdrop?
A: Eligibility may vary based on the number of referrals and badges you have, as well as your PS balance.
答:資格可能會根據你擁有的推薦人數和徽章以及你的 PS 餘額而有所不同。
Q: How can I calculate my potential allocation?
A: You can estimate your potential allocation based on your PS amounts using tools like ChatGPT and previous allocation data.
答:你可以使用像 ChatGPT 這樣的工具和以前的分配數據來估算你的潛在分配。
Q: What updates have been provided by the PA team regarding allocations?
問:PA 團隊有關分配的最新消息是什麼?
A: The PA team has announced they are addressing technical issues affecting allocation calculations and have temporarily paused the allocation checker.
答:PA 團隊已宣布他們正在解決影響分配計算的技術問題,並已暫時停止分配檢查器。
Q: How can I provide feedback about my allocation experience?
A: You can share your experiences regarding disqualifications or allocation amounts in the comments section of the PA's community platform.
答:你可以在 PA 社區平台的評論區分享你有關取消資格或分配金額的經驗。



