Marketplace de Extensões

Colete as extensões de navegador populares deste ano para ajudá-lo a melhorar a eficiência no trabalho e impulsionar o crescimento de desempenho.

  • Quran Tab

    Quran Tab

    Quran Tab is an Islamic new tab page that will keep you inspired by a verse from the Quran every time you open a new tab.

  • iTour chat translation

    iTour chat translation

    Its purpose is to help people communicate more easily with friends who speak different languages.

  • Equatio - Math made digital

    Equatio - Math made digital

    Easily create mathematical equations, formulas and quizzes. Intuitively type or handwrite, with no tricky math code to learn.

  • Kami for Google Chrome™

    Kami for Google Chrome™

    Kami is an interactive learning platform empowering students and enhancing the way teachers teach, feedback, and assess.

  • Flash Player that Works!

    Flash Player that Works!

    Flash Player que executa arquivos flash usando Ruffle em ActionScript 3. Jogue seus jogos favoritos em flash na Web. Lista de…

  • axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing

    axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing

    Accessibility Checker for Developers, Testers, and Designers in Chrome

  • Oribi Speak

    Oribi Speak

    Talking keyboard • High-quality speech synthesis • Word prediction • OCR

  • Permitir cópia +

    Permitir cópia +

    Permitir cópia. Remova a proteção contra cópia. Grátis, fácil. Ativar cópia de texto, menu de contexto, botão direito do mouse.…

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