HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingCPABuild - Features, Benefits, and How to Get Started

CPABuild - Features, Benefits, and How to Get Started

  • avatarSandra Anderson
  • 2024-09-01 17:26
  • 38 min de leitura
CPABuild - Features, Benefits, and How to Get Started

Have you ever wondered how companies make money when you click on a link or fill out a form online? This is a part of affiliate marketing, a strategy where businesses reward partners for driving traffic or sales. But finding the right platform to succeed in affiliate marketing can be tricky. That’s where CPABuild comes in. Unlike other platforms, CPABuild offers a unique approach. It focuses on CPA, or Cost Per Action, which means you earn money when someone completes a specific action, like signing up for a newsletter. But is CPABuild the best choice for those new to affiliate marketing? Let's explore what makes CPABuild stand out and whether it’s the right fit for your marketing goals.

What is CPAbuild (Now Rebranded as AFFmine)?

CPABuild, now rebranded as AFFmine, is an affiliate marketing network that specializes in CPA, or Cost Per Action, marketing. In CPA marketing, affiliates earn commissions not just for clicks or impressions but when a user completes a specific action. This action could be anything from filling out a survey to signing up for a free trial.

CPABuild offers a platform where affiliates can find a variety of offers from advertisers who are willing to pay for these specific actions. Unlike traditional affiliate networks that may focus on broader strategies like pay-per-click, CPABuild narrows down to actions that directly lead to conversions. This model benefits both affiliates and advertisers by ensuring that marketing efforts are focused and results-oriented. For those looking to get started in CPA marketing, CPABuild provides tools like customizable landing pages and advanced analytics to help maximize earnings and optimize campaigns.

What Can People Do with CPAbuild (Now AFFmine)?

Building on the features and benefits discussed earlier, CPAbuild (now AFFmine) provides distinct advantages for both publishers and advertisers looking to excel in CPA marketing. By leveraging its comprehensive tools and resources, both parties can achieve their marketing and monetization goals more effectively.

For publishers, CPAbuild offers a wide variety of offers to promote. These offers span multiple industries, such as finance, health, gaming, and more, allowing publishers to find the perfect match for their audience. With the platform's easy-to-use tools, such as landing page builders and content lockers, publishers can create attractive marketing campaigns that drive high conversion rates. The analytics dashboard provides detailed insights into campaign performance, including clicks, conversions, and earnings, helping publishers fine-tune their strategies and maximize their profits.

Advertisers, on the other hand, benefit from CPAbuild’s vast network of skilled affiliates who specialize in driving targeted traffic. Through this network, advertisers can reach potential customers who are more likely to engage with their products or services. CPAbuild’s advanced targeting options allow advertisers to focus on specific demographics and interests, ensuring their marketing efforts are both efficient and effective. Additionally, real-time reporting and analytics help advertisers monitor campaign success and adjust their strategies for better results.

Overall, CPAbuild (now AFFmine) serves as a dynamic platform where both publishers and advertisers can thrive. Its robust tools, diverse offers, and commitment to transparency make it a reliable choice for anyone looking to succeed in the competitive world of affiliate marketing. By fostering a strong and supportive community, CPAbuild continues to empower its users to achieve their full potential in CPA marketing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CPAbuild

CPAbuild provides a range of benefits and some limitations for both publishers and advertisers involved in CPA marketing. Below is a detailed breakdown of the key advantages and disadvantages to help users understand what to expect from the platform.

Advantages of CPAbuild:

User-Friendly Interface:

CPAbuild is known for its simple and intuitive dashboard. The platform’s interface is designed to be beginner-friendly, allowing new affiliates to easily navigate through offers, set up campaigns, and monitor performance without a steep learning curve. This accessibility makes it a good choice for those new to affiliate marketing.

Wide Variety of Offers:

The platform offers a broad range of CPA offers across various niches, such as finance, health, gaming, and more. This diversity allows publishers to find offers that best suit their audience’s interests, leading to potentially higher conversion rates. The availability of both low and medium payout offers provides flexibility depending on the publisher’s marketing strategy.

Built-In Tools and Resources:

CPAbuild provides several built-in tools like landing page templates, content lockers, and link builders. These tools are valuable for creating effective marketing campaigns quickly. The availability of these resources reduces the need for additional third-party tools, saving time and effort for publishers.

Reliable Payment System:

The platform is known for its prompt and flexible payment methods. CPAbuild supports multiple payout options, including PayPal, bank transfer, and cryptocurrency, ensuring that affiliates receive their earnings in a timely manner. This reliability in payments builds trust between the network and its affiliates.

Strong Support and Community:

CPAbuild offers a supportive community and access to a dedicated support team. This is beneficial for both new and experienced affiliates, as they can receive help with technical issues, strategy advice, and best practices to maximize their earnings. The sense of community also encourages knowledge sharing among affiliates.

Effective Fraud Prevention:

The platform employs robust fraud detection measures to ensure that all traffic and conversions are genuine. This is advantageous for advertisers who want to protect their investments and for publishers who aim to maintain long-term relationships based on trust and transparency.

Disadvantages of CPAbuild:

Limited Offer Variety for Advanced Marketers:

While CPAbuild provides a decent range of offers, more experienced marketers may find the selection somewhat limited, especially if they are looking for high-ticket or highly specialized offers. The platform tends to focus more on mainstream niches, which might not satisfy affiliates targeting niche-specific or high-value campaigns.

Basic Marketing Tools:

Although the platform offers several built-in tools, they might not be as advanced or customizable as those available on some other networks. Experienced marketers looking for highly specialized features or more complex campaign management tools might find CPAbuild’s offerings somewhat restrictive.

Occasional Communication Issues:

There have been occasional reports of miscommunication between advertisers and publishers on the platform. These issues can sometimes lead to misunderstandings about offer terms or campaign requirements, causing frustration if not resolved promptly. Effective communication is essential to avoid such challenges.

Dependence on Affiliate Community for Support:

While the community support is a strength, some users may find it lacking in more technical or specific situations. Depending on community-driven support can sometimes result in slower responses compared to having a fully staffed customer support team available 24/7.

Lower Payouts for Some Offers:

Certain offers on CPAbuild might have lower payouts compared to other affiliate networks. Affiliates focusing on high-revenue campaigns might need to search for better options if they aim for maximum profit margins.


CPAbuild (now AFFmine) offers a strong platform for affiliates and advertisers involved in CPA marketing, with clear advantages like ease of use, diverse offers, and reliable payments. However, potential users should also consider its limitations, such as less advanced tools and occasional communication issues. By weighing these pros and cons, publishers and advertisers can make an informed decision about whether CPAbuild is the right platform for their affiliate marketing needs.

Commission Types and Payment Methods Supported by CPAbuild

CPAbuild, offers a variety of commission types and flexible payment methods to cater to the diverse needs of its affiliates. Understanding these options can help publishers and advertisers make informed decisions about how to optimize their earnings and ensure they receive payments efficiently.

Commission Types Supported by CPAbuild:

Cost Per Action (CPA):

This is the primary commission model on CPAbuild. Affiliates earn a commission each time a user completes a specific action, such as filling out a form, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase. This model ensures that affiliates are paid based on actual results rather than just clicks or impressions, making it a popular choice for both affiliates and advertisers seeking measurable outcomes.

Cost Per Lead (CPL):

Under the CPL model, affiliates earn commissions when they generate leads for advertisers. A lead can be a new user signing up for a newsletter, creating an account, or any other action that involves gathering user information. This type of commission is beneficial for affiliates with strong lead-generation skills and for advertisers looking to build their customer database.

Cost Per Sale (CPS):

In the CPS model, affiliates earn a commission when a sale is made as a direct result of their promotional efforts. This model is attractive to advertisers who want to ensure they are paying for actual revenue generation, and it can be highly lucrative for affiliates who effectively drive traffic that converts into sales.

Revenue Share:

CPAbuild also offers a revenue share model where affiliates earn a percentage of the revenue generated from users they refer to an advertiser’s offer. This model is particularly useful for recurring subscription services or long-term customer relationships, providing affiliates with ongoing income as long as the referred users continue to spend.

Pay Per Install (PPI):

For app developers and software companies, CPAbuild supports the PPI model, where affiliates earn a commission for every successful installation of an app or software. This model is especially effective for affiliates who specialize in mobile marketing or tech-related niches.

Payment Methods Offered by CPAbuild:


PayPal is one of the most widely used payment methods on CPAbuild. It provides a convenient and secure way for affiliates to receive their earnings. PayPal’s widespread acceptance and ease of use make it a popular choice for affiliates worldwide, especially for those who prefer fast, digital payments.

Bank Transfer:

For affiliates who prefer direct deposits into their bank accounts, CPAbuild offers the option of bank transfers. This method is beneficial for affiliates who want their payments to go directly into their local currency accounts. However, bank transfers may take a few days to process, depending on the affiliate’s location and banking institution.


CPAbuild supports payments in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This option is ideal for affiliates who value privacy and speed or those who want to avoid high transaction fees associated with traditional payment methods. Cryptocurrency payments are generally processed quickly, offering a modern alternative for tech-savvy affiliates.


Payoneer is another payment method supported by CPAbuild, providing a global payment solution that is especially useful for affiliates outside of the United States. With Payoneer, affiliates can receive their payments in various currencies and enjoy competitive exchange rates, making it a great choice for international affiliates.


Skrill is a digital wallet option available to CPAbuild affiliates. It is popular among affiliates who prefer to keep their marketing earnings separate from their primary bank accounts. Skrill offers quick processing times and lower fees, making it a convenient payment option for many users.


CPAbuild (now AFFmine) provides flexible commission models and a variety of payment methods to suit different affiliate needs. Whether you prefer traditional methods like PayPal and bank transfers or modern options like cryptocurrency, CPAbuild ensures that affiliates have access to secure and reliable payment solutions. These options allow affiliates to choose the most convenient way to receive their earnings, enhancing their overall experience on the platform.

Restrictions When Partnering with CPAbuild

When considering a partnership with CPAbuild, it is essential to understand the restrictions that may apply to both publishers (affiliates) and advertisers. These restrictions are in place to ensure compliance, maintain quality standards, and prevent fraudulent activities. Below is an overview of some key limitations that users should be aware of when working with CPAbuild.

Restrictions for Publishers (Affiliates):

Approval Process for New Affiliates

CPAbuild requires all new affiliates to go through an approval process before they can start promoting offers. This involves providing details about their marketing methods, traffic sources, and promotional strategies. Affiliates who fail to provide adequate information or who do not meet the platform's quality standards may not be approved. This ensures that only legitimate and capable affiliates join the network.

Prohibited Traffic Sources:

Certain traffic sources are not allowed on CPAbuild, such as incentivized traffic, misleading ads, and fraudulent methods like click fraud or fake leads. Affiliates must adhere to the platform’s guidelines on acceptable traffic sources. Failure to comply can lead to account suspension or banning, along with the forfeiture of earned commissions. Affiliates must carefully review the terms of each offer to ensure compliance with traffic requirements.

Quality Control and Compliance Checks

CPAbuild conducts regular quality control and compliance checks on affiliates’ campaigns. If an affiliate's campaign is found to be violating any terms, such as using prohibited content or misleading users, the account may be penalized or terminated. Affiliates are expected to maintain high ethical standards and avoid any form of deceptive advertising or spam tactics.

Minimum Payment Threshold

CPAbuild has a minimum payout threshold that affiliates must reach before they can withdraw their earnings. The exact amount may vary depending on the payment method selected. Affiliates who do not meet the minimum threshold within a certain period may face delays in receiving their payments. This can be a restriction for new affiliates or those with lower conversion rates.

Geographical Restrictions on Offers:

Some offers on CPAbuild are restricted to specific countries or regions. Affiliates must ensure that their traffic sources match the geographical requirements of the offers they are promoting. Failing to adhere to these restrictions can result in non-payment for conversions that do not meet the offer’s criteria.

Restrictions for Advertisers:

Adherence to Network Guidelines:

Advertisers must comply with CPAbuild’s network guidelines, which include providing clear and truthful information about their offers. Misleading or deceptive offers are strictly prohibited. Advertisers who fail to provide accurate information or engage in practices that harm affiliates or users may have their offers removed from the network.

Minimum Budget Requirements:

CPAbuild may require advertisers to meet a minimum budget requirement to list their offers on the platform. This ensures that the network attracts serious advertisers who are committed to running sustainable and effective campaigns. Advertisers with smaller budgets may find this requirement restrictive.

Approval Process for New Offers:

Similar to affiliates, advertisers must go through an approval process to have their offers listed on CPAbuild. The platform reviews each offer to ensure it meets quality standards and complies with legal and ethical guidelines. Offers that fail to meet these standards may be rejected or require modifications before approval.

Fraud Prevention Measures:

CPAbuild employs strict fraud prevention measures to protect its network and affiliates. Advertisers must agree to these measures and may be required to provide proof of offer authenticity and payment ability. Any suspected fraudulent activity, such as non-payment for valid leads or false reporting, can lead to suspension or removal from the platform.

Limited Control Over Affiliate Traffic:

While advertisers can specify their desired traffic sources and geographical targeting, they may have limited control over the exact methods affiliates use to drive traffic. This could potentially lead to variability in traffic quality. Advertisers must actively monitor their campaigns and provide feedback to CPAbuild to ensure their marketing objectives are met.


Partnering with CPAbuild (now AFFmine) offers many opportunities for both affiliates and advertisers, but it also comes with specific restrictions designed to maintain a high-quality and trustworthy network. Affiliates must adhere to traffic and compliance guidelines, while advertisers need to meet minimum budget and offer standards. By understanding these restrictions and working within them, both parties can build successful and sustainable partnerships on the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions about CPAbuild

Q1: What happened to CPABuild, and why was it transferred to AffMine?

A: CPABuild has been officially transferred to AffMine as part of a strategic decision to consolidate resources and provide a more robust platform for affiliates. This transition allows for enhanced services, including more offers, better support, and an improved user experience under the management of AffMine.

Q2: What does the CPABuild affiliate program provide?

A: The CPABuild affiliate program offers a simple commission structure. Affiliates earn money only from the sales they make themselves. The commission rate is fixed, and you can request a payout once your earnings reach at least $50.

Q3:How can I join CPABuild and start earning?

A: CPABuild has been transferred to AffMine, a new platform offering enhanced features and a broader range of offers. To join AffMine and start earning, visit their website at and sign up for a free account. After your account is approved, you can access all the platform’s tools, browse through available offers, and start promoting them on your website or social media channels. You'll earn money when your audience completes specific actions, such as signing up for a service, downloading an app, or making a purchase.

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