Mercado RPA

O DICloak oferece soluções de automação eficientes para áreas como TikTok, YouTube, Amazon e Facebook.

  • Youtube Automatic Play Video

    Youtube Automatic Play Video

    Visit YouTube, automatically search for content, play videos, and like, comment, and take screenshots.

  • YouTube Comments Scraper

    YouTube Comments Scraper

    Automatically grab comment information of YouTube videos, including username, comment content and number of likes.

  • YouTube Video Transcript

    YouTube Video Transcript

    Access the specified video and crawl the video content as text.

  • TikTok browses homepage videos and likes them

    TikTok browses homepage videos and likes them

    Automatically browse TikTok homepage videos and like them to increase account activity.

  • Scrape TikTok users’ follower information

    Scrape TikTok users’ follower information

    Automatically scrape TikTok users' follower information and export it as a file.

  • TikTok Scraper

    TikTok Scraper

    Search for specific keywords and get information about related videos.

  • Scrape Instagram Followers

    Scrape Instagram Followers

    Automatically scrape Instagram users' follower information and export it as a file.

  • Amazon search and add to cart

    Amazon search and add to cart

    Visit Amazon, search for a product, browse through the items, and add the first 10 items in the list to the shopping cart.

  • Amazon Product Reviews

    Amazon Product Reviews

    Visit the Amazon product page and obtain 10 pages of review information, including: name, rating, title, content.

  • Etsy search and add to cart

    Etsy search and add to cart

    Visit Etsy, search for a product, browse items, and add the first 10 items to your list to your cart.

  • Facebook browses homepage  and likes

    Facebook browses homepage and likes

    Automatically browse Facebook homepage posts and like them to increase account activity.

  • Cookie Bot

    Cookie Bot

    Automatically visit different websites, help collect cookies from different websites, and save work time.

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