HomeBlogAffiliate MarketingI tried Making $700 Per Day With Free Bot! (Is Dave Nick's Side Hustle Legit??)

I tried Making $700 Per Day With Free Bot! (Is Dave Nick's Side Hustle Legit??)

  • avatarSavannah Westwood
  • 2024-09-04 11:23
  • 2 min de leitura
I tried Making $700 Per Day With Free Bot! (Is Dave Nick's Side Hustle Legit??)
  1. Exploring the Side Hustle Opportunity with
  2. Understanding the Concept of and Freelance Writing
  3. Utilizing for Automated Article Writing
  4. Uploading and Marketing Your Articles on
  5. Cautions and Alternatives in the Online Article Selling Business
  6. FAQ

Exploring the Side Hustle Opportunity with

In this video, I am going to try a side hustle that's been made popular by a YouTuber called Dave Nick, where he claims there's a free bot that can make you $700 per day, and it does all the work for you. So we're going to watch and go through his steps and see if his steps actually work if I follow them live right here on the screen. So I'm going to take you to the video here at all now.

Understanding the Concept of and Freelance Writing

For the step number one, just come over to We're going over to Clearvoice right now. But what Clearvoice actually is? Well, Clearvoice is a place where companies, business owners, and entrepreneurs come to hire everyday people like me and you to write content for them, to write different articles and blog posts for them. Okay, so it looks like Clearvoice is actually a site that people that are looking to buy articles, like articles for their websites or for their news articles, or something like that, they'll go to Clearvoice to look for articles to buy.

Utilizing for Automated Article Writing

Now, you do not need any writing skills for this, because you will not be writing those articles yourself. I'm going to give you a tool which is professionally going to do all of the work for you. So here's where we get to the free bot. Apparently, he's going to show us some free tool, a free software bot that's going to write articles for us, which we can then put on Clearvoice and sell on Clearvoice for $200 to $500. So we'll see if this actually works.

Uploading and Marketing Your Articles on

To start making money with Clearvoice, you will need to go back to your account and you will need to complete your CV. As you can see, for me, it's going to be 15% right now because I have my name and my profile picture. Okay, he's basically saying that you need to go on here and fill out your complete profile, and you know you want to put your photo in there, social accounts that you have, if you have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, put all those on there as well. That will make you look more professional. And then after you've got that all filled out, let's see what he says to do.

Cautions and Alternatives in the Online Article Selling Business

Now, I do want to say something. I am actually one of the people that actually goes and buys articles like this from people, and I've done this for a long time. And I want to say one thing Dave Nick does not explain is that people like me that buy articles have checkers that automatically check if someone is creating articles using a tool or a bot like Quillbot. I actually know someone who has successfully sold thousands of dollars' worth of computer-generated articles, but they had a very, very complicated process to get away with it, basically so that they wouldn't get caught. And as a brand new beginner trying to upload computer-generated articles to Clearvoice, you're probably going to get caught, and people are going to realize that these articles are not written by a human.


Q: What is
A: is a platform where companies, business owners, and entrepreneurs hire individuals to write content, such as articles and blog posts.
Q: How can I make money on
A: To start making money on, you need to complete your profile, including adding your photo and social accounts, and then you can upload and market your articles on the platform.
Q: What is and its role in article writing?
A: is a tool that can automatically generate articles, eliminating the need for writing skills. It is mentioned in the context of using automated article writing for
Q: Are there any cautions or potential issues with selling articles online?
A: Yes, there are risks involved in selling articles online, such as the use of automated tools like Buyers may have checkers that can detect computer-generated articles instead of human-written content.

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