HomeBlogOthersHow to Edit, Copy, Import, and Export Cookies in Chrome Easily

How to Edit, Copy, Import, and Export Cookies in Chrome Easily

  • avatarWilliam Davis
  • 2024-09-07 16:00
  • 31 min de leitura
How to Edit, Copy, Import, and Export Cookies in Chrome Easily

Have you ever wondered how websites remember your login details, shopping cart items, or preferences? The answer lies in cookies. Cookies are small files stored on your device by websites to help improve your browsing experience.

But what exactly are cookies, and how can you manage them effectively? Whether you want to import, export, or delete cookies for privacy reasons or ease of use, understanding how to handle them is crucial. Let’s dive into the world of cookies and learn how to manage them like a pro.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device when you visit them. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and they can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and can carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.

Key Functions of Cookies

Session Management:

Cookies are essential for managing sessions on websites. They remember your login details and keep you logged in as you navigate through different pages of a website. This prevents you from having to log in every time you click a new link.


Cookies help websites remember user preferences, such as language settings, theme choices, or the contents of a shopping cart. This enhances user experience by providing a more personalized and consistent browsing experience every time you visit.

Tracking and Analytics:

Many websites use cookies to collect data about user behavior. This information helps website owners understand how visitors interact with their site, which pages are most popular, and where users are dropping off. Such data is invaluable for improving website performance and user experience.

Targeted Advertising:

Cookies are commonly used in digital marketing to track user activity across different websites. This data allows advertisers to display ads relevant to a user’s interests. For example, if you browse for shoes online, you might see ads for shoes on other websites you visit later.

Security and Fraud Prevention:

Cookies also play a role in enhancing security by storing authentication tokens or other data that helps verify a user’s identity. They can help detect suspicious login activities and prevent fraudulent access to accounts.

By understanding what cookies are and their various functions, users can better appreciate the role these small data files play in everyday internet browsing and how they contribute to a more personalized and secure online experience.

How to View and Copy Cookies in Google Chrome

Managing cookies is an essential part of controlling your online privacy and experience. Google Chrome, one of the most popular web browsers, allows users to easily view, copy, and manage cookies stored on their computer. Whether you want to see what cookies a site has stored, copy them for debugging purposes, or transfer them to another device, here’s how you can do it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Viewing Cookies in Chrome

1.Open Chrome Developer Tools:

Open Google Chrome and go to the website for which you want to view cookies.

  1. Right-click on the webpage and select “Inspect”, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows) or Cmd+Option+I (Mac).

2.Navigate to the Cookies Section:

  1. Once the Developer Tools panel opens, click on the “Application” tab at the top.
  2. In the left sidebar, under “Storage”, click on “Cookies”. This will display a list of all cookies stored for the current website.

3.View Cookie Details:

  1. Click on the website URL under the “Cookies” section to see all the cookies associated with that site.
  2. You will see a table that displays detailed information about each cookie, such as Name, Value, Domain, Path, Expires/Max-Age, Size, HTTP, Secure, and SameSite attributes.

How to Copy Cookies in Chrome

1.Select the Cookie You Want to Copy:

  1. In the cookies table, locate the specific cookie you want to copy. Click on it to select it.

2.Copy Cookie Data:

  1. Right-click on the cookie row and select “Copy Value” to copy the cookie value to your clipboard. You can also manually select and copy any other field, such as the cookie name or domain.

3.Paste Cookies Where Needed:

  1. Once copied, you can paste the cookie data wherever needed—whether it’s for debugging, sharing with a developer, or importing into another session.
  2. By following these steps, you can easily view and copy cookies in Google Chrome, giving you greater control over your browsing data and allowing for advanced troubleshooting or testing scenarios.

How to Import Cookies in Google Chrome

Importing cookies into Google Chrome can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as maintaining a logged-in session on another device, debugging web applications, or quickly setting up a development environment.

While Chrome does not natively support importing cookies directly through its interface, you can use browser extensions to make this process simple and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step guide to importing cookies into Chrome:

Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Cookies in Chrome

1.Install a Cookie Management Extension:

To import cookies into Chrome, you need a third-party extension like EditThisCookie or **Cookie-Editor**. These extensions are available in the Chrome Web Store and provide an easy way to manage, import, and export cookies.

Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for EditThisCookie or **Cookie-Editor**. Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension.

2.Open the Extension and Import Cookies:

After installing the extension, you will see its icon appear next to the Chrome address bar.

Click on the extension icon to open the cookie management panel.

3.Import Cookies from a JSON File or Clipboard:

Most cookie management extensions allow you to import cookies in JSON format. If you have a JSON file containing the cookies you want to import, click on the “Import” button in the extension interface.

You can either paste the JSON data directly from your clipboard or upload a JSON file containing the cookies.

4.Apply the Imported Cookies:

Once you have pasted or uploaded the cookies, click “Apply” or “Save” to add them to the current site’s cookies in Chrome. The imported cookies will now be available for use in your browser, and you should see the changes reflected immediately.

5.Refresh the Website:

After importing the cookies, refresh the website for which the cookies were imported. This step is important to ensure that the browser reads the newly imported cookies and applies them correctly. You should now be able to access the session or settings as intended.

By following these steps, you can easily import cookies into Google Chrome, allowing for smoother transitions between sessions or devices and enabling advanced web development tasks.

How to Export Cookies from Google Chrome

Exporting cookies from Google Chrome is useful for saving your login sessions, transferring your browsing data to another device, or sharing cookie data for debugging or testing purposes.

While Chrome does not offer a built-in feature for exporting cookies, you can easily accomplish this using browser extensions designed for cookie management. Here’s a detailed guide on how to export cookies from Chrome:

Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting Cookies in Chrome

1.Install a Cookie Management Extension:

  1. To export cookies, you need to use a browser extension like EditThisCookie or Cookie-Editor. These extensions provide an easy and intuitive interface for managing cookies, including options to export them.
  2. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for EditThisCookie or Cookie-Editor. Click “Add to Chrome” to install the extension.

2.Open the Extension and Access Cookie Management:

  1. Once the extension is installed, an icon will appear next to the Chrome address bar. Click on this icon to open the cookie management panel.
  2. The extension interface will display all the cookies associated with the current website you are visiting.

3.Export Cookies in JSON Format:

  1. In the cookie management panel, look for the “Export” option. Most extensions like EditThisCookie provide a button labeled “Export” that allows you to save the cookies in a JSON format.
  2. Click on “Export”, and the extension will generate a JSON file containing all the cookies for the current site. This file includes details such as the cookie name, value, domain, path, and expiration date.

4.Save the Exported Cookies to Your Device:

  1. After clicking “Export,” the JSON data will either be copied to your clipboard, or a prompt will appear to download the file directly to your device.
  2. Save the file to a secure location on your computer, ensuring you name it appropriately for easy identification later.

5.Use the Exported Cookies as Needed:

  1. The exported cookie file can now be imported to another browser or device, shared with a developer for debugging, or stored as a backup. If you need to use these cookies in another Chrome session or on a different browser, you can use the Import feature of the same extension to load them.
  2. By following these steps, you can easily export cookies from Google Chrome for various purposes, giving you more flexibility and control over your browsing data.

Best Cookie Editors for Managing Cookies in Chrome

A cookie editor is a browser extension or tool that allows users to view, manage, edit, import, and export cookies stored in their browser. Cookie editors are particularly useful for developers, testers, and privacy-conscious users who need more control over their browsing data.

With a cookie editor, you can perform tasks like modifying cookie values, deleting specific cookies, and even importing or exporting cookies for debugging or session management purposes. Here are some of the best cookie editors available for Google Chrome, along with their key features, pros and cons, pricing, ease of use, and overall recommendations.

1. EditThisCookie

EditThisCookie is one of the most popular cookie editor extensions for Chrome. It offers a comprehensive set of features for managing cookies, including viewing, editing, deleting, and importing/exporting cookies in JSON format. It is widely used by developers for debugging and by users for managing cookie-related privacy settings.

Pros: User-friendly interface, easy to install and use, supports importing and exporting cookies in JSON format, allows for precise control over individual cookies, and is regularly updated by its developers.

Cons: Some advanced features may require understanding of cookie structures; free version contains ads that may be distracting.

Pricing: Free to use, supported by ads. No premium version is available.

Ease of Use: Very easy to use with a simple and intuitive interface that is accessible even for beginners. The extension integrates directly into the Chrome toolbar, allowing for quick access and management of cookies.

Recommendation: Highly recommended for users who need a comprehensive and easy-to-use cookie editor. Suitable for both casual users and developers.

2. Cookie-Editor

Cookie-Editor is another powerful cookie management extension available for Chrome. It is designed to be simple yet effective, offering basic and advanced features for editing, creating, deleting, importing, and exporting cookies. The extension provides a clear and organized layout that makes managing cookies straightforward.

Pros: Clean interface, no ads, easy to use for beginners and advanced users alike, supports bulk cookie editing, and provides import/export options in JSON format.

Cons: Does not offer some of the advanced features available in more robust cookie management tools; occasional bugs reported by users.

Pricing: Free with no ads. All features are available at no cost.

Ease of Use: Very user-friendly with a clean and minimalistic interface. It offers a quick setup and easy navigation, making it suitable for users who want to manage cookies without dealing with a cluttered interface.

Recommendation: Highly recommended for users looking for a straightforward and ad-free cookie editor. Ideal for both everyday users and professionals who need reliable cookie management.

3. Cookies Manager+

Cookies Manager+ is a powerful cookie editor extension that provides more advanced features for managing cookies in Chrome. It allows users to search, sort, and filter cookies, making it easy to find and manage specific cookies among many.

Pros: Advanced search and filtering options, allows for detailed cookie management, supports import/export features, and provides more granular control over cookies than most basic editors.

Cons: Slightly more complex interface compared to simpler tools, which may be overwhelming for beginners; limited documentation and support.

Pricing: Free to use with no premium version.

Ease of Use: Moderate ease of use. While the interface is more advanced, it provides powerful tools for users who need detailed control over their cookies. A slight learning curve may be expected for new users.

Recommendation: Recommended for users who need advanced cookie management features and are comfortable with more complex interfaces. Suitable for developers and power users.

These cookie editors provide a variety of features to suit different needs, from simple cookie management to advanced debugging and session handling. Depending on your requirements—whether for basic cookie tasks or more detailed control — you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

FAQs About Cookies

Here are some frequently asked questions about cookies, providing quick answers to help users better understand their functions, management, and privacy implications.

1. What Are Cookies Used For?

Cookies are used to store information about a user’s session on a website. They help websites remember login details, preferences, shopping carts, and provide personalized content. They are also used for tracking user behavior and analytics to improve website performance and for targeted advertising.

2. Are Cookies a Security Risk?

While cookies themselves are not inherently harmful, they can pose privacy risks if misused. For example, third-party cookies can track users across multiple sites, leading to privacy concerns. Additionally, if cookies are not properly secured, they could be accessed by malicious actors, potentially leading to session hijacking.

3. How Can I Delete Cookies in Chrome?

You can delete cookies in Chrome by going to Settings > Privacy and Security > Cookies and other site data, then selecting “See all site data and permissions” and clicking “Remove All” or choosing specific cookies to delete.

4. What is the Difference Between First-Party and Third-Party Cookies?

First-party cookies are set by the website you are visiting directly, while third-party cookies are set by external domains, often used for tracking and advertising purposes. Managing third-party cookies can help improve your privacy online.

5. Can I Block Cookies on Specific Sites?

Yes, in Chrome, you can block cookies for specific sites by going to Settings > Privacy and Security > Cookies and other site data, then “Sites that can always use cookies” or “Sites that can never use cookies” to customize your preferences.

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